Manual Task

Don't Know What a Manual Task Element Is?

See Process Modeling Element Descriptions for a description of the Manual Task element.

Add a Manual Task Element to the Process Model


Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to configure a Manual Task element in the Process model unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Processes: Edit Processes

  • Processes: View Processes

See the Process permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Add a Manual Task element from one of the following locations in Process Modeler:

  • Object Panel: Located to the left of the Process Modeler canvas, the Object Panel contains various process model objects.

  • Object Bar: Located at the bottom of the Process Modeler canvas, the Object Bar contains pinned Process model objects for quick access.

Follow these steps to add a Manual Task element from the Object panel to the Process model:

  1. Ensure that the Object panel is visible. If not, click the Add icon from the Object bar at the bottom.

  2. Click the Task object category from one of the following sections:

    • Pinned Objects: The Task object appears in the Pinned Objects section when it is pinned.

    • Object Category: The Task object appears in the Object Category section when it is not pinned.

  3. Click the location in the Process model to place this element. Follow these guidelines when placing this element:

    • Optionally place this element between two existing Process model objects already connected with a Sequence Flow element. See Place an object between two connected objects.

    • If a Pool element is in your Process model, the Form Task element cannot be placed outside of the Pool element.

  4. Click the Elements drop-down menu, and then select the Manual Task option.

    The Manual Task element displays.  

Follow these steps to add a Manual Task element from the Object bar to the Process model:

  1. Ensure that the object is pinned to the Object bar. If not, pin it.

  2. In the Object bar at the bottom center, click the object's icon. This object's icon displays adjacent to the mouse icon to indicate this Task may be placed into the Process model.

  3. Click the location in the Process model to place this element. Follow these guidelines when placing this element:

    • Optionally place this element between two existing Process model objects already connected with a Sequence Flow element. Process Modeler automatically places this element between the existing objects and adds a new Sequence Flow element following the new element. The existing Sequence Flow element precedes the new element. If necessary, configure the Sequence Flow element following the newly placed element.

    • If a Pool element is in your Process model, the Form Task element cannot be placed outside of the Pool element.

  4. Click the Elements drop-down menu, and then select the Manual Task option. The Manual Task element displays.

Add boundary events

After adding the Object Element, consider adding the following Boundary-type Process model elements to design business solutions when your best-case scenarios don't happen:

Replace a Manual Task Element with a Different Task Type or Sub Process Element

After a Manual Task element is added to a Process model, you may replace it with a different Task type or a Sub Process element:

The selected Manual Task element is replaced by the default settings and color of the replacing element.

Follow these steps to replace a Manual Task element with a different Task type element or a Sub Process element:

  1. Select the Manual Type element to change to another element. Available options display above the selected element.

  2. Click the Elements icon. The Elements drop-down menu displays the Task type elements and the Sub Process element.

  3. Select the element to replace the Manual Task element. The Change Type screen displays to confirm replacing the currently selected element.

  4. Click Confirm. The new element replaces the Manual Task element with its default settings and color.

Preview the Screen for the Task

After a Manual Task element is added to a Process model and selected the Screen for the Task, you may preview the associated Display Screen, which allows you to interact with and verify the Screen content in the same Process Modeler.

Ensure to select a Screen for each Manual Task element in your Process model. If a Screen is not specified and the Manual Task previews, the following placeholder displays:

Follow these steps to preview the associated Display Screen from a Manual Task element:

  1. Select the Manual Task element to preview the associated Screen. Available options display above the selected element.

  2. Click the Preview icon . A preview window displays on the right-side of the Process Modeler.

    Previewing the Screen for a Manual Task element

  3. In the Preview window, you can do the following:

    • Click the icon to open the Screen Builder to edit the Screen.

    • Click the icon to close the preview window.

    • Click another Task or connector element to change the asset in the same preview window.


The Manual Task element has the following panels that contain settings:

Configuration Panel Settings

The Manual Task element has multiple settings in the Configuration panel:

Edit the Element Name

An element name is a human-readable reference for a Process element. Process Modeler automatically assigns the name of a Process element with its element type. However, an element's name can be changed.

Follow these steps to edit the name for a Manual Task element:

  1. Select the Manual Task element from the Process model in which to edit its name.

  2. Expand the ConfiguratioEnsure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. The Name setting displays. This is a required setting.  

  3. In the Name setting, edit the selected element's name and then press Enter.

Select the Object Destination

Specify the destination to which users are redirected after completing a task. By default, users return to their original access point, such as a task list, dashboard, or previous page. You can override this behavior to redirect users to locations such as the process LaunchPad, a specific dashboard, or an external URL.

Follow these steps to select a object destination:

  1. Select the Manual Task object from the Process model.

  2. Click the Hamburger Icon icon to view the Configuration panel.

  3. From the Element Destination drop-down menu, select the page to display after a user completes this task.

    Element Destination

  4. Select on of the the following options. Selecting a destination element other than Task Source will render the Display Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee feature unusable since the element will have an alternate destination.

    1. Task Source (Default): This option redirects the user to the original access point where the task started.

    2. Task List: This option redirects the user to the Task list.

    3. Process Launchpad: This option redirects the user to the Process Launchpad.

    4. Welcome Screen: This option redirects the user to the Participant Welcome Screen.

    5. Custom Dashboard: This option redirects the user to a dashboard. After selecting Custom Dashboard, a dropdown menu appears below to select the desired dashboard.

      Custom Dashboard - Element Destination

    6. External URL: This option redirects the user to an external URL. After selecting External URL, a dropdown menu appears below to enter the URL.

      External URL - Element Destination

Select the Screen for the Manual Task

When a Manual Task element triggers, a Screen can display instructions or information in its Task summary so its Task assignee can perform the manual Task. The Screen must be of Display type.

When a Manual Task element is placed into a Process model, it is not configured to display a Screen when it triggers. Therefore, it must be configured.

Follow these steps to select the Screen that displays when a Manual Task element triggers:

  1. Select the Manual Task element from the Process model in which to select the Screen that displays when that Manual Task element is triggered, thereby providing instructions or information to the Task assignee.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Configuration panel if it is not presently expanded, and then locate the Screen for Input setting.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • From the Screen For Input drop-down menu, select which Screen that Manual Task element references. After a Screen is selected, the Open Screen link displays.

    • Click the Create a new screen link. A new browser window opens to create a new Screen.  After creating the Screen, the Screen for Input drop-down menu automatically populates with the created Screen. Otherwise, be sure to select the new Screen in the Screen For Input drop-down menu.

  5. Optionally, click the Open Screen link to view and/or edit your selected Screen. Note that your user account must have appropriate Screen category permissions to view and/or edit the selected Screen.

Specify When the Manual Task is Due

Configure when a task becomes due after it is assigned to a user. When set, the due date/time is displayed in the task list for each in-progress task. If a task becomes overdue, the task assignee is notified through an indicator in the task list.

Due Tasks

Due dates can be set as a static number of hours during process design, or made dynamic by using variables in {{mustache_syntax}} for greater flexibility.

The due date for a Task is unchanged in the following circumstances:

  • The Task is assigned to another user: The original due time remains the same and now applies to the new assignee.

  • An interrupting boundary-type event triggers: The event has its own due date, leaving the original task's due date unaffected. When an interrupting boundary-type event triggers, the workflow will route through the event, and the due date for any subsequent task will apply.

After the specified time expires for a manual Task, an overdue indicator displays for that manual Task to the Task assignee.

  • The default due time for a Manual Task is 72 hours (three days).

  • Specify the due time as total hours, including non-business hours, overnight, weekends, and holidays.

  • A Self Service Task can become overdue even without an assignee. The due time starts when the task becomes active.

Follow these steps to specify when a Manual Task is due:

  1. Select the Manual Task object from the Process model.

  2. Click the Hamburger Icon icon to view the Configuration panel.

  3. Expand the Properties panel, and then locate the Due In setting.

    Task - Due In

  4. In the Due In setting, specify the total number of hours after which a task becomes due.

    • Enter the number in the Due In setting and then press Enter.

    • Hover your cursor over the Due In setting, and then use the spin arrows to increase or decrease the total number of hours.

    • Select the Use Request Variable option and reference a request variable in mustache syntax {{variable_name}}.

    • Due In - Request Variable

    • During a case, a numerical value must be assigned to this variable, indicating the number of hours after which the task will become overdue. For example, a value of 48 will mark the task as overdue after 2 days.

Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee

When the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting is used in a Manual Task element, a selected Display-type Screen displays after the Task for this Manual Task element completes. An interstitial Screen displays while the Request resumes routing. Non-assigned automated actions run as part of that Request while the interstitial Screen displays. The interstitial Screen displays indefinitely until one of the following occurs:

  • The Request assigns another Task to the same Task assignee, at which time the new Task displays.

  • The Request completes, at which time the Request summary displays.

  • The user clicks a link to leave that page to display another location.

Use an interstitial Screen when the expected period of time that the next Task is assigned to the same Task assignee is short; otherwise, the interstitial Screen displays indefinitely without user intervention or the session expires.

Use the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting in the following ways:

  • Tasks that use Conversational-type Screens: During an automated chat-style conversation with the Request participant using the Conversational Forms, link Conversational Screens together while the Request resumes routing based on previous conversational responses by the participant. See What is a Conversational Screen? for information how to design modern-style chat experiences with Conversational Screens and the Conversational Forms.

  • Tasks that use Form-type Screens: Display a message with a Display-type Screen in the following circumstances:

    • Next Task is for the same Task recipient: Design a Screen that reads Loading your next Task while the Request routes to the next Form Task or Manual Task element's Task for the same Task assignee.

    • A Script Task element, then an End Event element, follow this Manual Task element: If a Script Task element, and then an End Event element, immediately follow this Manual Task element with connecting Sequence Flow elements (see example below), then use the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting to ensure that a Screen that summarizes that completed Request displays.

See the tabs below for more information how to use the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting with Conversational- and Form-type Screens.

After selecting the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting, the Screen Interstitial setting displays to select which Screen displays between the Tasks. This behavior is different than the default functionality, whereby the To Do Tasks page displays after each Task completes.

The Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting applies only between this Manual Task element and the subsequent Form Task element or Manual Task element to which the Request routes.

If the next Task is assigned to a different user or group, then the interstitial Screen displays until that Request completes or another Task is assigned that user.

Interstitial Screen usage have the following limitations:

  • Interstitial Screens inside of a child Process's Request only redirect to Tasks in that Request and its parent Request. However, if the Interstitial Screen is three or more levels removed from its source Request, Tasks are not redirected.

  • An Interstitial Screen inside of a child Request that directly follows a Web Entry Start Event element can not redirect back to the parent Request. Instead the Interstitial Screen may only redirect to Tasks in the child Request.

The Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting has two purposes depending on whether the Form Task element's Task uses a Conversational- or Form-type Screen.

Task Uses a Conversational-Type Screen

Use the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting to link Conversational Screens together while the Request resumes routing based on previous conversational responses by the participant. Multiple elements and connectors may perform automatic tasks after this Manual Task element's Task and before the next Conversational Screen's Task triggers in that Request. However, the Request participant experiences a seamless conversation between the two Conversational Screens' Tasks while the interstitial Screen displays in the chat box. For example, use a Screen that uses an Image or Rich Text control that displays an animated GIF to imply that the other conversational participant is typing.

Non-assigned automated actions run as part of that Request while the interstitial Screen displays. When the Request assigns the next Task to that Task assignee, the new Task displays in the chat box as continued conversation in a seamless chat experience to the Request participant.

Task Uses a Form-Type Screen

Use the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting when you understand that this Task assignee will be assigned multiple Tasks during the same Request regardless of whomever that Task assignee is. This becomes convenient for that Task assignee to display the next Task immediately after submitting the current Task in that Request, especially if other elements and connectors are between Form Task and/or Manual Task elements so that Tasks are assigned quickly.

Follow these steps to configure a Manual Task element to display an interstitial Screen while the next assigned Task displays to the Task assignee:

  1. Select the Manual Task element from the Process model in which to configure it to display an interstitial Screen after its Task completes.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Configuration panel if it is not presently expanded, and then locate the Display Next Assigned Task to Task Assignee setting.

  4. Select the Display Next Assigned Task to Task Assignee setting. The Screen Interstitial setting displays.

  5. From the Screen Interstitial drop-down menu, select which Display-type Screen to display after this Manual Task element's Task completes. This is a required setting.

Add a Placeholder for the Slideshow Mode

The Slideshow Mode makes it easy for process designers to share the design of a process with all stakeholders, regardless of whether they have access to the ProcessMaker Platform. For more information on how to create slideshows for a process, see Slideshow Mode.  

Follow these steps to add a placeholder image for the Slideshow Mode:

  1. Select the Form Task object from the Process model.

  2. Click the  icon to view the Configuration panel.

  3. From the Placeholder for Slideshow section, click on the +Drag or click here button to upload an image.

  4. A preview of the image will display, and the configuration will be auto-saved.

  5. The uploaded image will be shown for this task the next time the slideshow is viewed.

  • Size of a placeholder image for slideshows must less than 2 MB.

  • Image files with PNG, JPG, JPEG, and GIF extensions are supported.

Loop Characteristics Panel Settings

Specify Characteristics to Perform Multiple Instances of the Task

Use the Loop Characteristics panel settings to specify how to perform multiple instances of this element. The following loop modes are available for this element:

  • No Loop Mode: Select the No Loop Mode option to perform this element's Task only once.

  • Loop: Select the Loop option to sequentially repeat this element's Task multiple times until an exit condition is True. This is useful when a Task should be performed multiple times with the same set of data, such as, processing a credit card payment. This loop mode has the following characteristics:

    • The element's Task is repeated until the exit condition is True or the maximum iterations limit is reached.

    • At any given time, only one instance of the Task is active. The subsequent instance does not begin until the current instance completes.

    • The same exit condition evaluates at the end of each instance; however, value(s) of the Request variable(s) used in the exit condition can change during an instance resulting in the exit condition to eventually evaluate as True.

    • If any one instance of that Task does not complete, workflow pauses.

    • All active instances are terminated if an interrupting boundary-type event element triggers.

    • An element configured in this mode shows the Loop iconin Process Modeler.

  • Multi-instance (Parallel): Select the Multi-instance (Parallel) option to perform this element's Task multiple times in parallel a fixed number of times. This is useful when performing any action in bulk, such as sending an email to several people. This loop mode has the following characteristics:

    • Instances of the Task are governed by the size of an array-type Request variable where a new instance is created for each item in this variable. For example, an array with 10 items will create 10 parallel instances of this Task that each contains data from its respective array index.

    • All instances begin simultaneously when this element triggers; however, they perform their Task independently of each other.

    • The Task as a whole completes when all instances are complete.

    • The output from each instance can either be saved in the source Request variable or a new array-type Request variable.

    • All active instances terminate if an interrupting boundary-type event element triggers.

    • An element configured in this mode shows the Multi-instance (Parallel) iconin Process Modeler.

  • Multi-instance (Sequential): Select the Multi-instance (Sequential) option to perform this element's Task multiple times sequentially a fixed number of times or until an exit condition is True. This is useful when sequentially repeating a Task multiple times but with a different set of data each time. This loop mode has the following characteristics:

    • Instances of the Task are governed by the size an array-type Request variable where a new instance is created for each item in this variable. For example, an array with 10 items will create 10 parallel instances of this Task that each contains data from its respect array index.

    • At any given time, only one instance of the Task is active. The subsequent instance does not begin until the current instance completes.

    • At the end of each instance an exit condition evaluates and the loop activity halts if the exit condition is True.

    • The Task as a whole completes when all instances are complete.

    • The output from each instance can either be saved in the source Request variable or a new array-type Request variable.

    • All active instances terminate if an interrupting boundary-type event element triggers.

    • An element configured in this mode shows the Multi-instance (Sequential) iconin Process Modeler.

Follow these steps to specify characteristics to perform multiple instances of the Task:

  1. Select the element from the Process model in which to specify multiple instance characteristics.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Loop Characteristics panel. The Loop Characteristics setting displays. By default, Loop Activity is set to No Loop Mode and the Task is performed only once.

  4. From the Loop Mode setting, select one of the following options to perform this element's Task more than once.

    • Loop: Select the Loop option. The settings for this loop mode display:

      Follow these steps:

      1. In the Maximum Iterations setting, enter an integer value representing the maximum number of times this Task should be performed.

      2. In the Exit Condition setting, enter a condition in FEEL syntax. When this condition is True the loop activity is halted.

    • Multi-instance (Parallel): Select the Multi-instance (Parallel) option. The settings for this loop mode display:

      Follow these steps:

      1. In the Request Variable Array setting, enter the name of an array-type Request Variable. The size of this array will determine how many times this loop iterates.

      2. In the Output Data Variable setting, enter the name of an array-type Request variable in which to store the results of all instances. Each instance of the loop saves to a separate JSON object within the array of the specified Request variable. If the Output Data Variable setting is not configured, then the output data replaces the source data in the Request Variable Array.

    • Multi-instance (Sequential): Select the Multi-instance (Sequential) option. The settings for this loop mode display:

      Follow these steps:

      1. In the Request Variable Array setting, enter the name of an array-type Request Variable. The size of this array will determine how many times this loop iterates.

      2. In the Exit Condition setting, enter a condition in FEEL syntax. When this condition is True the loop activity is halted.

      3. In the Output Data Variable setting, enter the name of an array-type Request variable in which to store the results of all instances. Each instance of the loop saves to a separate JSON object within the array of the specified Request variable. If the Output Data Variable setting is not configured, then the output data replaces the source data in the Request Variable Array.

Documentation Panel Settings

Edit the Element's Description Displayed in Process Documentation

Describe the element's purpose and how it functions in the Process. This description does not affect Requests for the Process, but may be useful for Process model maintenance such as how the element is configured. Edit information by using the What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) rich text editor.

A Process's entered documentation displays by selecting the View Documentation icon for that Process.

Follow these steps to edit the description for an element:

  1. Select the element from the Process model in which to edit its description.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Documentation panel if it is not presently expanded. The Description setting displays.

  4. In the Description setting, edit the information to display when viewing documentation for this element and then press Enter. Alternatively, use the What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) rich text editor to stylize your text by clicking the More icon.

    Follow these guidelines to use the WYSIWYG rich text editor to stylize your text:

    • Undo changes: Click on theicon to undo the last action.

    • Redo changes: Click on theicon to redo the last undone action.

    • Insert/Edit Link: Click on theicon to convert the selected text into a hyperlink. Follow these steps to create a hyperlink:

      1. Select the required text from the Rich Text control.

      2. Click on theicon. The Insert/Edit Link screen displays.  

      3. In the URL setting, enter the destination URL.

      4. In the Text to display setting, edit or enter the text displayed in the Rich Text control.

      5. In the Title setting, enter the text to display when a user hovers over the displayed text.

      6. From Open link in… drop-down menu, select one of these options:

        • New window: Select this option to open the destination page in a new browser window.

        • Current window: Select this option to open the destination page in the current browser window.

    • Insert/Edit Image: Click on the Insert/Edit Image iconto insert an image. Follow these guidelines:

      1. Click on the Insert/Edit Image icon.

      2. The Insert/Edit Image screen displays:  

      3. In the Source setting, enter a URL for the image.

      4. In the Alternative Description setting, enter the text to display if the source URL of the image is not accessible.

      5. In the Width setting, enter the maximum width for the image.

      6. In the Height setting, enter the maximum height for the image.

      7. Toggle the Constrain Proportions iconto maintain the width-height ratio of the image to its original proportion.

      8. Click Save.

    • Insert Page Break for PDF: Click on the Insert Page Break for PDF iconto insert a page break when a PDF document is created for this documentation if your browser supports this feature.

    • Format text: Follow these guidelines to format text:

      • Headings: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Headings and then select a heading size.

      • Bold: Do one of the following:

        • From the editor toolbar, select theicon.

        • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Bold.

      • Italics: Do one of the following:

        • From the editor toolbar, select theicon.

        • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Italic.

      • Underline: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Underline.

      • Strikethrough: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Strikethrough.

      • Superscript: From the Paragraph/ Formats menu, select Inline and then Superscript.

      • Subscript: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Subscript.

      • Code: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Code.

      • Paragraph: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Blocks and then Paragraph.

      • Blockquote: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Blocks and then Blockquote.

      • Division: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Blocks and then Div.

      • Preformatted:  From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Blocks and then Pre.

      • Change text color: Use the Text Color drop-down to change text color. Click on theicon. The color palette displays. Do one of the following:

        • Select one of the color swatches from the color palette. The selected text changes to that color.

          • Click theicon to select a custom color from the Color Picker.

          • Click theicon to reset the text to its default color.

      • Align text: Follow these guidelines to align text:

        • Left align: Do one of the following:

          • From the editor toolbar, use theicon to left-align text.

          • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Align and then Left.

        • Center align: Do one of the following:

          • From the editor toolbar, use theicon to center-align text.

          • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Align and then Center.

        • Right align: Do one of the following:

          • From the editor toolbar, use theicon to right-align text.

          • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Align and then Right.

        • Justify: Do one of the following:

          • From the editor toolbar, use theicon to justify text.

          • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Align and then Justify.

      • Insert a bullet list: Use theicon to format text as a bulleted list.

      • Insert a numbered list:  Use theicon to format text as a numbered list.

      • Indent text: Click on theicon to increase text indenting.

      • Outdent text: Click on theicon to decrease text indenting.

Assignment Rules Panel Settings

Specify whom to assign the manual Task or to use assignment rules to assign the manual Task.

Select to Whom to Assign the Manual Task

Instead of assign the Task's assignee using one or more rules, select to whom to assign a manual Task:

  • Users and/or groups: Assign that Task randomly to one user from a specified set of users and/or group members. ProcessMaker Platform assigns the Task to one user randomly. If that Task is not configured to allow that Task assignee to reassign that Task, then that person must complete that Task.

  • Previous Task assignee: Assign that Task to the previous Task assignee in that Request's workflow.

  • Request starter: Assign that Task to the user that started the Request.

  • Process Variable: Assign the Task to a user or group based on the value of a Request variable.

  • Process Manager: That Task assigns to the Process Manager when all other configured assignment conditions do not occur.

Optionally, affect how an assigned Task can route after the initial assignment:

  • Self service: Use the self-service Task option to allow self-service Task assignment. Doing so allows any member in a specified group assigned that Task to self-assign the Task from a queue. Note that the self-service Task option is not available unless assigning a Task to a user, group, via a Request variable, or rule expression.

  • Lock user assignment: Use the Lock User Assignment option to assign this Task to the same Task assignee if workflow in that Request returns to this Task. If the initial Task assignee was a member of a group, the Task is reassigned to the same group member. This option is useful if the initial Task assignee in the Request might need to provide clarification regarding information that Request participant initially submitted in that Task.

  • Allow reassignment: Enable the Allow Reassignment option to allow the Task assignee to reassign the Task if necessary. When using the Allow Reassignment option, the Reassign button displays in the Task summary to allow that Task assignee to reassign that Task. See View a Task Summary.

  • Allow manager escalation: Use the Allow Manager Escalation option to allow users to manually assign this Task to their manager. When this option is enabled, the Escalate to Manager button appears when viewing a Task's summary.

  • Assign to manager: Use the Assign to Manager option to assign that Task to the manager of that assignee's manager. As part of the Advanced User, an Administrator can configure the manager for each user. The user account for that Task assignee must be configured from each user's account to route that Task to the assignee's manager.

If this Manual Task element is configured to assign the Task to an anonymous person who started this Request via Web Entry, the settings described below are disabled because these Manual Task element settings only configure which authenticated user(s) may assigned this Task. Therefore, to configure these settings, either disable Web Entry or select that authenticated users may start Requests from this element via Web Entry. See Web Entry Panel Settings.

To allow the same anonymous person who started that Request or which authenticated users may be assigned the Manual Task element's Task via a published URL, do not configure those persons from the Assignment Rules panel. Configure those persons from the Web Entry panel.

Follow these steps to select to whom to assign the Task that is referenced in a Manual Task element:

  1. Select the Manual Task element from the Process model in which to select the Task assignee.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Assignment Rules panel if it is not presently expanded. The Assignment Type setting displays. The Request Starter option is the default, thereby affecting options below it.  

  4. From the Assignment Type drop-down menu, select one of the following options:

    • Users / Groups: Select Users/Groups to assign the Task to a specified user or randomly to a group member. When this option is selected, the Assigned Users/Groups drop-down menu displays below the Assignment Type drop-down menu. Notice that the Self Service toggle key is available.

      From the Assigned Users/Groups drop-down menu, select the person's full name or the name of a group as the Manual Task element's assignee. The Task is assigned following this protocol:

      • One user: The Task is assigned to the selected user.

      • One or more users and/or group(s): The Task is assigned randomly to one of those users or group members. The exception is if the Self Service toggle key is enabled, then the Task remains unassigned, in a queue, for one of those users to self-assign from the Self Service Task page.

    • Previous Task Assignee: Select Previous Task Assignee to assign the Task to who was assigned the previous Task in this Request. The Self Service toggle key is not available since the Task has a specific assignee.

    • Request Starter: Select Request Starter to assign the Task to the Request starter. This is the default option. The Self Service toggle key is not available since the Task has a specific assignee.

    • Process Variable: Select Process Variable to assign the Task determined by the value of a Request variable. The entered Request variable(s) may be one or both of the following:

      • Variable Name (Users): In the Variable Name (Users) setting, enter the Request variable that contains the user ID(s) for one or more users who might be assigned this Task. If more than one user ID is included the Request variable's value, then the Task is assigned randomly to one of those users. The exception is if the Self Service toggle key is enabled, then the Task remains unassigned, in a queue, for one of those users to self-assign from the Self Service Task page.

      • Variable Name (Groups): In the Variable Name (Groups) setting, enter the Request variable that contains the group ID(s) in which its members may be assigned this Task. The Task is assigned randomly to one of those users. The exception is if the Self Service toggle key is enabled, then the Task remains unassigned, in a queue, for one of those users to self-assign from the Self Service Task page.

    • Rule Expression: Select Rule Expression to assign the Task's assignee using one or more rules. The rule expressions follow the Friendly Enough Expression Language (FEEL) syntax described in Expression Syntax Components. Notice that the Self Service toggle key is available.

      Each rule can only have one expression, but by using logical operators multiple conditions can be specified in that expression. You may use multiple rules to better confine the condition(s) to whom to assign the Task. You may use Magic Variables in your expression syntax. To add an expression, click the addbutton. The Add FEEL Expression settings display.

      Follow these step to define an expression:

      1. In the FEEL Expression setting, enter or edit the expression that determines that Manual Task element's Task assignee using the syntax components described in Expression Syntax Components, and then press Enter.

      2. From the Assign to User/Group drop-down menu, select the user or group to whom to assign that Task if the expression in the FEEL Expression setting evaluates as True.

      3. From the Default Assignment drop-down menu, select a user or group to assign that Task to if none of the expressions evaluate as True.

    • Process Manager: Select Process Manager to assign the Task to the Process Manager. Ensure to configure the Process Manager for this Process.

  5. Enable the Self Service toggle key to allow self-service Task assignment. Doing so allows any member in a specified group assigned that Task to self-assign any Task from a queue. Note that the Self Service toggle key is not available unless the Users / Groups, Process Variable, or Rule Expression options are selected from the Assignment Type setting.

  6. Enable the Assign to Manager toggle key to assign that Task to the manager of that assignee's manager. As part of the Advanced User, an Administrator can configure the manager for each user. The user account for that Task assignee must be configured from each user's account to route that Task to the assignee's manager.

  7. Enable the Lock User Assignment toggle key to assign this Task to the same Task assignee if workflow in the Request returns to this Task. If the initial Task assignee was a member of a group, the Task is reassigned to the same group member. This option is useful if the initial Task assignee in the Request might need to provide clarification regarding information that Request participant initially submitted in that Task.

  8. Enable the Allow Reassignment toggle key to allow the Task assignee to reassign the Task if necessary. If the Allow Reassignment option is enabled, the Reassign button displays in the Task summary to allow that Task assignee to reassign that Task. See View a Task Summary.

  9. Enable the Escalate To Manager toggle key to automatically reassign this Task to the Task assignee's manager. As part of the Advanced User, an Administrator can configure the manager for each user.

  10. Enable the Assignee Manager Escalation toggle key to automatically reassign this Task to the Task assignee's manager. As part of the Advanced User, an Administrator can configure the manager for each user.

If you enable the Allow Reassignment option, ensure that this Task is assigned to more than one user or to a group. Otherwise, despite the availability of the Reassign button in the Task summary, that Task assignee has no users to which to reassign this Task unless that user started that Request.

Notifications Panel Settings

Set Task Notifications

Set email notifications for Tasks separately. Settings in the Notifications panel configure Task notifications only within the ProcessMaker Platform application.

Set when notifications regarding Tasks are sent to the following:

  • Requester: Send notifications to the Request initiator (referred to as the Request starter) when the Task associated with this Manual Task element is assigned and/or completed.

  • Task assignee: Send notifications to Task assignees associated with this Manual Task element when that Task is assigned and/or completed.

  • Request participants: Send notifications to all Request participants of this Process when the Task associated with this Manual Task element is assigned or completed.

  • Process Manager: Send notifications to the Process Manager when the Task associated with this Manual Task element is assigned or completed. Ensure to configure the Process Manager for this Process.

Follow these steps to set Task notifications in a Manual Task element:

  1. Select the Manual Task element from the Process model in which to set Task notifications.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Notifications panel if it is not presently expanded. Settings display to set Task notifications.  

  4. From the Requester settings, set Task notifications for the Request starter following these guidelines:

    • Enable the Assigned setting to notify the Request starter when the Task associated with this Manual Task element is assigned. Otherwise, disable this setting to not send this notification.

    • Enable the Completed setting to notify the Request starter when the Task associated with this Manual Task element is completed. Otherwise, disable this setting to not send this notification.

    • Enable the Due setting to notify the Request starter when the Task associated with this Manual Task element is due to be completed. Otherwise, disable this setting to not send this notification.

  5. From the Assignee settings, set Task notifications for assignees of this Manual Task element following these guidelines:

    • Enable the Assigned setting to notify Task assignees associated with this Manual Task element when they are assigned this Task. Otherwise, disable this setting to not send this notification.

    • Enable the Completed setting to notify Task assignees associated with this Manual Task element when they complete this Task. Otherwise, disable this setting to not send this notification.

    • Enable the Due setting to notify Task assignees associated with this Manual Task element is due to be completed. Otherwise, disable this setting to not send this notification.

  6. From the Participants settings, set Task notifications to all Request participants of this Process following these guidelines:

    • Enable the Assigned setting to notify all Request participants of this Process when the Task associated with this Manual Task element is assigned. Otherwise, disable this setting to not send this notification.

    • Enable the Completed setting to notify all Request participants of this Process when the Task associated with this Manual Task element is completed. Otherwise, disable this setting to not send this notification.

    • Enable the Due setting to notify all Request participants of this Process when the Task associated with this Manual Task element is due to be completed. Otherwise, disable this setting to not send this notification.

  7. From the Process Manager settings, set Task notifications for the Process Manager following these guidelines:

    • Enable the Assigned setting to notify the Process Manager when the Task associated with this Manual Task element is assigned. Otherwise, disable this setting to not send this notification.

    • Enable the Completed setting to notify the Process Manager when the Task associated with this Manual Task element is completed. Otherwise, disable this setting to not send this notification.

    • Enable the Due setting to notify the Process Manager when the Task associated with this Manual Task element is due to be completed. Otherwise, disable this setting to not send this notification.

Vocabularies Panel Settings

Assign Vocabularies That Validate Request Data from This Element

Assign Vocabularies that validate that Request data complies with a specific JSON schema. This is often mandatory for many types of business sectors including banking and healthcare. Ensure the quality and compliance of Request data. For example, during a Loan Application process, ensure that personal information has been included in the Request to that moment in that in-progress Request.

Use a Vocabulary on a Manual Task element to validate that Request data complies with the Vocabulary's JSON schema after the Task assignee submits the Task but prior to when the Request continues workflow. See What is a Vocabulary? for more information.

Each moment ProcessMaker Platform evaluates workflow routing for an in-progress Request, ProcessMaker also evaluates the Request data's conformity to the Vocabularies applied to the Process and/or a specific BPMN 2.0 element in the Process model. The Request's JSON data model must conform to the ProcessMaker Vocabulary's JSON schema.

During an in-progress Request, if ProcessMaker Platform evaluates that the Request data no longer complies with all Vocabularies to that moment, the Request status changes from In Progress to Error. The error displays in the Request Details. Vocabularies are cumulative in an in-progress Request: as the Request progresses, if Request data does not conform with any Vocabulary's JSON schema to that moment in the Request, the Request errors.

If no Vocabularies are assigned, ProcessMaker Platform does not validate that Request data complies with a specific JSON schema prior to continuing workflow for that Request.

One or more Vocabularies must be created before assigning a Vocabulary. See Create a New Vocabulary. Multiple Vocabularies can be assigned to a Manual Task element.

Follow these steps to assign Vocabularies that validate Request data from a Manual Task element:

  1. Select the Manual Task element from the Process model in which to assign Vocabularies that validate Request data prior to when this element completes.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Vocabularies panel if it is not presently expanded. The Assigned setting displays.

  4. Click theicon to add a Vocabulary. The Assign Vocabulary option displays.

  5. From the Select Vocabulary drop-down menu, select a Vocabulary from which to validate Request data complies with its JSON schema.

    If no Vocabularies are configured, then the following message displays: List is empty. Create at least one Vocabulary. See Create a New Vocabulary.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Repeat Steps 3 through 6 as necessary for each Vocabulary required to validate Request data complies with its JSON schema.

Click the Remove iconfrom the Vocabularies setting to remove a Vocabulary from assignment to this element.

After one or more Vocabularies are assigned to a Manual Task element, the Vocabulary icon displays in that element.

Manual Task element with an assigned Vocabulary

Advanced Panel Settings

Edit the Node's Identifier Value

Process Modeler automatically assigns a unique value to each Process node added to a Process model. However, a node's identifier value can be changed if it is unique to all other nodes in the Process model, including the Process model's identifier value.

All identifier values for all nodes in the Process model must be unique.

Follow these steps to edit the identifier value for a Manual Task element:

  1. Select the Manual Task element from the Process model in which to edit its identifier value.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Advanced panel if it is not presently expanded. The Node Identifier setting displays. This is a required field.  

  4. In the Node Identifier setting, edit the Manual Task element's identifier to a unique value from all nodes in the Process model and then press Enter.