What is a Decision Table Category?

Understand what Decision Table Categories are and how they can help organize your Decision Tables.


Use Decision Table Categories to organize your Decision Tables. Organizing your Decision Tables into Categories makes it easier to search for a Decision Table based on its assigned Category. Assign multiple Decision Table Categories to a Decision Table if necessary. For example, assign a Decision Table named "Business Rules for Loan Approval" to the "Banking" and "Loans" Decision Table Categories.

Decision Table Categories can be in active or inactive status. Following is a description of each status:

  • Active: Active Decision Table Categories can have Decision Tables assigned to them.

  • Inactive: Inactive Decision Table Categories cannot have Decision Tables assigned to them.

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ProcessMaker Platform has multiple Category types for different types of assets. Each Category type is distinct from the others and can only be used for its type of ProcessMaker Platform asset. Following is a description of each Category type:

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