Manage Your Own Saved Searches

Manage your own Saved Searches for each specific type of Saved Search.

Saved Search Types

Saved Searches are organized by their type:

Manage Your Own Saved Searches

Package Required

To manage your own Saved Searches, the Saved Searches package must be installed.

You can view and manage your own Saved Searches that you have created. A Saved Search can only be managed by the user that creates it unless that user has the Make this user a Super Admin setting enabled for that user account; see Manage Saved Searches. This setting is generally reserved for Administrators and is not available to most users.

To quickly configure a specific Saved Search that you have created, follow these steps:

  1. Click the image from the left sidebar that represents your own Saved Search. Though Saved Searches shared with you also display from the left sidebar, you cannot configure these Saved Searches. The search results for that Saved Search displays.

The Edit Saved Searches page displays the following information in tabular format about your Saved Searches and those which have been shared with you for that Saved Search type:

  • Name: The Name column displays the name of the Saved Search. The icon beside the Saved Search's name displays from the left sidebar for that Saved Search's type. For example, the icons that display in the image above display in Request-related pages.

  • Created By: The Created By column displays the user's avatar who created the Saved Search. Hover your cursor over the user's avatar to view that person's full name.

  • Modified: The Modified column displays the date and time the Saved Search was last modified by the user that created the Saved Search. A Saved Search can only be modified by the user that created it. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

  • Created: The Created column displays the date and time the Saved Search was created. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

Too Many of Your Own Saved Searches in Your Sidebar?

Configure One of Your Own Saved Searches

Delete One of Your Own Saved Searches

Use the Search field to filter Saved Searches that display.

No Saved Searches?

If there are no Saved Searches, the following message displays: No Data Available.

Display Information the Way You Want It

Control how tabular information displays, including how to sort columns or how many items display per page.

Saved Searches PackageWhat is a Package?What is a Saved Search?View the Data Details of a Saved Search's ResultCreate and Share a Saved SearchView Saved Searches Shared With YouShow or Hide a Saved SearchConfigure a Saved SearchSearch for a Saved Search's Data DetailsEmail a Report of a Saved Search's Data DetailsGet Notified of Save Search Result ChangesDelete a Saved SearchSchedule Email Reports of a Saved Search's ResultsCreate Charts to Visualize Saved Search ResultsManage Saved SearchesWhat is PMQL?

Last updated


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