Example: Signal Design With Webhooks

Follow an example how to use a Signal Start Event element in the Process Modeler using a Signal with a webhook.


Intended audience: Process designers, Web designers, graphic designers, software developers, coding engineers

Tags: Signal Manager; Process Modeler, Signal Start Event; Screen design

The following example demonstrates signals: how a Process uses a Signal Start Event with a Webhook Signal collection. This example demonstrates that external thirdparties are available to configure in a Webhook Signal. For this example, the external thirdparty to use is Docparser. Docparser send the signal and the payload request.

Follow these steps to use a Webhook Signal in a Process:

    • In the Accepted Form Fields without fields.

    • In the Accepted Method, the POST option selected.

    • In the Authentication, the None option selected.

    • In the Restrict Access From, without URLs.

  1. In the Webhook URL, click Copy to Clipboard to copy the URL to use it in the external third-party app.

  2. Click Save to save the signal webhook configuration.

    • In the Name setting, enter the webhook name.

    • In the Payload format setting, select the JSON format.

    • In the Target URL setting, copy the ProcessMaker Platform's Webhook URL .

    • In the Name setting, enter the Signal Start Event name, which is Webhook sent from DocParser.

    • In the Signal setting, select the signal created in step 1.

    • In the Request Variable setting, enter the variable name that store the payload data. For this example, it is payload.

  3. Configure your Process elements and Screens as necessary.


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