Search Using ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL)

Use PMQL to search through Requests, Tasks, and Collection records in your ProcessMaker Platform Spring 2023 instance.

What is PMQL?

ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) is a custom language to search ProcessMaker Platform data. Similar in ways to search query language (SQL), which is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases, use PMQL to find Requests, Tasks, and Collection record information.

Use PMQL in the following ways:

To understand how to use PQML, understand the basic concepts how to compose a PMQL search query:

  • Syntax: Syntax specifies how to compare, combine, exclude, or group the "building blocks" of a PMQL search query. An example of a comparative operator is to compare if the last name of a Request participant is (or is not) "Canera".

  • Data types: Data types specify which type of ProcessMaker Platform data to search. There are three data types in PMQL: Request, Task, and Collection.

  • Properties: Properties are the "building blocks" from which to compose PMQL queries regardless of which data type a PMQL query applies. Some PMQL properties are a Process name, Request or Task status, who started a Request (also known as the Request starter), Request participants, and dates associated with Requests, Tasks, or Collection records.

  • How to Use PMQL in ProcessMaker

    1. Requests

    Perform advanced searches to find Request summaries that match specific criteria. This can help in filtering and locating specific requests quickly.

    2. Tasks

    Use PMQL to sift through your Tasks efficiently. This is especially useful for managing large volumes of tasks by filtering them based on various parameters.

    3. Collection Records

    Search through the records in a Collection to find the information you need. This can significantly streamline the process of managing and accessing large data sets within collections.

    Understanding PQML

    To effectively use PMQL, familiarize yourself with the following basic concepts:

    • Syntax Learn how to use comparative operators to construct your search queries. For example, checking if the last name of a Request participant is "Canera".

    • Data Types Understand the three main data types in PMQL: Request, Task, and Collection, to ensure you're searching through the correct dataset.

    • Properties Explore the various properties that can be used in PMQL queries, such as Process name, status, Request starter, participants, and dates associated with your data.


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