Create a New PM Block Category

Improve your PM Block organization by creating Categories to which to assign them.

Create a New PM Block Category

Package Required

The PM Blocks package must be installed.

Permissions Required

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to create a new PM Block Category unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • PM Blocks: Create PM Block Categories

  • PM Blocks: View PM Block Categories

  • PM Blocks: View PM Blocks

See the PM Blocks permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to create a new PM Block Category:

  1. Click the +Category button. The Create Category screen displays.

  2. In the Category Name setting, enter the name of the new PM Block Category. The PM Block Category name must be unique from all other PM Block Category names in your organization and can only use apostrophe characters (') and spaces. This is a required setting.

  3. From the Status drop-down menu, select one of the following options for the PM Block Category's status:

    • Active: Active PM Block Categories can have PM Blocks assigned to them.

    • Inactive: Inactive PM Block Categories cannot have PM Blocks assigned to them.

    The Active option is selected by default. This is a required setting.

  4. Click Save.

What is a PM Block Category?View PM Block CategoriesSearch for a PM Block CategoryEdit a PM Block CategoryDelete a PM Block CategoryWhat is a PM Block?

Last updated


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