Task Summary
View the summary for a Task.
Summary for an In-Progress Task
Follow these steps to view the summary for an assigned Task:
Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.
Do one of the following to view a Task:
View a Request summary, and then view the Tasks tab, which is the default tab.
Below is an example of a Task summary.
Task Form
The assigned Task displays in the Form tab. The Form tab displays by default when an assigned Task is opened. The Form tab displays information differently depending on whether ProcessMaker Platform is involved in the task's activity:
Forms in which ProcessMaker Platform is involved with the activity: The Form tab displays an interactive Screen, which is a Form-type Screen. Form-type Screens allow Request participants to enter, review, and/or make decisions based on information in the form. Below is an example of a Task in which ProcessMaker Platform is involved with the activity.
Forms in which ProcessMaker Platform is not involved with the activity: The Form tab displays a Screen that only displays a message. This is a Display-type Screen that allows the Task assignee to do a manual task in which ProcessMaker Platform is not directly involved, such as moving inventory containers. When the manual Task is complete, the Task assignee clicks the Complete Task button. Below is an example of a Task in which ProcessMaker Platform is not involved with the activity.
If a Screen is not specified in a Form Task element when Requests are started for that Process, the following placeholder Screen displays to that Task assignee. Click the Continue button.
The placeholder Screen allows the Task assignee to continue the Request without causing it to pause indefinitely.
This functionality also allows Process Designers to place the basic Process objects into a Process model and then evaluate it during development.
Editable Task Data
Your user account or group membership must have the "Requests: Edit Task Data" permission to edit Task data unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected.
See the Request permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.
The Data tab displays in JSON format the data a previous participant of this Request entered. Values in the Data tab can be changed from those entered by the previous Request participant.
Follow these steps to edit and save the values from those entered by a previous Request participant:
View the Data tab.
From the editable JSON field, change the values from those entered by the previous Request participant to those that you want.
Optionally, click the Create Scenario button to create a Process Scenario of this JSON data. The Scenario may then be used to test the Process from which this Task derives. View and create Scenarios from that Process's configuration.
Click Save. The following message displays when the Request values are changed: Request data successfully updated.
The Task summary displays general information about the assigned Task. The summary displays beside the assigned Task.
If the assigned Task is overdue, the summary's label displays Overdue.
If the assigned Task is not overdue, the summary's label displays Open.
The following summary displays about an assigned Task:
Due: The Due field displays the date and time the assigned Task is due.
Assigned To: The Assigned To field displays the avatar and full name of the person assigned the Task.
The Escalate to Manager button may display below the Task assignee in the Assigned To field. The Task assignee may click the Escalate to Manager button to assign this Task to the manager.
To make the Escalate to Manager button available for a Task assignee to use:
The Advanced User package is installed.
The Assignee Manager Escalation setting is enabled for the Form Task element or Manual Task element associated with that Task. The Process Designer configures this when designing the Process.
The Task assignee's user account must be configured with either a direct manager or a group manager. If that Task assignee has both, the Task escalates to the direct manager. The Administrator configures managers for all users and groups.
Assigned: The date and time the Task was assigned displays below the Assigned To field. The Reassign button displays if the Task can be reassigned. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.
Request: The Request field displays the Process name associated with the Request preceded by its numerical iteration. Click the Process name to view the Request summary.
Requested By: The Requested By field displays the avatar and full name of the person who started the Request. Hover your cursor over a user's avatar to view that person's full name.
Reassign a Task
If the Task has been configured to allow the Task assignee to reassign the Task to another user, the Reassign button displays in the Task summary.
If this Task is assigned only to you, unless you started this Request, then no other users are available to which to reassign this Task.
Note that to reassign a Task, your user account must be configured with the View Users and View Groups permissions to view the available users and groups. Contact your ProcessMaker Administrator to provide your user account these permissions if necessary.
Follow these steps to reassign a Task to another user:
Click the Reassign button. The Reassign to screen displays.
Select the user to whom to reassign the Task.
Click Reassign.
What Happens if the Task Cannot Be Reassigned?
If the Task has not been configured that it can be reassigned, then the Reassign button does not display. Therefore, the Task assignee does not have the option to reassign the Task to another user.
Summary for a Completed Task
The Task summary displays general information about the completed Task. Follow these steps to view the summary for a completed Task:
Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.
View all completed Tasks. The Completed Tasks screen displays.
Click the name of the Task from the Task column. The summary displays for the completed Task.
The following summary displays about a completed Task:
Completed on: The Completed on field displays the date and time the Task was completed.
Assigned To: The Assigned To field displays the avatar and full name of the person assigned the Task.
Assigned: The date and time the Task was assigned displays below the Assigned To field. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.
Request: The Request field displays the Process name associated with the Request preceded by its numerical iteration. Click the Process name to view the Request summary.
Requested By: The Requested By field displays the avatar and full name of the Request starter. Hover your cursor over a user's avatar to view that person's full name.
After displaying the summary, there could display the following:
If the task finishes the request, the screen redirects to the completed Request summary.
If the task does not finish the request, the screen redirects to the To Do Tasks list.
Related Topics
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