Generate a New Asset for a Process Using AI Assistant

Place a Process model object that uses ProcessMaker Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate a new Sub-Process, Screen, or Script with a natural language description.


Use ProcessMaker AI's Assistant to create objects for your Process without knowing BPMN. From within Process Modeler, use the AI Generated object to create assets for your Process model. Place the AI Generated object onto your Process model like any other object, and then select to generate any of the following assets using natural language:

  • Sub Process: ProcessMaker AI creates a Process using your natural language description. After creating your AI-generated Process, the current AI Generated object becomes a Sub Process element that references the new Process you created using AI.

  • Screen: ProcessMaker AI creates a Screen using your natural language description. After using the AI Control to create your Screen, the current AI Generated object in this Process becomes a Form Task element that references the new Screen you created using AI.

  • Script: ProcessMaker AI creates Script using your natural language description. After using the the AI Assistant, the current AI Generated object in this Process becomes a Script Task element that references the new Script you created using AI.

An AI Generated object must be added to your Process model for it to generate a selected asset.

Permissions Required

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to add an AI Generated object into the Process model unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Processes: Edit Processes

  • Processes: View Processes

See the Process permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Add an AI Generated Object to the Process Model

Add an AI Generated object from one of the following locations in Process Modeler:

  • Explorer panel: The Explorer panel is to the left of the Process Modeler canvas. The Explorer panel contains Process model objects and PM Blocks which may be added to the Process model.

  • Objects bar: The Objects bar is at the bottom of the Process Modeler canvas. This bar contains pinned Process model objects which are easily accessible to add to the Process model.

Follow these steps to add an AI Generated object from the Explorer panel to the Process model:

  1. Locate the AI Generated object from one of the following locations in the Explorer panel:

    • Pinned Objects: The AI Generated object category displays from the Pinned Objects section when it is pinned. This element type is pinned by default.

    • Object Category: The AI Generated object category displays from the Object Category section when it is not pinned.

  2. Its icon displays adjacent to the mouse icon to indicate this element type may be placed into the Process model.

After the object is placed into the Process model, you may adjust its location in the following ways:

Moving an AI Generated object has the following limitations in regards to the following Process model elements:

  • Pool element: If the object is inside of a Pool element, it cannot be moved outside of the Pool element. If you attempt to do so, Process Modeler places the object inside the Pool element closest to where you attempt to move it.

  • Lane element: If the object is inside of a Lane element, it can be moved to another Lane element in the same Pool element. However, the object cannot be moved outside of the Pool element.

Select the Asset the AI Generated Object Creates

Follow these steps to select the asset the AI Generated object creates using your natural language description:

  1. Select one of the following options:

    • Sub Process From Text: Select the Sub Process From Text option to use your natural language description for a Sub Process at this point in your current Process. After creating your AI-generated Process, the current AI Generated object becomes a Sub Process element that references the new Process you created using AI. See the following topics in this order:

    • Screen From Text: Select the Screen From Text option to use your natural language description for a Screen at this point in your current Process. Use the AI Control in Screen Builder to describe the control(s) for your Screen. After using the AI Control to create your Screen, the current AI Generated object in this Process becomes a Form Task element that references the new Screen you created using AI. See the following topics in this order:

    • Script From Text: Select the Script From Text option to use your natural language description for a Script at this point in your current Process. Use the AI Assistant in Script Editor to describe functionality for your Script. After using the the AI Assistant, the current AI Generated object in this Process becomes a Script Task element that references the new Script you created using AI. See the following topics in this order:

Collaborate in Real-Time with Designers in Process Modeler (Beta)Add BPMN 2.0 Elements to Your Process ModelAdd Connectors to Your Process ModelAdd a PM Block to Your Process ModelUse Process Modeler

Last updated


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