Testing Results and Summary

Once published, a process with A/B Testing enabled will adhere to the specific testing configuration without notifying process participants. However, requests are tagged to indicate which alternative they belong to, and the data is available for process owners to view.

Summary of Testing Information


Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Processes: Edit Processes

  • Processes: View Processes

See the Process permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to view testing summary for a Process:

  1. Alternatively, when publishing a process, you can click on See Process A/B Testing Configuration link to view process configuration.

  2. Click the A/B Testing Configuration tab to view a summary of A/B Testing configuration and test results.

Summary of A/B Testing Configuration

A summary of the configuration for A/B Testing is shown in the Summary A/B Configuration section. Follow these steps to edit these settings:

  1. Click Save to save the configuration.

A/B Testing configuration can also be done when publishing a process in Process Modeler.

Summary of A/B Testing Results

A summary of the test results of A/B Testing is shown in the Summary A/B Testing Results section.

The summary display the following information about each alternative:

  • Average completion time

  • Best time

  • Worst time

Request Details of A/B Testing

The configuration tab also provides a list of request created for each alternative. Select the Alternative A or Alternative B tab to see requests for each alternative respectively.

View Alternatives in Request List

In addition to the standard request list view, users now have the option to include a dedicated column for viewing alternatives directly within the request list interface. This feature provides users with quick access to alternative options associated with each request.


Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Processes: View Processes

See the Process permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.


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