
Understand how to use Screens in ProcessMaker Platform.


In ProcessMaker Platform, a Screen presents information for a person to interact with or view. An interactive form is an example of a Screen. Any Screen can be re-used since many Processes require the same type of information be gathered, such as a person's name, email address, and other business information. In other words, "design once, use anywhere."

Screens also allow people to interact with Request information. Below are a few ways Request participants can interact with Screens:

  • Enter Request data.

  • Review information and then approve or reject a Request.

  • Upload or download documents as attachments.

  • Display information from Script output.

  • Acquire a digital signature, and then display that digital signature in another Screen.

Designers can design Screens that only display information in useful ways:

  • Use Saved Search charts to display key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor your business goals.

  • Display commonly used information and downloadable files for your employees. For example, create a dashboard that serves as a portal for all your employees to read special announcements, download the employee handbook, and display relevant Collection record information.

There are many ways to design Screens to digitize your business needs across your business solutions and reuse them across multiple Processes.

Screen Types

ProcessMaker Platform provides the following Screen types:

Form-Type Screen

This is the most commonly used screen type. Use the Form-type Screen to design interactive and complex multi-page forms. Below are a few ways that Request participants might interact with a digital form:

  • Enter information, such as name and email address, to apply for a loan.

  • Approve the department budget.

  • Upload or download documents.

Following screen controls are available for designing the Form-type Screen:

AI Assistant
Input Fields
Content Fields

View All Screens

ProcessMaker Platform displays all Screens in one location that accessible to all process designers with permissions to view these Screens.


Your user account or group membership must have the "Screens: View Screens" permission to view the list of Screens unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected.

See the Screens permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to view all Screens in your organization:

  1. Log on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Click the Designer option from the top menu to view the Designer Welcome Screen.

  3. Do one of the following:

The Screens page displays the following information in tabular format about Screens:

  • Name: The Name column displays the name of the Screen. Click the name to edit the Screen in Screen Builder.

  • Description: The Description column displays the description of the Screen. See Manage Screens for more information.

  • Category: The Category column displays a Screen Category to which the Screen is assigned.

  • Type: The Type column displays the type of the Screen. See Screen Types.

  • Modified: The Modified column displays the date and time the Screen was last modified.

  • Created: The Created column displays the date and time the Screen was created. Note: All time zone settings are according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance or the Time zone setting your user profile.

Edit a Screen

Follow these steps to edit a Screen:

  1. The Screen will display in the Screen Builder ready for your changes.

  2. Follow instructions in the Screen Builder section to edit the Screen.

Search for a Screen


Your user account or group membership must have the "Screens: View Screens" permission to search for Screens unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected.

See the Screens permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Use the Search function to filter all Screens from the Screens page based on your entered text.

Follow these steps to search for a Screen:

  1. View your Screens. The Screens page displays.

  2. Enter in the Search setting the text to filter Screens using any of the following criteria:

    • Name: Filter by the Screen name that displays in the Name column.

    • Category: Filter by the Screen Category name that displays in the Category column.

    • Description: Filter by the Screen description that displays in the Description column.

As you enter text into the Search setting, Screens display that match your entered text.

If there are no search results, the following message displays: No Results.

Last updated


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