Configure Session Control Settings

Configure a Session Control.

Permissions Required

Your user account or group membership must have the "Settings: Update Settings" permission to edit Session Control unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected.

See the Settings permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Configure Session Control

Configure the following Session Control tab settings as necessary:

Set the IP Restriction

Set the IP address restriction policy when a user logs on or attempts to log on again using the same user account.

Follow these steps to set the IP restriction policy:

  1. View your Session Control settings. The Session Control tab displays.

  2. Select the IP restriction as follows:

    • Disabled: Disable this setting. The user may log on from a different IP address than that used by the current session. This is the default setting.

    • Block duplicate session: Block any attempt to start another session by the same user on another IP address.

    • Kill existing session: End the active session.

  3. Click Save. The following message displays: The setting was updated.

Set the Device Restriction

Set the device restriction made from user's login.

Follow these steps to set the device restriction:

  1. View your Session Control settings. The Session Control tab displays.

  2. Select device restriction as follows:

    • Disabled: Disable this setting. The user may log on from multiple devices. This is the default setting.

    • Block duplicate session: Block any attempt to start another session by the same user on another device.

    • Kill existing session: End any active sessions that the user has on other devices at the moment the new session starts. Keep the current session on the current device.

  3. Click Save. The following message displays: The setting was updated.

Set the session inactivity

Set the session inactivity in minutes.

Follow these steps to set the session inactivity:

  1. View your Session Control settings. The Session Control tab displays.

  2. In the setting, enter the number of minutes to wait for a session's inactivity. 180 is set by default.

  3. Click Save. The following message displays: The setting was updated.

What Are Password and Login Settings?Manage Session Control

Last updated


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