FlowGenie Categories
Understand what FlowGenie Categories are and how they can help organize your FlowGenies.
Use FlowGenie Categories to organize your FlowGenies. This makes it easier to search for a FlowGenie based on its assigned category. You can assign multiple categories to a FlowGenie if necessary.
View FlowGenie Categories
Follow these steps to view FlowGenie Categories:
Log on to ProcessMaker Platform.
Click the Designer option from the top menu. The Designer Welcome Screen displays.
In the Assets section, hover over the FlowGenie box.
Click the View All Genies button to view a list of Genies.
Click the Categories tab to view Genie categories.
The Categories tab displays the following information in a tabular format:
Name: This column shows the name of the FlowGenie Category. If no category is selected, "Uncategorized" is displayed.
Status: This column shows the status of the FlowGenie Category.
Active: Active categories can have FlowGenies assigned to them.
Inactive: Inactive categories cannot have FlowGenies assigned to them.
FlowGenies: This column shows the number of FlowGenies assigned to each category.
Modified: This column shows the date and time the category was last modified.
Created: This column shows the date and time the category was created. Note: The displayed time zones are based on your ProcessMaker Platform instance, unless specified otherwise in your user profile settings.
If no FlowGenie Categories exist, the following message displays: No Results.
Control how tabular information displays, including how to sort columns or how many items display per page.
Create a New FlowGenie Category
Follow these steps to create a new FlowGenie Category:
Click the +Category button.
In the Category Name setting, enter the name of the new FlowGenie Category. The name must be unique and can use apostrophe characters (') and spaces. This is a required setting.
From the Status drop-down menu, select one of the following options:
Active: Active FlowGenie Categories can have FlowGenie assigned to them.
Inactive: Inactive FlowGenie Categories cannot have FlowGenie assigned to them. This is a required setting.
Click Save.
The category will now be available to select when creating a new FlowGenie.
Edit a FlowGenie Category
Follow these steps to edit a FlowGenie Category:
Click the ellipsis icon, and then select the Edit Category option for the FlowGenie Category to edit.
Edit the following information as necessary:
Category Name: Edit the name of the FlowGenie Category. The name must be unique and can use apostrophe characters (') and spaces. This is a required setting.
Status: From the drop-down menu, select one of the following options:
Active: Active FlowGenie Categories can have FlowGenie assigned to them.
Inactive: Inactive FlowGenie Categories cannot have FlowGenie assigned to them. This is a required setting.
Click Save.
Delete a FlowGenie Category
Follow these steps to delete a FlowGenie Category:
View your FlowGenie Categories.
Click the ellipsis icon, and then select the Delete Category option for the FlowGenie Category to delete. A message displays to confirm deletion of the FlowGenie Category.
Click Confirm. The following message displays: The category was deleted.
Search for a FlowGenie Category
Follow these steps to search for FlowGenie Categories:
Enter the text to filter FlowGenie Categories by name in the Search setting.
As you enter text into the Search setting, FlowGenie Categories that match your entered text will display.
If there are no search results, the following message displays: No Results.
Last updated