Track Your Requests

Understand how a Request's workflow has routed by viewing a color-coded overview of the Process model of that Request.


Request tracking displays Request status, history, and the projected future routing of that Request using a graphical illustration that overlays over that Request's Process model. Understand exactly current workflow of that Request is in the Process and where it can go next.

Request tracking provides the following insight to your Request:

  • View current routing for that Request: The Process model displays the workflow routing that Request has taken to its current status.

  • View the status of each Task in that Request: A color-coded illustration overlays over the Process model for that Request to indicate the status of each Task in that Request's workflow routing to that datetime. The following colors represent Task status in that Request:

    • Completed Tasks: Completed Tasks display with a green-colored overlay.

    • In-progress Tasks: Tasks that are in progress display with a blue-colored overlay.

    • Untriggered Tasks: Tasks that are not triggered in that Request display with a gray-colored overlay.

  • Discover bottlenecks in multiple Requests of that Process: View metadata for each affected Task in that Request, such as the time between Tasks, time on each Task, and the number of times a particular workflow route has been taken. By analyzing metadata for multiple Requests of that Process, learn where bottlenecks occur in workflow routing so Process Managers and other Process Designers can optimize that Process for better performance.

  • Empower Request participants to champion their Requests: Request starters and subsequent participants in that Request can closely monitor progress of their Requests.

Follow these steps to track your Request:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. View one of the following Requests pages:

  3. Do one of the following:

    • From the # column in the Request page, click the Request number associated with the Process that you want to view. That Request's summary displays.

  4. Click Overview tab. For each Request, the Overview tab displays its tracking.

Below the Overview panel see the following:

  • The history of the Request displays all Request actions. See Request History.

  • Task comments that participants posted to that Request display in chronological order within that Request's history.

Track Routing in Your Request

Your user account or group membership must have the "Requests: View All Requests" permission to see the in-flight process map unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected.

See the Request permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Process element information is just available for Task Elements.

Click a tab below to view the Overview tab for each Request status type that uses it. Tabs for each status type display in alphabetical order.

The Overview tab displays the following about Request tracking to that datetime:

  • Process Name: At the top-left, the Process name displays composed with the legend In-Flight Map.

  • Map Movement: Click and drag the navigate around the illustration of the Process model.

  • Task Information: Click a Task element to display the following:

    • If the Task is completed, that Task displays with a green-colored overlay. After clicking the Task, a tooltip displays information including the Task name, its status, user who completed that Task, the datetime when the Task started, and the datetime when the Task completed.

    • If the Task is in progress, that Task displays with a blue-colored overlay. After clicking the Task, a tooltip displays information including the Task name, its status, and the datetime when the Task started. Since that Task is not complete, information is not available yet regarding which user completed that Task or when.

    • If the Task is not triggered in that Request, that Task displays with a gray-colored overlay. After clicking the Task, a tooltip displays the Task name and the message No information found.

  • Path Information: Click a flow element's overlay to see how that Request's workflow routed within the Process. A tooltip displays how many times that route was repeated.

Otherwise, if the Request has not routed through a specific flow element, that flow element displays No information found.

Tasks Assigned to Request ParticipantsError DescriptionValues in the RequestEditable Request DataCompleted Tasks SummaryFiles Associated with the RequestForms Associated with the RequestSummaryRequest History

Last updated


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