Save and Share a Record Search

Create and share a Saved Search with users and/or groups so that they can take advantage of your search parameters.


Packages Required

The Saved Searches package and the Collections package must be installed to create and share Saved Searches for records in a Collection.

Permissions Required

Your user account or group membership must have the "Collections: View Collections" permission to view the list of Collections unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected. See the Collections permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Furthermore, your user account or group membership must have the View record permission from a Collection's configuration to view that Collection's records. See Configure a Collection or ask the manager of that Collection for assistance.

Use the Saved Searches package to save and share search parameters associated with Requests, Tasks and Collections. In doing so, you manage the search parameters for your Saved Searches. You may share your own Saved Searches with other users and/or groups. Recipients of your shared Saved Searches can only use your Saved Search to view its search results, but cannot modify your Saved Searches' parameter settings you configured.

See Create and Share a Saved Search.

What is a Collection?What is a Saved Search?Manage CollectionsManage Collection RelationshipsView All Records in a CollectionCreate a New Collection RecordImport a CSV File to Create Multiple Collection RecordsSearch Records in a CollectionEdit a Collection RecordView a Collection RecordDelete a Collection RecordEdit Screens for a CollectionCollection Best PracticesCollections PackageSaved Searches Package

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