Export a Screen

Export a Screen.

Export a Screen

Export a Screen to your local computer. The exported Screen may then be imported to the same or another ProcessMaker Platform instance of the same version. An exported Screen may then be shared with others so they can import your Screen for their Processes.

An exported Screen contains all the controls as the original at the time the original Screen was exported.

The exported Screen has the .json file extension.

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to export a Screen unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Screens: Export Screens

  • Screens: View Screens

See the Screens permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to export a Screen:

  1. View your Screens. The Screens page displays.

  2. Click Download, and then browse for the location on your local computer to save the exported Screen.

  3. By default, ProcessMaker Platform exports the Screen using the original Screen name except spaces in the name are replaced with underscores (_). The file has the file extension .json. Rename the default file name if necessary, though do not change the file extension. As a best practice, specify in the file name that this is an exported Screen to distinguish it from other exported assets.

  4. Specify a directory location to save the file. ProcessMaker Platform exports the .json file to your local computer. The following message displays when the Screen exports successfully: The screen was exported.

What is a Screen?Manage Screen CategoriesView ScreensCreate a New ScreenImport a ScreenSearch for a ScreenConfigure a ScreenEdit a ScreenCopy a ScreenDelete a ScreenScreen BuilderControl How Tabular Information Displays

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