Create a New Script

Create a new Script to automate or add functionality to any Process.

Create a New Script

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to create a Script unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Scripts: Create Scripts

  • Scripts: View Scripts

See the Scripts permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to create a new Script:

  1. View your Scripts. The Scripts page displays.

  2. Click the +Script button. The Create Script screen displays.

  3. In the Name setting, enter the name of the Script. Script names must be unique in your organization and can only use apostrophe characters (') and spaces. This is a required setting.

  4. In the Description setting, enter the description of the Script. This is a required setting.

  5. From the Language drop-down menu, select the Script Executor from which to run the Script for this Script's programming language. Your Administrator may have created custom Script Executors using ProcessMaker Platform-supported languages to run sanctioned custom third-party code and/or Docker commands that allow Scripts to successfully call third-party Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and Software Development Kits (SDKs). Below are the Script Executors ProcessMaker Platform provides, though some require packages to be installed:

    • csharp - C# Executor: This is the default Script Executor to run Scripts developed using C#. Note that if the C# package is not installed, this Script Executor is not available.

    • java - Java Executor: This is the default Script Executor to run Scripts developed using Java. Note that if the Java package is not installed, this Script Executor is not available.

    • javascript - Node Executor: This is the default Script Executor to run Scripts developed using JavaScript.

    • lua - LUA Executor: This is the default Script Executor to run Scripts developed using Lua.

    • python - Python Executor: This is the default Script Executor to run Scripts developed using Python. Note that if the Python package is not installed, this Script Executor is not available.

    • r - R Executor: This is the default Script Executor to run Scripts developed using R. Note that if the R package is not installed, this Script Executor is not available.

    This is a required setting.

  6. From the Run script as drop-down menu, select which user's API client token to use with our REST API. Ensure that the selected user's account has the appropriate API permissions to access our REST API. This is a required setting.

  7. In the Timeout setting, use the slider control or enter how many seconds the Script is allowed to run before it times out. Use 0 to indicate that the Script never times out. The default timeout is 60 seconds. This setting requires an integer.

  8. Click Save. Script Editor displays so you can develop your Script. See Script Editor.

What is a Script?What is a Script Executor?Manage Script CategoriesView ScriptsSearch for a ScriptConfigure a ScriptEdit a ScriptCopy a ScriptDelete a ScriptScript EditorWhat is a Package?C# PackageJava PackagePython PackageR Package

Last updated


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