Add a Date Picker control that allows the Request participant to select dates from a Screen through an interactive calendar.
Control Description
The Date Picker control allows the Request participant to select a date from a pop-up calendar. After the user selects a date from the control, the calendar hides and the control shows the selected date.
Configure the Date Picker control to accept one of the following data types:
Datetime: The control accepts a datetime, which includes both date and time components: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Example: "2020-07-01 14:25:15"
Date: The control accepts a date: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: "2020-07-01"
This control is only available for Form-type Screens. See Screen Types.
Use the Date Picker Control to Receive Dates and Datetimes
Watch the following product tours to learn how to use a Date Picker control.
To display the current date in a form, enter the following JavaScript code in the Default Value setting of the Date Picker control. Otherwise, add the code in a Calculated Property as shown in the demo.
var today =newDate();var dd =String(today.getDate()).padStart(2,'0');var mm =String(today.getMonth() +1).padStart(2,'0'); //January is 0!var yyyy =today.getFullYear();today = mm +'/'+ dd +'/'+ yyyy;return today;
The Date Picker control can also be used to validate datetime format such as for Vocabularies.
Add the Control to a Screen
Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to design a Screen unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:
Screens: Edit Screens
Screens: View Screens
See the Screens permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.
Follow these steps to add this control to the Screen:
Expand the Variable panel from the Properties Panel on the right to configure the following properties:
Variable Name
Use the Variable Name setting value in the following ways:
Reference this control's value in a different Screen Builder control. To do so, use mustache syntax and reference this control's Variable Name value in the target control. Example: {{ DatePickerControl }}.
Select the rule that this control validates against.
Click Save. Parameters for the selected rule display. Parameter settings display which ones are required to properly configure the rule.
Enter the parameter settings that this control uses to validate against. See Validation Rule Settings, and then locate the validation rule for its parameters.
Follow these steps to edit a validation rule for this control:
Edit the parameter settings that this control uses to validate against. See Validation Rule Settings, and then locate the validation rule for its parameters.
Follow these steps to delete a validation rule for this control:
Expand the Configuration panel from the Properties Panel on the right to configure the following properties:
Minimum Date
Maximum Date
Placeholder Text
Helper Text
Design Panel Settings
Expand the Design panel from the Properties Panel on the right to configure the following properties:
Text Color
Background Color
For instance, the date picker field Date has a red text color, and a yellow background hue.
Advanced Panel Settings
Expand the Advanced panel from the Properties Panel on the right to configure the following properties:
Default Value
Enter the default value this control displays. The default value can be assigned as a Request variable, text or JavaScript. When the Screen submits, the Request uses this control's default value unless the Request participant changes it. When using a Request variable in the Default Value setting, consider the following:
If the Request variable is empty, the control does not display any value by default.
When the Request variable is assigned a value for the first time, this value becomes the permanent default value of the control.
Any further changes to the Request variable do not affect the default value of the control.
The Default Value setting supports using Request variables in mustache syntax. For example, if the Default Value setting is {{ date }} {{ time }} from which a Request participant entered date and time in separate controls (respectively) earlier in that Request, this control displays the contents of those controls by default during the Request.
There are two ways to enter the default value this control displays.
Note the following regarding how to use visibility rules:
To make this control hidden until another control contains a value, enter the Variable Name setting value of that control to this control's Visibility Rule setting.
Enter the string that provides a text alternative to this control for the following purposes:
Assistive technology, such as screen readers, read the Aria Label setting value.
This control has a visual indication of its purpose, such as a control that uses a graphic instead of text, but still needs to clarify that purpose for anyone who cannot access the visual indication.
Tab Order
Tab order determines the sequential navigation order to navigate a Screen's controls using a keyboard interface. Assistive technology users often use a keyboard for navigation.
Use the Date Picker control for Request participants to select a date or datetime through a user interface.
From the Controls Menu on the left, expand the Input Fields category, and then locate the Date Picker icon.
Drag and drop the control to the Screen Builder canvas. Existing controls in the Screen will adjust positioning based on where you drag the control.
The Variable Name setting value represents data in this control during Requests. Ensure that the Variable Name setting value is a unique name from other controls in this Screen and contains at least one letter. This is a required setting.
Reference this control by its Variable Name setting's value. The Data Preview panel in Preview mode corresponds with the Date Picker control's entered datetime with that Date Picker control's Variable Name value. In the example below, DatePickerControl is the Variable Name setting's value.
Edit the default label that displays for this control if necessary. New Date Picker is the default value.
Datetime: The control accepts both date and time inputs. For example, select the date in your form and then choose the time.
This is a required setting.
Enter the validation rule(s) the Request participant must comply with to properly enter a valid value into this control. This setting has no default value. If there are no configured validation rules the following message displays: No validation rule(s). See Validation Rules for "Validation" Control Settings.
Click the Add Rule button. The Select drop-down menu displays.
Click the Edit icon for the validation rule to edit if that rule can be edited. Validation rules that do not have parameters cannot be edited. The parameter settings for that validation rule displays.
Click the Delete icon for the validation rule to delete. A message displays to confirm deletion of the validation rule.
Select to indicate that this control is required. This option is not selected by default. This is a quick way to add the Required validation rule.
In the Screen preview or during a Request, the control displays with a red-colored asterisk. If you submit the Screen without selecting this required Checkbox, this control displays Field is required in red-colored text.
Select to indicate that this control cannot be edited. This option is not selected by default.
Enter the Minimum Date to specify the earliest date available for selection from the pop-up calendar. Supported formats include ISO8601 or mustache syntax.
Enter the Maximum Date to specify the latest date available for selection from the pop-up calendar. Supported formats include ISO8601 or mustache syntax.
Enter placeholder text to display in this control when no value has been provided. This setting has no default value.
Enter text that provides additional guidance on this control's use. This setting has no default value.
Select the text color that displays for this control. Optionally, click the Clear Color Selection option to remove the selected color.
Select the background color that displays for this control. Optionally, click the Clear Color Selection option to remove the selected color.
Enter the default value as text or use a Request variable in mustache syntax.
Enter the default value as JavaScript, especially if a Calculated Property might change this default value setting. Ensure to use the this. JavaScript keyword preceding the Screen control reference. Example: when date is the Variable Name setting value for the control to set its default value.
Specify an expression that indicates the condition(s) under which this control displays. See Expression Syntax Components. If this setting does not have an expression, then this control displays by default.
Both: The control displays on both desktop and mobile devices. Both toggle keys are enabled by default.
Enter the value to represent this control in custom CSS syntax when in Custom CSS mode. As a best practice, use the same CSS Selector Name value on different controls of the same type to apply the same custom CSS style to all those controls.
The Aria Label setting value replaces the Label setting value. For example, if a control has both a Label setting value and an Aria Label setting value, assistive technology only uses the Aria Label setting value.
Enter the number for the sequential keyboard navigation order that this control takes focus amongst other controls in this Screen.