Delete Language Translations for Screens Used in a Process

Delete a selected language translation for the Screens used in a Process.

Delete Language Translations for Screens Used in a Process

Permissions Required

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to delete Screen translations for a Process unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Processes: Delete Processes

  • Processes: View Processes

See the Processes permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to delete Screen translations for a Process:

  1. View your Processes. The Processes tab displays.

  2. Click the Translations tab. Languages to which the Process's Screens have been translated display.

    Translations tab that displays language translations of Screens for a selected Process
  3. Click the ellipses icon, and then select the Delete Translation option for the Screen translations of a target language to delete. The Caution screen displays to confirm the deletion of the language translation.

  4. Click Confirm. The following message displays: The Process Translation was deleted.

What is Screen Translation for a Process?View Screen Translations for a ProcessTranslate Screens for a ProcessImport Language Translations for Screens Used in a ProcessSearch for a Language Translation for Screens Used in a ProcessEdit Screen Translations for a ProcessExport Language Translations for Screens Used in a ProcessWhat is a Process?

Last updated


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