View the Data Details of a Saved Search

View the data details of a Saved Search's result in tabular format based on the type of Saved Search.


Types of Saved Searches

Regardless of whether you created a Saved Search or if it has been shared with you, you may view the data details of that search result that is based on the ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) parameters configured in that Saved Search.

An image represents each Saved Search from the left sidebar, but only display on pages associated with its type. Saved Searches are organized by type:

  • Request-related Saved Searches are accessed from Requests pages.

  • Task-related Saved Searches are accessed from Tasks pages.

Columns that display in the tabular-formatted results for a Saved Search can be customized by the user that created the Saved Search. See the following topics:

If a Saved Search has been shared with you, you may not change the type of information that displays in its results.

While viewing a Saved Search, use the Search function to locate data in that Saved Search. Locate data using the following methods:

View Request-Type Saved Search Results

Saved Searches that pertain to Requests display on the following Requests pages:

An image represents each Saved Search from the left sidebar. Saved Search icons display below the icons to access the default Requests pages.

Follow these steps to view results from a Saved Search pertaining to Requests:

  1. Go to a Request-related page.

  2. Click the image that represents the Saved Search. The results for that Saved Search display.

Below are results for a Request-related Saved Search.

View Task-Type Saved Search Results

Saved Searches that pertain to Tasks display on the following Tasks pages:

An image represents each Saved Search from the left sidebar. Saved Search icons display below the icons to access the default Tasks pages.

Follow these steps to view results from a Saved Search pertaining to Tasks:

  1. Go to a Task-related page.

  2. Click the image that represents the Saved Search. The results for that Saved Search display.

Below are results for a Task-related Saved Search.

View Collection Record Saved Search Results

Permissions Required

Your user account or group membership must have the "Collections: View Collections" permission to view the list of Collections unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected. See the Collections permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Furthermore, your user account or group membership must have the View record permission from a Collection's configuration to view that Collection's records. See Configure a Collection or ask the manager of that Collection for assistance.

Follow these steps to view results from a Saved Search pertaining to records in a Collection:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Click the Admin option from the top menu. The Users page displays.

  3. Click the image that represents the Saved Search. The results for that Saved Search display.

Below are results for a Saved Search related to records in a Collection.

View a Task Summary from Search Results

Hover over the row, click the menu, and then select the Open Task option for the Task you want to open.

View a Request Summary from Search Results

  • From the Case # or Case Title column, click the link for the assigned Task.

  • Hover the row, then click the menu, and then select the Open Request option for the Request associated with the Task.

View a Collection Record from Search Results

Search for a Saved Search's Search Result

Use the Search setting to filter the Saved Search's search results that display.

If there are no search results from the Saved Search, the following message displays: No Data Available.

Display Information the Way You Want It

Control how tabular information displays in collection Record Saved Searches, including how to sort columns or how many items display per page.

Filter Information in Tasks and Requests Saved Searches

Filter your information with different criteria in Saved Searches.

Follow the next steps to filter information:

  1. In a list column header, click the three dots. A window displays filter criteria.

  2. Apply one or more filter criteria as follows:

    • Click sort ascending to sort data in alphanumeric order or sort in chronological order if the data is dates/times.

    • Click sort descending to sort data in alphanumeric descending order or sort in inverse chronological order if the data is dates/times.

    • The Filter the column section displays by default. Click + to add a filter column. Configure the column filter as follows:

      1. From the Operator setting, select one of the following according to the data type:

        • If the column data type is a number or a date, it displays the following operators: =, <, <=, >, >=, between, in, contains, regex.

        • If the column data type is a string, it displays the following operators: =, in, contains, regex.

        • If the column is a task status, it displays the following operators: =, in.

      2. In the Type value setting, enter the information accordingly.

      3. If there is more than one filter row, from the Select an operator setting, select And or Or to filter a subsequent filter.

  3. Click Apply to apply filter criteria. The list filters data as configured.

  4. Otherwise, click Cancel to cancel the filter criteria and close the window.

  5. If want to clean previous filters, click Clear to remove all previous filters.

Filter information does not support the Task columns.

What is Regex?

Regular expressions, or regex, are patterns composed of characters and symbols used to find specific sequences in text. For an introduction to regex syntax, check out this primer. To practice and refine your regex skills, RegExr is an excellent tool, offering interactive examples and a platform for testing your patterns.

Filter cases that have a number in their process name. Do the following:

  1. From a list of cases, go to the Process column.

  2. Click the ellipses to the left of the column to view filter options.

  3. From the Operator setting, select regex.

  4. In the Type value setting, enter the regex pattern \d.

Only process with a number in their are displayed.


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