Edit a Saved Search Chart

Edit a Saved Search chart that has been created.

Edit a Horizontal Bar, Vertical Bar, Line, Pie, or Doughnut Chart

Package Required

To edit a Saved Search chart, the Saved Searches package must be installed.

Follow These Steps for Specific Chart Types

Follow the steps below only to edit a horizontal bar, vertical bar, line, pie, or doughnut chart types. Settings for the count and list chart types vary from the steps described below. See the following sections for steps to edit their chart types:

Follow these steps to edit a horizontal bar, vertical bar, line, pie, or doughnut chart types for a Saved Search:

  1. View the search results for a Saved Search in which to view its charts. The Data tab displays the data details for that Saved Search.

  2. Click the Charts tab. The Charts tab displays all charts created for this Saved Search.

  3. Edit the following settings as necessary:

    • In the Name setting, edit the name of the chart. This is a required setting.

    • From the Chart Type group, select one of the following chart types to visualize the results of this Saved Search:

      • Bar (Horizontal): The horizontal-style bar chart visualizes Saved Search results in horizontal bars. See chart example.

      • Bar (Vertical): The vertical-style bar chart visualizes Saved Search results in vertical bars. See chart example.

      • Line: The line chart visualizes Saved Search results as data points on a line to show how those results trend. See chart example.

      • Pie: The pie chart visualizes Saved Search results as relational proportions between data. See chart example.

      • Doughnut: The doughnut chart visualizes Saved Search results as relational proportions between data similarly to the pie chart type but with the inner portion removed. See chart example.

      • Count: The count chart displays a single data metric on a canvas. See chart example. If you select the Count chart option, see Edit a Count Chart for its specific settings.

      • List: The list chart displays chart data in tabular format. See chart example. If you select the List chart option, see Edit a List chart for its specific settings.

      Bar (Horizontal) is the default chart type.

  4. Click the Source tab to configure from which Saved Search's results to visualize in the chart. The Source tab settings vary depending on the chart type selected from the General tab.

  5. Edit the following settings as necessary:

    • From the Series setting, select how to group the chart data. The series groups the chart content by the units of measurement in the X-axis for applicable chart types. See chart example that references the series grouping. Options that display in the Series drop-down menu derive from the columns configured from the Saved Search tabular data as displayed from the Data tab of this Saved Search. The default configurable columns vary for each type of Saved Search. The Recommended indicator for Saved Search results represent dates, numbers, and/or unique text results and are recommended when configuring the chart series. This is a required setting for applicable charts.

    • From the Category setting, optionally select a secondary measurement by which to aggregate the chart series. See chart example that references the category measurement. The Category setting does not apply to count charts. Options and their recommendations that display in the Category setting are the same as those in the Series setting.

    • From the Metric setting, select the chart contents from the Saved Search tabular-formatted results to aggregate as well as how to aggregate that data. The Metric setting options are numerically-based Saved Search results such as # that represents the ID for the Request, Task, or Collection record associated with that Saved Search. See chart example that references how that chart data is aggregated.

    • Select from the following options how to aggregate the selected chart metric:

      • Average: The average is the arithmetic mean calculated by adding a group of values, and then dividing by the count of those items.

      • Count: The chart visualizes the number of values of the metric you select.

      • Minimum: The chart visualizes the minimum value of the metric you select.

      • Maximum: The chart visualizes the maximum value of the metric you select.

      • Median: The median is the middle value of a group of values that is calculated by sorting each of the values of the metric you select, then visualizing the middle value.

      • Sum: The sum is the arithmetic addition of each value of the metric you select. This is the default option.

      This is a required setting.

    • In the Query setting, optionally enter a ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) query from which to further filter the Saved Search's results. See the following topics for information how to use PMQL for Requests, Tasks, and Collections:

  6. Click the Display tab to configure the appearance and style of the Saved Search chart. The Display tab settings vary depending on the chart type selected from the General tab.

    This step shows the settings for the Horizontal Bar, Vertical Bar, Line, Pie, or Doughnut chart:

  7. Edit the following settings as necessary:

    • From the Color Scheme setting, select the color palette from which to display the chart.

    • Enable the Stacked toggle key to stack the chart's data markers: overlay the data markers one another in the x- and y-axis. See this chart as an example of stacked data markers.

    • From the Legend setting, select where to place the legend in respect to the chart from the following options:

      • None: The chart legend does not display.

      • Top: The legend displays above the chart. This is the default option.

      • Bottom: The legend displays below the chart.

      • Left: The legend displays to the left of the chart.

      • Right: The legend displays to the right of the chart.

  8. Click Save. If a required setting does not contain a value or selection, the following message displays: The given data was invalid.. Otherwise, the chart and the following message display: Successfully Saved Chart.

Edit a Count Chart

Package Required

To edit a chart for a Saved Search's results, the Saved Searches package must be installed.

Follow These Steps for a Specific Chart Type

Follow the steps below only to edit a count chart type. Settings for the other chart types vary from the steps described below.

See the following sections for steps to edit their chart types:

Follow these steps to edit a count chart type for a Saved Search:

  1. View the search results for a Saved Search in which to edit this chart type. The Data tab displays the data details for that Saved Search.

  2. Click the Charts tab. The Charts tab displays all charts created for this Saved Search.

  3. Edit the following settings as necessary:

    • In the Name setting, edit the name of the chart. This is a required setting.

    • From the Chart Type group, select the count chart type to visualize the results of this Saved Search. The Count chart displays a single data metric on a canvas. See chart example.

      If you select the Bar (Horizontal), Bar (Vertical), Line, Pie, Doughnut chart option, see Edit a Horizontal Bar, Vertical Bar, Line, Pie, or Doughnut Chart procedure for its specific settings.

      If you select the List chart option, see Edit a List chart for its specific settings.

    Bar (Horizontal) is the default chart type.

  4. Click the Source tab to configure from which Saved Search's results to visualize in the chart.

  5. Edit the following settings as necessary:

    • From the Metric setting, select the chart contents from the Saved Search tabular-formatted results to aggregate as well as how to aggregate that data. The Metric setting options are numerically-based Saved Search results such as # that represents the ID for the Request, Task, or Collection record associated with that Saved Search. See chart example that references how that chart data is aggregated.

      Select from the following options how to aggregate the selected chart metric:

      • Average: The average is the arithmetic mean calculated by adding a group of values, and then dividing by the count of those items.

      • Count: The chart visualizes the number of values of the metric you select.

      • Minimum: The chart visualizes the minimum value of the metric you select.

      • Maximum: The chart visualizes the maximum value of the metric you select.

      • Median: The median is the middle value of a group of values that is calculated by sorting each of the values of the metric you select, then visualizing the middle value.

      • Sum: The sum is the arithmetic addition of each value of the metric you select. This is the default option.

      This is a required setting.

    • In the Query setting, optionally enter a ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) query from which to further filter the Saved Search's results. See the following topics for information how to use PMQL for Requests, Tasks, and Collections:

  6. Click the Display tab to configure the appearance and style of the Saved Search chart. The Display tab settings vary depending on the chart type selected from the General tab. This step shows the settings for the Count chart.

  7. Edit the following settings as necessary:

    • From the Background Color setting, select a color as the background for the count chart canvas.

    • From the Icon setting, select an icon to display beside to the left of the count chart metric. The Line Chart icon is the default icon.

    • In the Label setting, optionally enter a label to describe the count chart metric instead of the metric's default label.

  8. Click Save. If a required setting does not contain a value or selection, the following message displays: The given data was invalid.. Otherwise, the chart and the following message display: Successfully Saved Chart.

Edit a List Chart

Package Required

To edit a chart for a Saved Search's results, the Saved Searches package must be installed.

Follow These Steps for a Specific Chart Type

Follow the steps below only to edit a list chart type. Settings for the other chart types vary from the steps described below.

See the following sections for steps to edit their chart types:

Follow these steps to edit a list chart type for a Saved Search:

  1. View the search results for a Saved Search in which to edit this chart type. The Data tab displays the data details for that Saved Search.

  2. Click the Charts tab. The Charts tab displays all charts created for this Saved Search.

  3. Edit the following settings as necessary:

    • In the Name setting, edit the name of the chart. This is a required setting.

    • From the Chart Type group, select the list chart type to visualize the results of this Saved Search.

      If you select the Bar (Horizontal), Bar (Vertical), Line, Pie, Doughnut chart option, see Edit a Horizontal Bar, Vertical Bar, Line, Pie, or Doughnut Chart procedure for its specific settings.

      If you select the Count chart option, see Edit a Count Chart for its specific settings.

      Bar (Horizontal) is the default chart.

  4. Click the Source tab to configure from which Saved Search's results to visualize in the chart. The Source tab settings vary depending on the chart type selected from the General tab.

  5. Edit the following settings as necessary:

    • Enable the Select Pivot Table toggle key to edit a list chart from which any column header in the chart may be selected to sort the raw data.

      The Select Pivot Table is disabled by default.

      If the Select Pivot Table toggle key is enabled, the following settings display:

    • From the Series setting, select how to group the chart data. The series groups the chart content by the units of measurement in the X-axis for applicable chart types. See chart example that references the series grouping. The Series setting does not apply to count charts. Options that display in the Series drop-down menu derive from the columns configured from the Saved Search tabular data as displayed from the Data tab of this Saved Search. The default configurable columns vary for each type of Saved Search. The Recommended indicator for Saved Search results represent dates, numbers, and/or unique text results and are recommended when configuring the chart series. This is a required setting for applicable charts.

    • From the Category setting, optionally select a secondary measurement by which to aggregate the chart series. See chart example that references the category measurement. The Category setting does not apply to count charts. Options and their recommendations that display in the Category setting are the same as those in the Series setting.

    • From the Metric setting, select the chart contents from the Saved Search tabular-formatted results to aggregate as well as how to aggregate that data. The Metric setting options are numerically-based Saved Search results such as # that represents the ID for the Request, Task, or Collection record associated with that Saved Search. See chart example that references how that chart data is aggregated.

    • Select from the following options how to aggregate the selected chart metric:

      • Average: The average is the arithmetic mean calculated by adding a group of values, and then dividing by the count of those items.

      • Count: The chart visualizes the number of values of the metric you select.

      • Minimum: The chart visualizes the minimum value of the metric you select.

      • Maximum: The chart visualizes the maximum value of the metric you select.

      • Median: The median is the middle value of a group of values that is calculated by sorting each of the values of the metric you select, then visualizing the middle value.

      • Sum: The sum is the arithmetic addition of each value of the metric you select. This is the default option.

      This is a required setting.

    • In the Query setting, optionally enter a ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) query from which to further filter the Saved Search's results. See the following topics for information how to use PMQL for Requests, Tasks, and Collections:

  6. Click the Display tab to configure the appearance and style of the Saved Search chart.

    This step shows the settings for the List chart.

    • Follow this step if the Select Pivot Table toggle key is enabled from the Source tab:

    • From the Background Color setting, select a color as the background for the list chart canvas.

    • Follow these steps if the Select Pivot Table toggle key is disabled from the Source tab:

    • From the Background Color setting, select a color as the background for the list chart canvas.

    • Enable the Make rows clickable toggle key to allow anywhere within a list chart row to redirect to the corresponding Request, Task or Collection record depending from which type of Saved Search the list chart derives its data. The Make rows clickable toggle key is disabled by default.

  7. Click Save. If a required setting does not contain a value or selection, the following message displays: The given data was invalid.. Otherwise, the chart and the following message display: Successfully Saved Chart.

Saved Searches PackageWhat is a Package?What is a Saved Search?Use Saved SearchesSchedule Email Reports of a Saved Search's ResultsOverview of Saved Search ChartsView Charts for a Saved SearchCreate a Saved Search ChartArrange Saved Search ChartsCopy a Saved Search ChartDelete a Saved Search Chart

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