Request Details

View a Request's details.


Details of a request display the current status of the request, names of request participants, and the option to cancel or rollback a request. Follow these steps to view Request details:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Click the Requests option from the top menu to see requests.

  3. From the cards on top, click My Requests, In Progress, Completed, or All Requests card.

  4. Click the Case # or Case Title column link to view tasks for the case.

  5. Use the open menu icon to open the collapsible panel on the right. You can find the Request's details under the Details tab.


The Details tab displays information depending on the status of the status.

In-Progress Request Detail

The following detail displays about an in-progress Request:

Request participant details for an in-progress Request
  • Cancel Request: The Cancel Request field allows a Request participant or ProcessMaker Platform Administrator to cancel the Request if that Request participant's user account has the appropriate permission to cancel Requests for that Process. If your user account does not have the permission(s) to cancel Requests for that Process, the Cancel Request field does not display. See Cancel a Request.

  • Participants: The Participants field displays each Request participant's avatar in the selected Request to that time. Hover your cursor over a user's avatar to view that person's full name.

  • Child Requests: The Child Requests field displays any child Requests associated with this Request, referred to as the parent Request when a child Request exists. A child Request is one from which this Request automatically started as designed in its associated Process. All child Requests have their own statuses since each routes independently of their parent Request. Click the link for any child Request to view the Request details for that child Request. For example, a child Request represents a Sub Process. If there are no child Requests associated with this Request, the Child Requests field does not display. The status icon displays beside each child Request. See View Your Requests for descriptions of each status icon.

  • Parent Request: The Parent Request field displays the parent Request associated with this Request, referred to as the child Request when a parent Request exists. The parent Request is one that automatically started this Request as designed in its associated Process. The parent Request has its own status since it routes independently of its child Request(s). Click the link for the parent Request to view the Request details for that Request. For example, a parent Request represents the main Process that started a Sub Process Request. If there is no parent Request associated with this Request, the Parent Request field does not display. The status icon displays beside the parent Request. See View Your Requests for descriptions of each status icon. Below is an example of a parent Request in a Request detail.

  • Request creation date: The date and time the Request was created displays below the Participants field. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

  • Requested By: The Requested By field displays the avatar and full name of the person who started the selected Request. Hover your cursor over a user's avatar to view that person's full name.

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