Terminate End Event

Add, copy, delete, change the color, align, and configure Terminate End Event elements in your Process model.

Don't Know What a Terminate End Event Element Is?

See Process Modeling Element Descriptions for a description of the Terminate End Event element.

Add a Terminate End Event Element


Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to configure a Terminate End Event element in the Process model unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Processes: Edit Processes

  • Processes: View Processes

See the Process permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Add a Terminate End Event element from one of the following locations in Process Modeler:

  • Object Panel: Located to the left of the Process Modeler canvas, the Object Panel contains various process model objects.

  • Object Bar: Located at the bottom of the Process Modeler canvas, the Object Bar contains pinned Process model objects, which are easy accessible.

Follow these steps to add a Terminate End Event element from the Object panel to the Process model:

  1. Click the End Event object from one of the following sections:

    • Pinned Objects: The End Event object appears in the Pinned Objects section when it is pinned.

    • Object Category: The End Event object appears in the Object Category section when it is not pinned.

  2. Click the location in the Process model to place this element. If a Pool element is in your Process model, the End Event element cannot be placed outside of the Pool element.

  3. Click the Elements drop-down menu, and then select the Terminate End Event option.

    The Terminate End Event element displays.

Replace a Terminate End Event Element with a Different Ending Request Event Element

After a Terminate End Event element is added to a Process model, you may replace it with a different ending Request event element:

The selected Terminate End Event element is replaced by the default settings and color of the replacing element.

Follow these steps to replace a Terminate End Event element with a different ending Request event element:

  1. Select the Terminate End Event element to change to another ending Request event element. Available options display above the selected element.

  2. Click the Elements icon. The Elements drop-down menu displays the ending Request event elements.

  3. Select the element to replace the Terminate End Event element. The Change Type screen displays to confirm replacing the currently selected element.

  4. Click Confirm. The new element replaces the Terminate End Event element with its default settings and color.


The Terminate End Event element has the following panels that contain settings:

Configuration Panel Settings

Edit the Element Name

An element name is a human-readable reference for a Process element. Process Modeler automatically assigns the name of a Process element with its element type. However, an element's name can be changed.

Follow these steps to edit the name for a Terminate End Event element:

  1. Select the Terminate End Event element from the Process model in which to edit its name. Panels to configure this element display.

  2. Expand the Configuration panel if it is not presently expanded. The Name setting displays. This is a required setting.

  3. In the Name setting, edit the selected element's name and then press Enter.

Documentation Panel Settings

Edit the Element's Description Displayed in Process Documentation

Describe the element's purpose and how it functions in the Process. This description does not affect Requests for the Process, but may be useful for Process model maintenance such as how the element is configured. Edit information by using the What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) rich text editor.

A Process's entered documentation displays by selecting the View Documentation icon for that Process.

Follow these steps to edit the description for an element:

  1. Select the element from the Process model in which to edit its description. Panels to configure this element display.

  2. Expand the Documentation panel if it is not presently expanded. The Description setting displays.

  3. Follow these guidelines to use the WYSIWYG rich text editor to stylize your text:

      1. Select the required text from the Rich Text control.

      2. In the URL setting, enter the destination URL.

      3. In the Text to display setting, edit or enter the text displayed in the Rich Text control.

      4. In the Title setting, enter the text to display when a user hovers over the displayed text.

      5. From Open link in… drop-down menu, select one of these options:

        • New window: Select this option to open the destination page in a new browser window.

        • Current window: Select this option to open the destination page in the current browser window.

      1. In the Source setting, enter a URL for the image.

      2. In the Alternative Description setting, enter the text to display if the source URL of the image is not accessible.

      3. In the Width setting, enter the maximum width for the image.

      4. In the Height setting, enter the maximum height for the image.

      5. Click Save.

    • Format text: Follow these guidelines to format text:

      • Headings: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Headings and then select a heading size.

      • Bold: Do one of the following:

        • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Bold.

      • Italics: Do one of the following:

        • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Italic.

      • Underline: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Underline.

      • Strikethrough: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Strikethrough.

      • Superscript: From the Paragraph/ Formats menu, select Inline and then Superscript.

      • Subscript: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Subscript.

      • Code: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Code.

      • Paragraph: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Blocks and then Paragraph.

      • Blockquote: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Blocks and then Blockquote.

      • Division: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Blocks and then Div.

      • Preformatted: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Blocks and then Pre.

        • Select one of the color swatches from the color palette. The selected text changes to that color.

      • Align text: Follow these guidelines to align text:

        • Left align: Do one of the following:

          • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Align and then Left.

        • Center align: Do one of the following:

          • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Align and then Center.

        • Right align: Do one of the following:

          • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Align and then Right.

        • Justify: Do one of the following:

          • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Align and then Justify.

Advanced Panel Settings

Edit the Node's Identifier Value

Process Modeler automatically assigns a unique value to each Process node added to a Process model. However, a node's identifier value can be changed if it is unique to all other nodes in the Process model, including the Process model's identifier value.

All identifier values for all nodes in the Process model must be unique.

Follow these steps to edit the identifier value for a Terminate End Event element:

  1. Select the Terminate End Event element from the Process model in which to edit its identifier value.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. In the Node Identifier setting, edit the Terminate End Event element's identifier to a unique value from all nodes in the Process model and then press Enter.

Last updated


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