Start Event

Add, copy, delete, change the color, align, and configure Start Event elements in your Process model.

Don't Know What a Start Event Element Is?

See Process Modeling Element Descriptions for a description of the Start Event element.

Add a Start Event Element


  • Processes: Edit Processes

  • Processes: View Processes

See the Process permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to configure a Start Event element in the Process model unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

Processes: Edit Processes

Processes: View Processes

See the Process permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Add a Start Event element from one of the following locations in Process Modeler:

  • Object Panel: Located to the left of the Process Modeler canvas, the Object Panel contains various process model objects.

  • Object Bar: Located at the bottom of the Process Modeler canvas, the Object Bar contains pinned Process model objects for quick access.

Follow these steps to add a Start Event element from the Object panel to the Process model:

  1. Ensure that the Object panel is visible. If not, click the Add icon from the Object bar at the bottom.

  2. Click the Start Event object from one of the following sections:

    • Pinned Objects: The Start Event object appears in the Pinned Objects section when it is pinned.

    • Object Category: The Start Event object appears in the Object Category section when it is not pinned.

  3. Click the location in the Process model to place this element. If a Pool element is in your Process model, the Start Event element cannot be placed outside of the Pool element.

Follow these steps to add a Start Event element from the Object bar to the Process model:

  1. Ensure that the Start Event object is pinned to the Object bar. If not, pin it.

  2. In the Object bar at the bottom center, click the object's icon. This object's icon displays adjacent to the mouse icon to indicate this Start Event may be placed into the Process model.

  3. Click the location in the Process model to place this element. If a Pool element is in your Process model, the Start Event element cannot be placed outside of the Pool element.

Replace a Start Event Element with a Different Starting Request Event Element

After a Start Event element is added to a Process model, you may replace it with a different starting Request event element:

The selected Start Event element is replaced by the default settings and color of the replacing element.

Follow these steps to replace a Start Event element with a different Start-type event element:

  1. Select the Start Event element to change to another Start-type event. Available options display above the selected element.

  2. Click the Elements icon. The Elements drop-down menu displays Start-type event elements.  

  3. Select the element to replace the Start Event element. The Change Type screen displays to confirm replacing the currently selected element.

  4. Click Confirm. The new element replaces the Start Event element with its default settings and color.


The Start Event element has the following panels that contain settings:

Configuration Panel Settings

The Start Event element has multiple settings in the Configuration panel:

Edit the Element Name

An element name is a human-readable reference for a Process element. Process Modeler automatically assigns the name of a Process element with its element type. However, an element's name can be changed.

Follow these steps to edit the name for a Start Event element:

  1. Select the Start Event element from the Process model in which to edit its name.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. The Name setting displays. This is a required setting.  

  3. In the Name setting, edit the selected element's name and then press Enter.

Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee

Use the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting to display an interstitial Screen that displays until the next Task displays. An interstitial Screen can only be a Display-type Screen. The interstitial Screen displays while the Request resumes routing. Non-assigned automated actions run as part of that Request while the interstitial Screen displays. The interstitial Screen displays indefinitely until one of the following occurs:

  • The Request assigns another Task to the same Task assignee, at which time the new Task displays.

  • The Request completes, at which time the Request summary displays.

  • The user clicks a link to leave that page to display another location.

Use the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting in the following ways:

  • Initial Task in the Request uses a Conversational-type Screen: During an automated chat-style conversation with the Request participant, link Conversational Screens together while the Request resumes routing based on previous conversational responses by the participant. After the Request participant responds to the conversation designed in the initial Screen, use the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting to display a message and/or image while the Request routes to the next Conversational Screen. See What is a Conversational Screen? for information how to design modern-style chat experiences. Use this setting regardless of configuring this Start Event element to use Web Entry to start a Request. While the Web Entry panel configures which Conversational- or Form-type Screen the initial Task uses, the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting indicates that a Screen displays after that initial Task completes. Web Entry is configured from the Web Entry panel.

  • Initial Task in the Request uses a Form-type Screen: After the initial Task in the Request completes, display a message with a Display-type Screen that reads Loading your next Task. While this Screen displays, the Request routes to the next Form Task or Manual Task element's Task.

  • Following the Start Event element is a Script Task element: If a Script Task element immediately follows the Start Event element (see below), use the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting to trigger any Form Task element or Manual Task element that follows the Script Task element.

See the tabs below for more information how to use the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting with Conversational- and Form-type Screens.

After selecting the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting, the Screen Interstitial setting displays to select which Screen displays after the initial Task in that Request completes. This behavior is different than the default functionality, whereby the To Do Tasks page displays after each Task completes.

The Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting applies only for that Start Event element.

If the next Task is assigned to a different user or group, then the interstitial Screen displays until that Request completes or another Task is assigned that user.

The Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting has two purposes depending on whether the initial Task in that Request uses a Conversational- or Form-type Screen.

First Task Uses a Conversational-Type Screen

Use the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting to link Conversational Screens together while the Request resumes routing based on previous conversational responses by the participant. Multiple elements and connectors may perform automatic tasks after the initial Conversational Screen's Task before the next Conversational Screen's Task triggers in that Request. However, the Request participant experiences a seamless conversation between the two Conversational Screens' Tasks while the interstitial Screen displays in the chat box. For example, use a Screen that uses an Image or Rich Text control that displays an animated GIF to imply that the other conversational participant is typing.

Non-assigned automated actions run as part of that Request while the interstitial Screen displays. When the Request assigns the next Task to that Task assignee, the new Task displays in the chat box as continued conversation in a seamless chat experience to the Request participant.

First Task Uses a Form-Type Screen

Use the Display the Next Assigned Task to the Task Assignee setting when you understand that this Task assignee will be assigned multiple Tasks during the same Request regardless of whomever that Task assignee is. This becomes convenient for that Task assignee to display the next Task immediately after submitting the current Task in that Request, especially if other elements and connectors are between Form Task and/or Manual Task elements so that Tasks are assigned quickly.

Follow these steps to configure a Start Event element to display an interstitial Screen after the initial Task in that Request completes:

  1. Select the Start Event element from the Process model in which to configure it to display an interstitial Screen after the first Task completes.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Locate the Display Next Assigned Task to Task Assignee setting. It is selected by default when the Start Event element is added to the Process model.

  4. Select the Display Next Assigned Task to Task Assignee setting. The Screen Interstitial setting displays.

  5. From the Screen Interstitial drop-down menu, select which Display-type Screen to display after the initial Task in that Request completes. This is a required setting.

Documentation Panel Settings

Edit the Element's Description Displayed in Process Documentation

Describe the element's purpose and how it functions in the Process. This description does not affect Requests for the Process, but may be useful for Process model maintenance such as how the element is configured. Edit information by using the What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) rich text editor.

A Process's entered documentation displays by selecting the View Documentation icon for that Process.

Follow these steps to edit the description for an element:

  1. Select the element from the Process model in which to edit its description.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Documentation panel if it is not presently expanded. The Description setting displays.

  4. In the Description setting, edit the information to display when viewing documentation for this element and then press Enter. Alternatively, use the What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) rich text editor to stylize your text by clicking the More icon.

    Follow these guidelines to use the WYSIWYG rich text editor to stylize your text:

    • Undo changes: Click on theicon to undo the last action.

    • Redo changes: Click on theicon to redo the last undone action.

    • Insert/Edit Link: Click on theicon to convert the selected text into a hyperlink. Follow these steps to create a hyperlink:

      1. Select the required text from the Rich Text control.

      2. Click on theicon. The Insert/Edit Link screen displays.  

      3. In the URL setting, enter the destination URL.

      4. In the Text to display setting, edit or enter the text displayed in the Rich Text control.

      5. In the Title setting, enter the text to display when a user hovers over the displayed text.

      6. From Open link in… drop-down menu, select one of these options:

        • New window: Select this option to open the destination page in a new browser window.

        • Current window: Select this option to open the destination page in the current browser window.

    • Insert/Edit Image: Click on the Insert/Edit Image iconto insert an image. Follow these guidelines:

      1. Click on the Insert/Edit Image icon.

      2. The Insert/Edit Image screen displays:  

      3. In the Source setting, enter a URL for the image.

      4. In the Alternative Description setting, enter the text to display if the source URL of the image is not accessible.

      5. In the Width setting, enter the maximum width for the image.

      6. In the Height setting, enter the maximum height for the image.

      7. Toggle the Constrain Proportions iconto maintain the width-height ratio of the image to its original proportion.

      8. Click Save.

    • Insert Page Break for PDF: Click on the Insert Page Break for PDF iconto insert a page break when a PDF document is created for this documentation if your browser supports this feature.

    • Format text: Follow these guidelines to format text:

      • Headings: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Headings and then select a heading size.

      • Bold: Do one of the following:

        • From the editor toolbar, select theicon.

        • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Bold.

      • Italics: Do one of the following:

        • From the editor toolbar, select theicon.

        • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Italic.

      • Underline: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Underline.

      • Strikethrough: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Strikethrough.

      • Superscript: From the Paragraph/ Formats menu, select Inline and then Superscript.

      • Subscript: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Subscript.

      • Code: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Inline and then Code.

      • Paragraph: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Blocks and then Paragraph.

      • Blockquote: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Blocks and then Blockquote.

      • Division: From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Blocks and then Div.

      • Preformatted:  From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Blocks and then Pre.

      • Change text color: Use the Text Color drop-down to change text color. Click on theicon. The color palette displays. Do one of the following:

        • Select one of the color swatches from the color palette. The selected text changes to that color.

          • Click theicon to select a custom color from the Color Picker.

          • Click theicon to reset the text to its default color.

      • Align text: Follow these guidelines to align text:

        • Left align: Do one of the following:

          • From the editor toolbar, use theicon to left-align text.

          • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Align and then Left.

        • Center align: Do one of the following:

          • From the editor toolbar, use theicon to center-align text.

          • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Align and then Center.

        • Right align: Do one of the following:

          • From the editor toolbar, use theicon to right-align text.

          • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Align and then Right.

        • Justify: Do one of the following:

          • From the editor toolbar, use theicon to justify text.

          • From the Paragraph/Formats menu, select Align and then Justify.

      • Insert a bullet list: Use theicon to format text as a bulleted list.

      • Insert a numbered list:  Use theicon to format text as a numbered list.

      • Indent text: Click on theicon to increase text indenting.

      • Outdent text: Click on theicon to decrease text indenting.

Start Permissions Panel Settings

Select whether a user or any member of a group may start a Request:

Select the User That Can Start a Request

When a Start Event element is placed into a Process model, it is not configured to indicate how a Request can start via that Start Event element. Therefore, it must be configured.

If this Start Event element is configured to start Requests anonymously via Web Entry, the settings described below are disabled because these Start Event element settings only configure which authenticated user(s) may start a Request from this element. Therefore, to configure these settings, either disable Web Entry or select that authenticated users may start Requests from this element via Web Entry. See Web Entry Panel Settings.

To allow anonymous or authenticated users to start or participate in Requests via a published URL do not configure who may start Requests from the Start Permissions panel. Configure those persons from the Web Entry panel.

Follow these steps to select which user can start a Request via this Start Event element:

  1. Select the Start Event element from the Process model in which to select the user that may start a Request.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Start Permissions panel if it is not presently expanded. The Type setting displays.  

  4. From the Type drop-down menu, select the User option. The User drop-down menu displays below the Start Permission drop-down menu.  

  5. From the User drop-down menu, select which user can start a Request via the Start Event element. That user may start a Request.

Select the Group That Can Start a Request

When a Start Event element is placed into a Process model, it is not configured to indicate how a Request can start via that Start Event element. Therefore, it must be configured.

Follow these steps to select which group members can start a Request via this Start Event element:

  1. Select the Start Event element from the Process model in which to select the group that may start a Request.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Start Permissions panel if it is not presently expanded. The Type setting displays.

  4. From the Type drop-down menu, select the Group option. The Group drop-down menu displays below the Start Permission drop-down menu.  

  5. From the Group drop-down menu, select which group can start a Request via the Start Event element. Any member of that group may start a Request.

Web Entry Panel Settings

Select Who Can Start a Request via a Web Entry

When a Start Event element is placed into a Process model, Web Entry settings for that element are disabled. Therefore, it must be configured for use.

In overview, configuring Web Entry involves making the following decisions:

  1. Who may start the Request: Decide to allow any person to start the Request via Web Entry anonymously or only the authenticated user(s) specified from the Start Permissions panel. In conjunction, decide the following based on who may start the Request:

    • Anonymously: Decide one or both of the following:

      • Password-protect access to the Web Entry.

      • Read query string parameters suffixed as JSON key name and value pairs to the Web Entry's base URL to be included in that Request's data. This setting is useful to suffix metadata for email campaigns. For example, if the Web Entry's base URL is http://pm/webentry/7/node_24, add parameters to the URL that represent the JSON key name and value pairs to add to that Request such as http://pm/webentry/7/node_24?data1=123&data2=456. Parameters are interpreted as strings.

    • Authenticated user: Read query string parameters as described above.

  2. Screen for the chat or Task: Select from which Screen the Request starter interacts with this Request. This may be one of the following types of Screens:

    • Conversational-type: The Request starter interacts in an automated chat-style correspondence by responding to questions and responses, and then either submits the chat or the Screen submits itself if it times out from interaction.

    • Form-type: The Request starter enters information into an interactive form, and then submits it to start the Request.

  3. Completed action after Screen submission: Decide whether to display a separate Screen when the initial Screen submits or to route that person to a URL. If to display a Screen, select that Screen.

  4. Embed the Web Entry into a third-party site: If embedding the Web Entry into a third-party site, decide one or both of the following:

    • Embed the Web Entry if using a Form-type Screen: Copy the JavaScript that contains the Web Entry URL, and then embed that JavaScript into your Web server's or blog's HTML header.

    • Embed the Web Entry if using a Conversational-type Screen: Copy the JavaScript that contains the Web Entry URL, configure options how the chat-style presentation displays in your site, and then embed that JavaScript into your Web server's or blog's HTML header.

Authenticated Web Entries in Iframes

Due to the default Laravel cookies, Web Entries cannot be embedded into a third-party site for authenticated users.

Follow these steps to select who can start a Request via a Web Entry URL from this Start Event element:

  1. Select the Start Event element from the Process model in which to select who may start a Request via a Web Entry URL.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Web Entry panel if it is not presently expanded. The Web Entry setting displays.  

  4. From the Mode drop-down menu, select one of the following options:

    • Disabled: Select the Disabled setting to disable Web Entry for this Start Event element when this element currently is configured to do so. This is the default setting.

    • Anonymous: Select the Anonymous option to allow any person who has access to the Web Entry's URL to start a Request. This person is not authenticated as a user. As a best practice, use Anonymous Web Entry URLs when an active session will not be used in the same Web browser. Note that if an anonymous person starts a Request and a later Form Task element or Manual Task element is assigned to the Request starter, ensure that the anonymous person enters an email address for that Task or chat-style interaction. Otherwise, that person cannot receive notifications for the subsequent Task. If this happens, the following Request error occurs: This process was started by an anonymous user so this task can not be assigned to the requester. Therefore, use this option cautiously.  

      If selecting the Anonymous option, consider selecting the Enable Password Protect setting below the Completed Action setting (described below) to require a password to access the Web Entry.

    • Authenticated: Select the Authenticated option to require an authenticated user or group member to start a Request via the Web Entry's URL. If an authenticated user or group member is already selected from the Start Permissions panel, then only those user(s) may start a Request via Web Entry from this Start Event element.

      If selecting the Authenticated option, consider selecting the Allow query string data setting below the Completed Action setting (described below) to read JSON key name and value pairs from the Web Entry's base URL to be included in that Request's data.

  5. From the Screen Associated drop-down menu, select the Screen that displays when the Web Entry URL is accessed. This drop-down menu displays only Conversational and Form types so the Request starter can interact with information in the Screen. This is a required setting.  

    Optionally, click the Open Screen link to open the selected Screen in a separate Web browser window.

  6. From the Completed Action drop-down menu, select one of the following options:

    • Screen: Select the Screen option to indicate that a Screen displays after the Requester submits the Screen selected from the Screen Associated drop-down menu described above. Screen is the default setting.  

      After the Screen option is selected, the Screen For Completed setting displays below the Completed Action option. From the Screen For Completed drop-down menu, select the Screen that displays after submitting the Screen selected from the Screen Associated drop-down menu. This drop-down menu displays only Display types to display a message to the request starter. This is a required setting.

      Optionally, click the Open Screen link to open the selected Screen in a separate Web browser window.

    • URL: Select the URL option to indicate that the Request starter is redirected to a URL after the Request starter submits the Screen selected from the Screen Associated drop-down menu.  

      After the URL option is selected, the Redirect URL setting display below the Completed Action option. From the Redirect URL setting, enter the URL to which the Request starter redirects after submitting the Screen selected from the Screen Associated drop-down menu, and then press Enter. The redirect URL supports mustache syntax to reference the value of a Request variable as the URL. This is a required setting.

  7. If the Anonymous option is selected from the Mode setting, the Enable Password Protect setting displays.

    Select the Enable Password Protect setting to require a password to access the Web Entry. If the Enable Password Project setting is selected, the Password Protect setting displays below it.

    In the Password Protect setting, enter the password that the anonymous Request starter must enter to access the Web Entry.

  8. Select the Allow query string data setting to read JSON key name and value pairs from the Web Entry's base URL to be included in that Request's data. This setting is useful to suffix metadata for email campaigns. For example, if the Web Entry's base URL is http://pm/webentry/7/node_24, add parameters to the URL that represent the JSON key name and value pairs to add to that Request such as http://pm/webentry/7/node_24?data=123&data2=456. Parameters are interpreted as strings.

  9. The Web Entry URL displays the Web Entry URL from which the Request starter accesses the Web Entry. ProcessMaker Platform generates this URL using the following structure: ProcessMaker Platform instance domain/webentry/Web Entry numerical instance/Identifier Value of this Start Event element. If necessary, click the Copy button below the Web Entry URL setting to copy the Web Entry URL so that it is available in your clipboard.  

    Optionally, customize the Web Entry URL using Request variable values as URL parameters. Reference these Request variable values using single curly brackets surrounding each Request variable name, such as {variableName}, in the custom URL.

    Follow these steps to customize the Web Entry URL:

    1. Click the Options button below the Web Entry URL setting. The URL Options screen displays. By default the Standard URL option is enabled, indicating that the automatically generated URL is used for this Web Entry.

    2. Select the Custom URL setting. Settings enable below the Custom URL setting. The Web Entry URL Preview setting displays the currently customized Web Entry URL. If necessary, click the Copy button below the Web Entry URL Preview setting to copy this custom URL.

    3. In the First URL segment setting, enter the base segment that displays after your base ProcessMaker Platform instance component of the Web Entry URL. A forward slash (/) precedes the first URL segment. The first URL segment must be unique to other Web Entry URLs from other Start Event elements in this Process, and may only use alphanumeric characters. This setting is required. In the example below, baseurl is the first URL segment.

    4. Use the URL parameters setting to enter custom parameters in the Web Entry URL based on Request variable name values. In the Name... setting, enter the Request variable name from which to reference its value for the Web Entry URL, and then click the Add Parameter button. That parameter displays within the URL parameters setting with single curly brackets ({ }) surrounding it. In the example below, city is a Request variable name from which to reference its value for the custom Web Entry URL.

      Enter as many parameters as necessary. Use the following icons to remove or sort the order of added URL parameters:

      • Delete: Click the Delete iconto delete the selected parameter from the Web Entry URL.

      • Sort order: Hold and drag theicon to sort the order of parameters in the Web Entry URL. Sort parameters in the URL parameters setting from top to bottom as they are to display left to right in the custom URL.

    5. Click Save to exit the URL Options screen with the saved custom Web Entry URL settings.

  10. The Embed Code setting displays the JavaScript that contains the Web Entry URL to embed into your Web server's or blog's HTML header. If necessary, click the Copy button below the Embed Code setting to copy the Web Entry URL so that it is available in your clipboard.

    If this Start Event element's Web Entry uses a Conversational-type Screen to provide a chat-style interaction with the Request starter, optionally click the Options button below the Embed Code setting to configure how the chat box displays in the embedded container to which the Web Entry's JavaScript code is applied. When the Options button is clicked, the Embed Options screen displays.

    Configure how the chat box displays in the embedded container from the following options:

    1. From the Position setting, select one of the following options:

      • Fill Container: The chat box displays the width of the container to which the Web Entry's JavaScript code is applied. This is the default setting. When the Fill Container setting is selected, all other settings in the Embed Options screen are disabled.

      • Top Left: The chat box displays in the top left corner of the container to which the Web Entry's JavaScript code was applied.

      • Top Right: The chat box displays in the top right corner of the container to which the Web Entry's JavaScript code was applied.

      • Bottom Left: The chat box displays in the bottom left corner of the container to which the Web Entry's JavaScript code was applied.

      • Bottom Right: The chat box displays in the bottom right corner of the container to which the Web Entry's JavaScript code was applied.

    2. In the Title setting, enter the title that displays in the chat box. Form is the default setting. This setting does not apply when the Fill Container option is selected from the Position setting.

    3. From the Color setting, select the color that displays for button to show the chat box and for the chat box frame itself. The left-most color option is the default. This setting does not apply when the Fill Container option is selected from the Position setting.

    4. From the Icon setting, select an icon that displays to show the chat box. The Question Circle is the default option. This setting does not apply when the Fill Container option is selected from the Position setting.

    5. Click Save.

The Start Event element's icon changes to indicate that this element uses Web Entry to trigger.

Start Event element configured to use Web Entry

Vocabularies Panel Settings

Assign Vocabularies That Validate Request Data from This Element

Assign Vocabularies that validate Request data complies with a specific JSON schema. This is often mandatory for many types of business sectors including banking and healthcare. Ensure the quality and compliance of Request data. For example, during a Loan Application process, ensure that personal information has been included in the Request to that moment in that in-progress Request. The Vocabularies package must be installed to make this configuration.

After the Request data is submitted from the Web Entry, Vocabularies assigned to the Start Event element validate the Request data complies with the Vocabulary's JSON schema. See What is a Vocabulary? for more information. See Select Who Can Start a Request via a Web Entry for information how to use the Web Entry on a Start Event element.

Each moment ProcessMaker Platform evaluates workflow routing for an in-progress Request, ProcessMaker Platform also evaluates the Request data's conformity to the Vocabularies applied to the Process and/or a specific BPMN 2.0 element in the Process model. The Request's JSON data model must conform to the Vocabulary's JSON schema.

During an in-progress Request, if ProcessMaker Platform evaluates that the Request data no longer complies with all Vocabularies to that moment, the Request status changes from In Progress to Error. The error displays in the Request summary. Vocabularies are cumulative in an in-progress Request: as the Request progresses, if Request data does not conform with any Vocabulary's JSON schema to that moment in the Request, the Request errors.

If no Vocabularies are assigned, ProcessMaker Platform does not validate Request data complies with a specific JSON schema prior to continuing workflow for that Request.

One or more Vocabularies must be created before assigning a Vocabulary. See Create a New Vocabulary. Multiple Vocabularies can be assigned to a Start Event element.

Follow these steps to assign Vocabularies that validate Request data from a Start Event element:

  1. Select the Start Event element from the Process model in which to assign Vocabularies that validate Request data prior to when this element completes.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Vocabularies panel if it is not presently expanded. The Assigned setting displays.

  4. Click theicon to add a Vocabulary. The Assign Vocabulary option displays.

  5. From the Select Vocabulary drop-down menu, select a Vocabulary from which to validate Request data complies with its JSON schema.

    If no Vocabularies are configured, then the following message displays: List is empty. Create at least one Vocabulary. See Create a New Vocabulary.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Repeat Steps 3 through 6 as necessary for each Vocabulary required to validate Request data complies with its JSON schema.

Click the Remove iconfrom the Vocabularies setting to remove a Vocabulary from assignment to this element.

After one or more Vocabularies are assigned to a Start Event element, the Vocabulary icon displays above that element.

Start Event element with an assigned Vocabulary

Advanced Panel Settings

Edit the Node's Identifier Value

Process Modeler automatically assigns a unique value to each Process node added to a Process model. However, a node's identifier value can be changed if it is unique to all other nodes in the Process model, including the Process model's identifier value.

All identifier values for all nodes in the Process model must be unique.

Follow these steps to edit the identifier value for a Start Event element:

  1. Select the Start Event element from the Process model in which to edit its identifier value.

  2. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it. Panels to configure this element display.

  3. Expand the Advanced panel if it is not presently expanded. The Node Identifier setting displays. This is a required setting.  

  4. In the Node Identifier setting, edit the Start Event element's identifier to a unique value from all nodes in the Process model and then press Enter.