Collection Data Type PMQL Properties
Use these ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) properties for Collection record PMQL search queries.
The following ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) properties apply to the Collection
data type to perform PMQL search queries from any of the pages accessible from the Collections sidebar icon in the Admin top menu option. PMQL search queries apply to records within the displayed Collection. Selecting any PMQL search result displays the Collection record for that result.
: Record's Creation Date
: Record's Creation Datecreated
property represents when the record was created from the currently displayed Collection.
Datetime Format
Enter the datetime in the PMQL search query within quotation marks in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
using 24-hour time. Example: "2020-07-01 14:25:15"
KeywordUse the NOW
keyword to dynamically compare the current datetime with a specified number of chronological units. Use the Less Than operator (<
) followed by the number of chronological units to search for Requests of that age. Note that the interval unit of time is singular. PMQL supports the following units of time:
object: Search Collection Data for Specific Record Information
object: Search Collection Data for Specific Record InformationUse the data
JSON object to search for sought Collection records. The data
object stores the accumulated data from Screen controls used to create and edit records in its Collection by referencing the controls' Variable Name setting values.
All JSON objects and arrays within the JSON object named data
is the accumulation of data for each Collection. Each Request also stores its Request data in a data
JSON object. The key names for each JSON object or array derive from the Variable Name setting values in the Screens used for that Collection or any data injected into that Collection's JSON data model by Scripts or calls to the RESTful Application Program Interface (API).
Using the data
JSON object in PQML search queries helps answer the question "Which Collection records have specific information in them that I seek?" Use operators to compare the value for a particular Screen control to find records that only contain the value(s) you seek.
To determine what the Variable Name setting is for a control that stores Collection record information you seek, view the Screen that contains the control into which the sought data was entered and/or edited. Collections use as many as two Screens: one into which to enter data when a record in that Collection is created, and one from which record data is edited. The same Screen may be used for both purposes. Note that your user account or group membership must have the Screens: View Screens permission.
The data
JSON object precedes the Variable Name setting value, as noted above. Use JSON dot notation to reference sub-properties in the referenced Screen control if necessary.
: Collection Record ID Number
: Collection Record ID Numberid
property represents the ID number for the sought record(s) from the currently displayed Collection.
This id property only applies to Collection record-related PMQL search queries, and is distinct from the id
property for the Request
data type or for the id
property for the Task
data type.
: Datetime Record Last Modified
: Datetime Record Last Modifiedmodified
property represents when the record was last modified from the currently displayed Collection. A record modifies when the contents of the a record changes from any of the following:
A record is manually changed by a user that has permission to edit records in that record's Collection.
A Script adds or modifies data in a record.
A record is modified via the RESTful API.
Datetime Format
Enter the datetime in the PMQL search query within quotation marks in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
using 24-hour time. Example: "2020-07-01 14:25:15"
KeywordUse the NOW
keyword to dynamically compare the current datetime with a specified number of chronological units. Use the Less Than operator (<
) followed by the number of chronological units to search for Requests of that age. Note that the interval unit of time is singular. PMQL supports the following units of time: