Task Data Type PMQL Properties

Use these ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) properties for Task PMQL search queries.


The following ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) properties apply to the Task data type to perform PMQL search queries from any of the pages accessible from the Tasks top menu option. Selecting any PMQL search result displays the Task summary for that result.

completed: Datetime Task Completed

completed property represents when the Task completes. The completed property applies to Form Task, Manual Task, and/or Script Task elements from the Request that created the sought Task(s).

Datetime Format

Enter the datetime in the PMQL search query within quotation marks in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS using 24-hour time. Example: "2020-07-01 14:25:15".

NOW Keyword

Use the NOW keyword to dynamically compare the current datetime with a specified number of chronological units. Use the Less Than operator (<) followed by the number of chronological units to search for Requests of that age. Note that the interval unit of time is singular. PMQL supports the following units of time:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

created: Task's Creation Datetime

created property represents when the Request creates the Task. The created property applies to Form Task, Manual Task, and/or Script Task elements from the Request that created the sought Task(s).

Datetime Format

Enter the datetime in the PMQL search query within quotation marks in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS using 24-hour time. Example: "2020-07-01 14:25:15".

NOW Keyword

Use the NOW keyword to dynamically compare the current datetime with a specified number of chronological units. Use the Less Than operator (<) followed by the number of chronological units to search for Requests of that age. Note that the interval unit of time is singular. PMQL supports the following units of time:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

See Examples 1 and 2 how this property can apply to Service Level Agreement (SLA) contract compliance.

data object: Search Request Data for Specific Request Information

Use the data JSON object to search for Request data associated with the sought Task(s). The data JSON object represents Request data: each Request's JSON data model contains the accumulation of all JSON objects and arrays for that Request. The data JSON object also contains the record data for a Collection. The key names for each JSON object or array derive from the Variable Name setting values in the Screens used for Tasks in each Request or any data injected into that Request's JSON data model by Scripts run via Script Task elements or calls to the RESTful Application Program Interface (API).

Using the data JSON object in PQML search queries helps answer the question "Which Request(s) have specific information in them for Tasks that I seek?" Use operators to compare the value for a particular Screen control to find Requests that only contain the value(s) you seek. For example:

  • Search for Requests that apply to a specific customer in a Loan Request Process.

  • Search for Requests in a Purchase Request Process in which a purchase request amount is greater than $500 but less than $10,000.

  • Search for which registered conference attendees that were required to enter their job title are similar to "Product Manager," such as "Project Manager."

To determine what the Variable Name setting is for a control that stores Request information you seek, do one of the following:

  • View the Screen for the Task in which Request participants enter the information you seek, and then make note of the pertinent control's Variable Name setting. Note that your user account or group membership must have the Screens: View Screens permission.

  • View the Data tab in the summary for a completed Request to view the data from a completed Request, and then use the specific key name (represented in red-colored text) to search Request information from that control. Spaces are allowed between operators. Example: data.last_name = "Canera". Note that your user account or group membership must have the Requests: Edit Request Data permission. Ask your Administrator if you do not see the Data tab in completed Requests.

The data JSON object precedes the Variable Name setting value, as noted above. Use JSON dot notation to reference sub-properties in the referenced Screen control if necessary.

due: Datetime Task Is or Was Due

due property represents when the Task is or was due. The due property applies to Form Task, Manual Task, and/or Script Task elements from the Request that created the sought Task(s).

Datetime Format

Enter the datetime in the PMQL search query within quotation marks in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS using 24-hour time. Example: "2020-07-01 14:25:15".

NOW Keyword

Use the NOW keyword to dynamically compare the current datetime with a specified number of chronological units. Use the Less Than operator (<) followed by the number of chronological units to search for Requests of that age. Note that the interval unit of time is singular. PMQL supports the following units of time:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

See Example 2 how this property can apply to Service Level Agreement (SLA) contract compliance.

element_id: Task Node Identifier from the Process Model

element_id property is the Node Identifier setting value from the Process model for the sought Task's element. The element_id property applies to Form Task, Manual Task, and/or Script Task elements from the Process model that started the sought Task(s).

Enter the node identifier value in the PMQL search query within quotation marks. The node identifier value is not case-sensitive. Example: "node_15".

if you have Process permissions to edit Process models, then determine the Node Identifier setting value for a Form Task, Manual Task or Script Task element by doing the following:

  1. Select the Form Task, Manual Task, or Script Task element from the Process model from which to include in the PMQL search query. Panels to configure this element display.

  2. Expand the Advanced panel if it is not presently expanded. The Node Identifier setting value displays.

See Example 2 how this property can apply to Service Level Agreement (SLA) contract compliance.

id: Task ID Number

id property represents the Task ID number for the sought Task(s). The id property applies to Form Task, Manual Task, and/or Script Task elements from the Request that started the sought Task(s).

This id property only applies to Task-related PMQL search queries, and is distinct from the id property for the Request data type or for the id property for the Collection data type.

modified: Datetime Task Last Modified

modified property represents when the Task was last modified. A Task modifies when the JSON object model to which that Task applies is changed from a Script, a user action, an application program interface (API) call, or any other means. The modified property applies to Form Task, Manual Task, and/or Script Task elements from the Request that created the sought Task(s).

Datetime Format

Enter the datetime in the PMQL search query within quotation marks in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS using 24-hour time. Example: "2020-07-01 14:25:15".

NOW Keyword

Use the NOW keyword to dynamically compare the current datetime with a specified number of chronological units. Use the Less Than operator (<) followed by the number of chronological units to search for Requests of that age. Note that the interval unit of time is singular. PMQL supports the following units of time:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

process_id: Process ID Number Associated with the Task

process_ID property represents the Process ID number associated with the sought Task(s). The process_ID property applies to Form Task, Manual Task, and/or Script Task elements from the Process model associated with the Process ID that started the sought Task(s).

Process IDs do not display in the Processes page. However, if you have Process permissions to edit Process models, then determine the Process ID by doing the following:

  1. View your Processes. The Processes page displays.

  2. From the Web browser address bar, note the number immediately after modeler/. This number is the Process ID to use with the process_id property.

request: Request Name Associated with the Task

request represents the Request's name associated with the sought Task(s). The request property applies to Form Task, Manual Task, and/or Script Task elements from the Process model that started the sought Task(s).

Request names display in the Name column of Request pages. The Name column displays the Process name associated with the Request.

Enter the request property value in quotation marks. Example: "Request Name". The property value is not case-sensitive.

See Example 2 how this property can apply to Service Level Agreement (SLA) contract compliance.

started: Datetime Task Started

started property represents when the Task starts. The started property applies to Form Task, Manual Task, and/or Script Task elements from the Request that started the sought Task(s).

The started property is similar to the created property, in that when a Task starts, it is created. The created property applies to when our API creates a Task, while the started property pertains to when a user uses the user interface to start a Task.

Datetime Format

Enter the datetime in the PMQL search query within quotation marks in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS using 24-hour time. Example: "2020-07-01 14:25:15".

NOW Keyword

Use the NOW keyword to dynamically compare the current datetime with a specified number of chronological units. Use the Less Than operator (<) followed by the number of chronological units to search for Requests of that age. Note that the interval unit of time is singular. PMQL supports the following units of time:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

status: Task Status

status property represents the Task status. The status property applies to Form Task, Manual Task, and/or Script Task elements from the Request that started the sought Task(s).

Task status displays in the Status column of Task pages.

Enter the status property value in quotation marks. Example: "in progress". The property value is not case-sensitive.

task: Task Name

task property represents the Task name. The task property applies to Form Task, Manual Task, and/or Script Task elements from the Request that started the sought Task(s).

Task names display in the Task column of Task pages.

Enter the task property value in quotation marks. Example: "TaskName". The property value is not case-sensitive.

What is PMQL?PMQL Syntax to Search ProcessMaker Platform DataPMQL Data Types: Request, Task, and CollectionSearch for a TaskRequest Data Type PMQL PropertiesCollection Data Type PMQL PropertiesSpecial Characters in API Call PMQL SearchesWhat is Request Data?What is a Request Variable?

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