Edit a Group
Edit a group.
Edit a Group
Follow these steps to edit a group:
View all groups. The Groups page displays.
Edit settings for any of the following in the group:
Edit Group Settings
Follow these steps to edit the following information about the group as necessary:
Edit the group in which to edit its settings. The Group Details tab displays.
In the Name setting, edit the name of the group. This is a required setting.
In the Description setting, edit the description of the group.
From the Status drop-down menu, select the status of the group from one of the following options:
Active: An Active group is one to which user accounts can be assigned as members.
Inactive: An Inactive group is one to which user accounts cannot be assigned. When a group becomes inactive, user accounts that were members of that group are no longer members.
Enable the Two Factor Authentication toggle to enable Two-Step Authentication for the members of this group. Additional settings are required to complete this configuration.
From the Group Manager drop-down menu, select the user that manages all members of this group. Tasks assigned to this group can be configured to escalate to the group's manager specified from this setting. If no user is selected as this group's manager, Tasks are assigned by default to the Process Manager.
From the Home Page drop-down menu, select the dashboard all members of this group may access. See Select the Home Page Dashboard for the Group's Member.
From the Top Menu drop-down menu, select the custom menu that replaces the default top menu for all users in this group. See Select the Home Page Dashboard for the Group's Member.
Enable Allow to set a Password to allow members of this group to log on with username and password credentials, which enhances the security with SSO enabled. If this option is disabled, then as a best practice block the option to set or change the password.
Click Save.
Configure the Home Page Dashboard, Redirect URL, Menu, Home Analytics, and/or Visibility Settings
Configure a custom home page and/or a menu for a group's member when any user in that group logs on to ProcessMaker Platform. A custom home page is either a dashboard that displays to the group's user or redirects that group's member to a specified URL. The redirected URL may be to an external site, such as to an organization's portal, or to a ProcessMaker Platform location such as a specified Collection or Saved Search to which that group's member has access. Additionally, show/hide screen elements to customize the dashboard for members of this group.
The custom home page and menu are configured separately.
See the following home page configurations for the group:
Select the Home Page Dashboard for the Group's Members
A dashboard displays important and relevant business management information (BMI) and key performance indicators (KPI) to specific business stakeholders when they need it. After the group's user logs on to ProcessMaker Platform, the dashboard displays instead of the default ProcessMaker page.
Ensure that at least one dashboard exists in your ProcessMaker Platform instance.
The group's member does not experience the change until the next time that user logs on.
Follow these steps to select the dashboard for the group's members home page:
From the Dashboard drop-down menu, select the dashboard as the home page for the group.
Click Save.
Configure the Home Page to Redirect to a Destination for the Group's Members
Configure a custom home page for a group's member that redirects to a specified URL when that user next logs on. The redirected URL may be to an external site, such as to your organization's portal, or to a ProcessMaker Platform location such as a specified Collection or Saved Search to which that group's member has access.
See the following sections for information to redirect to a Collection or Saved Search since both require unique conditions to configure properly: