Cancel a Request

Cancel a Request if you are granted to do so.


You can cancel a Request in the following circumstances:

  • The Process associated with a Request is configured to allow you or the group of which you are a member to cancel Requests for that Process.

  • Any Administrator can cancel a Request associated with any active Process.

Cancel a Request

Follow these steps to cancel a Request:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Click the Requests option from the top menu to see in-progress requests.

  3. From the cards on top, click one of the following cards:

  4. Click the Case # or Case Title column link to view in-progress tasks for the case.

  5. Use the open menu icon to open the collapsible panel on the right. The Details panel displays information about the Request such as its status, participants, etc. It also contains the Cancel Request button for cancelling the Request.

    Note: If your user account or group doesn't have permission to cancel Requests, then the Cancel Request button does not display.

  6. Click Cancel Request. A message displays to confirm that you want to cancel the Request.

  7. Click Confirm to cancel the Request.

Canceled Requests display in the All Requests page. Note that your user account must have the Requests: View All Requests permission to view the All Requests tab.

Canceled Request in the "All Requests" page

Last updated


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