Create a New Process Using AI

Use ProcessMaker's powerful AI Assistant to quickly build a complete Process, including any required Screens, Scripts, and Sub Processes.

Watch the following product tour to learn how to use ProcessMaker's AI Assistant to generate a Process.

Generate a New Process Using AI


Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to create a new Process unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Processes: Create Processes

  • Processes: View Processes

See the Processes permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to select using ProcessMaker AI to generate a new Process:

  1. View your active Processes.

  2. Click the +Process button. The New Process screen displays.  

  3. Click the Generate from Text. The Generative AI page displays.

  4. In the Description setting of the Process Details tab, enter a description of your business process requirements. Follow these guidelines when describing your business process requirements:

    • Enter your Process requirements in real natural languages. Do not use fictional languages.

    • You may enter your description in one language, but generate the Process model's labels using a different language. For example, enter your description in English language, but write at the end of your description: Generate the Process in Spanish or Return in Spanish.

    • One Process model description may use no more than 1000 tokens. A token is a common sequence of characters found in text for a particular language. Generally, one token corresponds to approximately four (4) characters of common English-language text. This corresponds to approximately 100 tokens to about 75 words in English. To the right of the Description label displays how many tokens your description currently uses. If your description exceeds 1000 tokens, shorten the length of your description.

    • From the Need Inspiration? field, view English-language phrases how to describe specific functions to generate in the Process model. Click a phrase or phrase template to copy it into your Clipboard, and then paste it into into the appropriate location in your description.

  5. Click the Generate button.  

  6. After the Process model generates, it displays in the Model result section of the Generative AI page.

  7. Navigate the generated Process model preview by doing any of the following:

    • Zoom out from the Process Modeler canvas:

      • Press the keyboard key combination Control+- (Command+- for Apple keyboards).

      • Click the icon from the lower left of the Process Modeler canvas.

    • Zoom in from the Process Modeler canvas:

      • Press the keyboard key combination Control++ (Command++ for Apple keyboards).

      • Click the icon from the lower left of the Process Modeler canvas.

    • Pan around after zooming into the thumbnail view: Press the space bar and then use your mouse to pan around the Process Modeler canvas.

    • Click the Rest to initial scale button to reset the Process Modeler canvas viewing percentage to 100%.

  8. Optionally, do any of the following as many times as necessary to generate the Process model that meets your business requirements:

    • Revise your description from the Description setting, and then click the Regenerate button.

    • Click the History tab to view your past natural language descriptions, each of their generated Process models, and the datetime each was generated. The History tab displays previous descriptions only for your user account. Click a description to view its text as well as the generated Process model. Each description displays changes from the preceding description using the following notation:

      • Text removed from the preceding description: Each word removed from the preceding description has a subtraction character (-) and has a red-colored highlight.

      • Text added to the following description: Each word added to the following description has an addition character (+) and has a green-colored highlight.

      Click the Clear History button to view the past descriptions for your user account.

  9. Do one of the following:

    • Download a PNG file of the Process model

      1. Click the Download button. A PNG image of the Process model downloads.

    • Create a Process from the generated Process model

      1. Click the Use Model button. The Create Process screen displays with the name and description of the Process from your Process requirements description using the natural language specified to generate the Process model.

      2. In the Name setting, edit the unique name for the Process. Names can only use apostrophe characters (') and spaces. This is a required setting.

      3. In the Description setting, edit a description of the Process if necessary. This is a required setting.

      4. From the Category drop-down menu, select one or more Process Categories to associate with this Process. To remove a Process Category that is currently selected, click theicon for that selection. This is a required setting.

      5. From the Project drop-down menu, select a Project(s) for this Process.

      6. From the Process Manager drop-down menu, select the Process Manager for this Process.

      7. Click Save. The new generated Process displays in Process Modeler.

      8. Continue designing the process in the Modeler.

Generate a New Asset for a Process Using AI Assistant

Use AI Assistant to create objects for your Process without knowing BPMN. From Process Modeler, use the AI Generated object to create assets for your Process model. Place the AI Generated object onto your Process model like any other object, and then select to generate any of the following assets using natural language:

  • Sub Process: ProcessMaker AI creates a Process using your natural language description. After creating your AI-generated Process, the current AI Generated object becomes a Sub Process element that references the new Process you created using AI.

  • Screen: ProcessMaker AI creates a Screen using your natural language description. After using the AI Control to create your Screen, the current AI Generated object in this Process becomes a Form Task element that references the new Screen you created using AI.

  • Script: ProcessMaker AI creates Script using your natural language description. After using the AI Assistant, the current AI Generated object in this Process becomes a Script Task element that references the new Script you created using AI.

An AI Generated object must be added to your Process model for it to generate a selected asset.

Add an AI Generated Object to the Process Model

Add an AI Generated object from one of the following locations in Process Modeler:

  • Object Panel: Located to the left of the Process Modeler canvas, the Object Panel contains various process model objects.

  • Object Bar: Located at the bottom of the Process Modeler canvas, the Object Bar contains pinned Process model objects for quick access.

Follow these steps to add an AI Generated object from the Object panel to the Process model:

  1. Ensure that the Object panel is visible. If not, click the Add icon from the Object bar at the bottom.

  2. Click the AI Generated object from one of the following sections:

    • Pinned Objects: The AI-generated object appears in the Pinned Objects section when it is pinned. This element type is pinned by default.

    • Object Category: The AI-generated object appears in the Object Category section when it is not pinned.

  3. Click the location in the Process model to place this element. Follow these guidelines when placing this element:

    • Optionally place this element between two existing Process model objects already connected with a Sequence Flow element. See Place an object between two connected objects.

    • If a Pool element is in your Process model, the AI Generated element cannot be placed outside of the Pool element.

Follow these steps to add an AI Generated object from the Object bar to the Process model:

  1. Ensure that the object is pinned to the Object bar. If not, pin it.

  2. In the Object bar at the bottom center, click the object's icon. This object's icon displays adjacent to the mouse icon to indicate this AI Generated may be placed into the Process model.

  3. Click the location in the Process model to place this object. Follow these guidelines when placing this element:

Select the Asset the AI Generated Object Creates

Follow these steps to select the asset the AI Generated object creates using your natural language description:

  1. Add an AI Generated object to the Process model.

  2. Show the Configuration settings. The AI Assistant panel displays.

  3. Select one of the following options:

    • Sub Process From Text: Select the Sub Process From Text option to use your natural language description for a Sub Process at this point in your current Process. After creating your AI-generated Process, the current AI Generated object becomes a Sub Process element that references the new Process you created using AI. See the following topics in this order:

      1. Create a New Blank Process

      2. Generate Your Process Using Natural Language

    • Screen From Text: Select the Screen From Text option to use your natural language description for a Screen at this point in your current Process. Use the AI Control in Screen Builder to describe the control(s) for your Screen. After using the AI Control to create your Screen, the current AI Generated object in this Process becomes a Form Task element that references the new Screen you created using AI. See the following topics in this order:

      1. Create a New Screen

      2. Generate Your Screen Using Natural Language

    • Script From Text: Select the Script From Text option to use your natural language description for a Script at this point in your current Process. Use the AI Assistant in Script Editor to describe functionality for your Script. After using the the AI Assistant, the current AI Generated object in this Process becomes a Script Task element that references the new Script you created using AI. See the following topics in this order:

      1. Create a New Script

      2. Generate Your Script Using Natural Language

Generate Multiple Assets for a Process Using AI Assistant

From the Process Modeler, use AI Assistant to generate multiple assets for a Process. The Process may be one that AI Assistant generates for you or one which you created but is missing one or more assets for it. AI Assistant can create any of the following assets:

When AI Assistant generates multiple assets for your Process, it generates a consistent JSON data model for all these assets across the entire Process. Even if your Process already uses an asset, such the Screen for the first Task, AI Assistant trains upon the JSON data model the Process already uses, and then builds upon it with a consistent data model for the remaining assets.

Consider the following example:

  1. AI Assistant generates the Process model for you. You approve the use of that Process model.

  2. AI Assistant generates a Screen that solicits from the Request participant that person's first name and last name. AI Assistant names these pieces of data FirstName and LastName in the JSON data model, respectively. Each of these pieces of data is a Request variable that contain information during each Request.

  3. AI Assistant generates a subsequent Screen to verify that Request participant's first and last name. The Request variable names for these pieces of information in the JSON data model are the same as those for the Screen elsewhere in that Process.

  4. AI Assistant creates a Script that references the Request participant's first and last name. The Request variable names in the Script are the same as those used in the Screens for this Process.

A consistent JSON data model is easier to maintain in the life cycle of that Process. When you see how pieces of data are referenced in one asset of that Process, you know that those pieces of data are named the same elsewhere for assets AI Assistant generated.

Follow these steps to generate multiple assets for a Process using AI Assistant:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Create a new Process using AI Assistant

      1. After the new Process displays in Process Modeler, the following message displays: Create your missing assets with AI.

      2. Click the Create Now button.

    • Create a new blank Process

      1. Design the Process model. Ensure the following before proceeding:

        • Each Process model object is named well to properly describe its function, especially for those objects into which AI Assistant will create assets.

        • Your Process model has been designed with appropriate Sequence Flow elements and Message Flow elements to properly indicate intended workflow and messaging routing.

        • Optionally, add the first Screen for the first Task in the Process so as to train AI Assistant on the JSON data model from which to build upon. As a best practice, do not assign an asset to a Form Task element, Manual Task element, or Script Task element that is in the middle or end of the Process model.

      2. Click the AI Asset Generator icon above the Process Modeler canvas. The Create your assets with AI message displays.

      3. Click the Create Assets with AI button.

  2. AI Assistant reviews existing assets from left to right in the Process Model, and then generates applicable Screens, Scripts, and Sub Processes from left to right. AI Assistant highlights each Process model object for which it is generating an asset using the following colors:

    • Blue: The blue-colored highlight represents AI Assistant is generating that Process model object's asset currently.

    • Green: The green-colored highlight represents AI Assistant successfully generated that Process model object's asset. AI Assistant automatically assigns the new asset to that object.

    • Gray: The gray-colored highlight represents this Process model object already has an asset assigned to it. Therefore, AI Assistant will not generate an asset for it.

    AI Assistant successfully generates all applicable assets for your Process model.

  3. As a best practice, before further revising your Process or any of its generated assets, run a Process test. Since this Process is still in development, you will not have any Scenarios with which to test the Process. However, by testing the Process end-to-end, you will receive an overview of the JSON data model to discern how AI Assistant named Request variables across the assets it generated.