Configure General Process Settings

Configure General Settings


Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to configure a Process unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Processes: Edit Processes

  • Processes: View Processes

See the Processes permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to configure general settings for a Process:

  1. View your Processes.

  2. Click the Ellipsis Icon menu, then select the Configure option for your Process. The Configuration tab displays.  

    Configuration tab to configure general information about a Process

  3. Edit the following Process configuration as necessary:

    • In the Name setting, edit the unique name of the Process. This is a required setting.

    • In the Description setting, edit the description of the Process. This is a required setting.

    • From the Category drop-down menu, select to which categories to assign this Process. In doing so, Process Categories may be sorted from the Processes page. To remove a Process Category that is currently selected, click the icon for that selection or press Enter when the drop-down is visible. This is a required setting. See What is a Process Category? for more information how this affects new Requests for this Process.

    • From the Project drop-down menu, optionally select the Project(s) that this Process becomes an asset. This setting only displays Projects of which you are a member. To remove a Project that is currently selected, click the icon for that selection or press Enter when the drop-down is visible.

    • From the Process Manager drop-down menu, select which user is the Process Manager. If this Process is not configured correctly, such as with a Process Manager, then the following icon displays preceding the process name of the Processes page: . The Processes page displays all active and inactive Processes.

    • From the Case Title setting, enter how the title for a Case displays for this Process. The Case title displays under the Case Title column in Request pages and Task pages. Customize the Case title by referencing a Request variable in mustache syntax that is used in this Process. For example, to customize the Case title for a new employee onboarding Process, use Employee Onboarding: {{ FirstName }} {{ LastName }}. Note that the Case Title column only displays up to 200 characters after Request variable values render.

    • From the Cancel Request drop-down menu, assign which user(s) or group(s) have permission to cancel Requests from this Process. If no users or groups are selected, no one can cancel a Request from this Process. Type into the Cancel Request setting to filter users and/or groups that display in that setting's drop-down menu. To remove a user or group that is currently selected, click the icon for that selection or press Enter when the drop-down is visible.

    • From the Cancel Screen drop-down menu, select a Display-type Screen to display when a Request for this Process is canceled.

    • From the Edit Data drop-down menu, assign which user(s) or group(s) have permission to edit Request data from this Process. To remove a user or group that is currently selected, click the icon for that selection or press Enter when the drop-down is visible.

    • From the Request Detail Screen drop-down menu, select the Screen that displays in the Summary tab of the Request while that Request is in progress. After that Request completes, this Screen is replaced with the Summary Screen configured from the End Event element, if any.

    • From the Status drop-down menu, select one of these options:

      • Active: Select the Active option to allow users to start new Requests of this Process. Active processes display the Active icon when viewing your Processes.

      • Inactive: Select the Inactive option to prevent users from starting new Requests of this Process. Setting a Process as Inactive only disables starting new Requests of this Process. Any in-progress Requests are not affected by this change and can complete. Inactive Processes display the Inactive icon when viewing your Processes.

  4. Click Save.