
View pending and completed tasks that have been assigned to you.

What is a Task?

In simple terms, a "Task" represents an activity or work that a Request participant must complete. This activity may involve providing, reviewing, approving, deciding upon, or otherwise acting on information. However, a Task can also be an activity performed manually by a participant, without ProcessMaker Platform involvement, such as moving inventory containers or making a phone call.

People participate in processes through Tasks. For example, each of the following are Tasks you might use in a purchase process:

  • An employee enters information about the purchase request, such as items to be requisitioned.

  • A manager approves or rejects the purchase request.

  • The purchasing manager enters information on a vendor website to order approved items.

  • Warehouse personnel move purchased inventory for shipping.

  • Self-service a Task to review a purchase request by assigning that Task to yourself from a queue of Tasks.

View Tasks

View Assigned Tasks

The To Do Tasks page displays all Tasks that are assigned to you.

Follow these steps to view your assigned Tasks:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Click the Tasks option from the top menu. The To Do Tasks page displays and shows the tasks assigned to you.

  • Task rows that are not open are highlighted in yellow.

Columns in the To Do task list

The Inbox tab displays the following information in tabular format about your assigned Tasks:

  • Case #: The Case # column displays the Case number associated with the assigned Task.

  • Case Title: The Case Title column displays the title of the Case. The Case title may vary for each Case based on Request variable values for that Case. Process Managers specify which Request variables to reference from that Process's configuration. Click the Case Title to open task. If the Draft tag is displayed, the task is a draft in progress.

  • Flag: The Flag column displays in two ways:

    • If the flag is red-colored, it means the task is highlighted as important.

    • If the flag is not colored, it is not important. You can click the empty flag to highlight it as important.

  • Process: The Process column displays the Process name associated with the Request.

  • Task: The Task column displays the name of the assigned Task.

  • Status: The Status column displays the status of the Task. Since all Tasks in the To Do Tasks page are Tasks you have not completed, all Tasks display with the In Progress status green colored. If the task due date has passed, an Overdue tag is displayed.

  • Due Date: The Due Date column shows the date and time a task is due. If a dash (-) is displayed, no due date was set. A tag indicates the number of days until the task is due. The time is shown based on the ProcessMaker Platform's time zone setting, unless your user profile's time zone is specified.

Preview a Task

The Preview pane appears to the right of the To Do Tasks page to display the screen for the task being previewed.

Following actions can be performed from the Preview Pane:

Completing a Task from the Preview Pane

Follow these steps to complete a task from the Preview Pane:

  1. Complete the form and submit it. The task list will refresh to complete form submission and display an updated list of tasks.

  2. Hover over another task to preview it or click on the task name to open it.

Task Management

Here are some guidelines on how to manage tasks in your Inbox.

Open a Task

View a Request Associated with a Task

To view a Request summary, do one of the following:

  • From the Case # or Case Title column, click the link for the assigned Task.

Search for a Task

In the Search here field, use Request data to search for Tasks based on the following criteria:

  • Request: Search based on the Process names associated with the Request(s).

  • Task: Search using Task names as part of your search criteria.

  • Status: Search using one or more of the following Task statuses:

    • In progress: Include Tasks that are assigned to you which are in progress

    • Completed: Include Tasks that are you have completed

    • Self service: Include Tasks that you can assign to yourself

For more information, see search for Tasks.

Be Reminded of Overdue Tasks

A message displays above your assigned Tasks showing how many of those Tasks are overdue.

Furthermore, the due dates for overdue Tasks display in a different color in the Due column than Tasks that are not overdue.

No Assigned Tasks?

If there are no assigned Tasks, the following message displays: You don't currently have any tasks assigned to you.

Customize Task List

Control how tabular information displays in the task list, including how to sort columns or how many items display per page.

Go to Home

Click Home to go to the Request Participant Welcome Screen.

Last updated


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