Process Launchpad

Learn about Process Launchpad, and how to interact with your processes easily and comfortably.


Process Launchpad is designed to help you organize all your processes in one centralized location. It simplifies starting and completing requests and also provides access to Guided Templates. Process Launchpad includes the following features:

  • View a list of processes organized in categories and get an overview of each process and its purpose.

  • Start a process.

  • Track and complete requests of a process, and view detailed status updates.

  • View charts for viewing the case counter, in-progress and completed cases, providing a birds-eye view of key performance metrics of your processes.

  • Access Guided Templates to create new processes.

  • Display images and videos in a carousel to help users understand how to use the process.

  • Collapse the images carousel and other process information to make more space for viewing requests and tasks.

Watch the following product tour to get an overview of the Process Launchpad.

View Process Launchpad

Follow these steps to view the Process Launchpad:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Click the Processes option from the top menu to view the Process Launchpad.

On the left is the Process Browser, which displays the following information:

  • The Search Categories field to search process categories.

  • The Available Processes section displays all the available process categories and has the following built-in categories:

    • All Processes: All processes. It displays as default.

    • My Bookmarks: Processes marked as favorites. It displays as default.

    • Uncategorized: Processes without category.

    • Default Templates: Processes created using a template.

  • The Add From Templates section displays All Templates and Guided Templates.

  • The main panel displays the processes in the selected category.

View a Process in the Launchpad

Follow these steps to view a process through the Process Launchpad:

  1. From the Process Browser menu on left, select a category from the list of Available Processes. Alternatively, enter the name of a category in the Search Categories field to filter processes.

  2. After a category has been selected, the main panel displays all the processes in the selected category.

  3. In the top-right of the selected process card, click the Add to My Bookmarks icon to add this process to the My Bookmarks category on the left. The icon changes to yellow to indicate that the process has been bookmarked,

  4. Click on a card to view details of that process.

The Launchpad displays information about processes in two sections:

Process Info

The Process Info section contains the following details:

  • The name of the process and its description.

  • An image carousel that can be customized through the launchpad configuration.

  • On the top right corner, click the three dots icon to manage the process.

  • Click the Add to My Bookmarks icon to easily access this process later through the My Bookmarks category.

  • Start a case of the process using the Start This Process button.

  • Under the Start this Process option, view the case counter and a pie charts showing in-progress vs. completed cases.

Requests and Tasks

The Requests and Tasks section displays under the Process Info section and shows the following:

  • My Requests tab: My Requests shows cases and requests started by you and their status. Click on a case# to continue working on it.

  • My Tasks tab: My Tasks displays tasks assigned to you and their status. Click on a Task# to view and complete it.

Last updated


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