Cancel a Request

Cancel a Request if you are granted to do so.


You can cancel a Request in the following circumstances:

Cancel a Request

If a Process is not configured to allow you to cancel Requests, then the Cancel button to cancel Requests does not display in Request summaries associated with that Process.

Follow these steps to cancel a Request:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Requests option from the top menu if it is not currently displayed. The My Requests page displays.

  3. View one of the following Requests pages:

  4. Do one of the following:

    • From the # column, click the Request number associated with the Process displaying in the Name column to view its summary. This number represents the sequential occurrence of that Process.

    Information about the Request displays that includes the Cancel button. Note that if the Request associated with the Process is not configured to allow your user account or group to cancel Requests, then the Cancel Request section and Cancel button does not display.

  5. Click Cancel. A message displays to confirm you want to cancel the Request.

  6. Click Confirm. The Request is canceled.

Canceled Requests display in the All Requests page. Note that your user account must have the Requests: View All Requests permission to view the All Requests tab.

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