Deploy Conversational Screens Using Web Entry

Deploy a set of Conversational Screens for a Process to run from any third-party site such as an organization's portal.


To allow Request participants to initiate an automated chat-style conversation to request or get information via Conversational Screens, configure each Start Event element and Form Task element that uses a Conversational Screen in your Process model to use Web Entry. Furthermore, configure Web Entry for the Start Event element how the icon to initiate a chat (which thereby starts a Request) and chat box display from site hosting the chat interface.

Web Entry provides the following benefits:

  • Embed JavaScript into your Web server's or blog's HTML header that contains the Web Entry URL to start Requests from the hosting site. ProcessMaker generates this JavaScript that informs the hosting site how to start Request of that Process from the hosting site, such as your organization's portal. Copy the JavaScript after configuring Web Entry for the Start Event element.

  • Both anonymous persons or authenticated users may start Requests, thereby potentially allowing anyone to contact your organization via the automated chat.

Configure Conversational Screens with Web Entry

Follow these guidelines to configure Conversational Screens with Web Entry:

  1. Configure each Start Event element that provides access to initiate a chat from the hosting site, thereby starting a Request, with Web Entry and the Conversational Screen that greets the Request participant. Select an interstitial Screen to display after that Conversational Screen completes until the subsequent Conversational Screen loads, such as this example.

  2. From each Start Event element configured using Web Entry, copy the JavaScript from the Embed Code setting, and then embed it into your the hosting site's header from which to initiate chat conversations.

  3. From each Start Event element configured using Web Entry, configure how the chat experience displays from within the hosting site, including the icon that displays to initiate a chat, its placement in the hosting site, and the appearance of the chat box.

  4. Configure each Form Task element that is a segment of the automated conversation with Web Entry and its Conversational Screen. Select an interstitial Screen to display after that Conversational Screen completes until the subsequent Conversational Screen loads.

See Conversational Screen Design Guidelines how to use connectors in Process models that use Conversational Screens to automate work between Tasks during the automated chat with a Request participant.

What is a Conversational Screen?What is a Screen?Conversational Forms PackageWhat is a Package?

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