
DevLink provides a streamlined way to manage, share, and synchronize assets across ProcessMaker instances, enabling administrators to maintain consistency and making the transition from development to production seamless. Key capabilities include:

  • Consistent Configuration: Use DevLink to ensure all linked instances share the same assets, reducing discrepancies and errors.

  • Streamlined Deployment: Bundle assets for easy deployment to multiple instances, ensuring consistency across different environments.

This feature automates synchronization, reducing administrative effort of moving each individual asset and ensuring up-to-date asset management. Once linked, any changes in assets can be updated across all linked instances in minutes.

Setting up DevLink involves two steps:

Watch the following product tour to learn how to use DevLink for environment synchronization.

DevLink Configuration


Your user account or group membership must have the Make this user a Super Admin permission selected. Only Super Admins are allowed to authorize DevLink connections.

Follow these steps to link instances in your organization:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Access the Admin tab from the top menu, and then click the DevLink icon from the left sidebar.

  3. Click the Add Instance button to add a new instance.

  4. Enter the name and the target instance URL, then click Create.

  5. You will be redirected to the target instance’s login page. Enter login credentials and sign in.
    Login - Winter 2025

  6. After entering credentials, authorize the connection request from the target instance.
    Note: Only Super Admin users can authorize DevLink connections.

  7. Once authorized, the instances will be linked, allowing secure sharing of assets and configurations.

  8. Click the Shared Assets tab to enable sharing of assets on the remote instance, allowing the other instances to access and view them directly.

Connection Troubleshooting

  • Verify that the URL entered for the target instance is correct and it is reachable.

  • Confirm that the target instance has been upgraded to the Winter 2025 release.

  • Ensure that you are using Super Admin credentials for both local and target instances.

  • If the connection times out, contact ProcessMaker Support to adjust the session timeout setting for your instances.

Bundle Creation and Management

Bundles are packaged groups of assets such as processes, screens, scripts, data connectors, and settings, that can be shared and installed across different instances. Bundles streamline deployment, simplify version control, and ensure consistency, making it easy for administrators to manage assets across environments. Key capabilities include:

  • Comprehensive Asset Management: Include various assets, from processes and screens to data connectors and scripts, within a single bundle for easy deployment across instances.

  • Efficient Version Control: Track and manage different versions of assets, ensuring all linked instances maintain the latest updates and changes.

  • Admin Control: Administrators can create, lock, and update bundles as needed, granting full control over assets across instances.

  • Seamless Environment Synchronization: Enable standardization across environments by managing consistent assets across all linked instances.

  • Asset Update Notifications:: Receive automatic notifications whenever asssets within a Bundle are updated.


Your user account or group membership must have the Make this user a Super Admin permission selected. Only Super Admins are allowed to manage Bundles.

Create a Bundle

Follow these steps to create a new bundle:

  1. Access the Admin tab from the top menu, then click the DevLink icon from the left sidebar.

  2. Click the Local Bundles tab, and then click the Create Bundle button to create a new Bundle.

  3. Enter a name for the Bundle and click Create. The new bundle is added to the list of bundles.

  4. Click the Published toggle key to make the bundle visible in any linked instances.

  5. Disable access to the bundle at any time by disabling the Published toggle key.

Add Assets to a Bundle

The following assets can be added to a Bundle:

  • Processes

  • Scripts (new in Spring 2025)

  • Screens (new in Spring 2025)

  • Data Connectors (new in Spring 2025)

  • Decision Tables (new in Spring 2025)

  • Genies (new in Spring 2025)

  • Collections (new in Spring 2025)

Follow these steps to add assets to a bundle:

  1. Access the asset list you want to add. For example, view the Process List from the Designer Home Screen.

  2. Click the options menu Task Dots , then select Add to Bundle.

  3. Select the required bundle from the list.

  4. Click Save. The process is now added to the Bundle and can be accessed from linked instances.

  5. Other assets (screens, scripts, collections, etc) can also be added to Bundles in a similar manner.

Bundle Guidelines for Assets

  • When a process is added to a bundle, the following assets in the process (if any) are also added to the bundle:

    • Screens

    • Scripts

    • Data Connectors

    • Collections

    • Decision Tables

    • FlowGenies

  • When a process is downloaded from a bundle, all related assets, along with their configurations, are automatically imported to ensure seamless integration.

Add Platform Configurations and Settings to a Bundle

New in Spring 2025

This feature is available in the Spring 2025 release.

In additional to designer assets, certain platform configurations and settings can also be added to a Bundle. Follow these steps to add configurations and settings:

  1. Click on the Local Bundles tab to view available Bundles.

  2. Click on a Bundle to open it.

  3. From the Platform Configurations section, select one or more of the following configurations:

    1. Users

    2. Groups

    3. Dashboards

    4. Menus

    5. Script Executors

    6. Public Files

  4. From the Settings section, select one of more of the following settings:

    1. Email Settings

    2. Login and Auth

    3. User Settings

    4. Integrations

    5. UI Settings

Bundle Guidelines for settings and configurations

  • Individual user account or groups can be added to Bundles, using their respective ellipses menus.

  • Individual system settings can be added to Bundles using their respective ellipses menus.

Install a Complete Bundle

  1. Access the Admin tab from the top menu, then click the DevLink icon from the left sidebar.

  2. Click a linked instance to view the available bundles in it.

  3. Choose the bundle you want to install in your instance, and then click the install icon .

  4. If assets in the bundle already exist in the destination instance, the install icon will not be displayed.

  5. Once installed, the bundle will appear in the Local Bundles tab. The Origin column indicates whether a bundle is local or synced from another instance.

  6. Click the options menu to reinstall any of the bundles, if needed.

  7. Click Open to view the assets in the Bundle.

  8. Click Delete to remove a Bundle from this instance.

    When a process is downloaded from a bundle, all related assets, along with their configurations, are automatically imported to ensure seamless integration.

Install Selected Assets

  1. Access the Admin tab from the top menu, then click the DevLink icon from the left sidebar.

  2. Click a linked instance to view available bundles.

  3. Click the Assets tab to view available assets.

  4. Click the View button next to an asset type to view relevant assets.

  5. Choose an asset and click the cloud icon to copy it into the current instance. Click Ok.

  6. Click OK to start the installation.

  7. Once the installation completes, the assets can be accessed from the Designer Welcome Screen. For example if the asset is a process, it displays in the Process List.

Reinstall a Bundle

If an installed Bundle is updated, it can be re-installed using the following steps:

  1. Access the Admin tab from the top menu, then click the DevLink icon from the left sidebar.

  2. Click on the Local Bundles tab to view available Bundles.

  3. Click on a Bundle to open it.

  4. Navigate to the Assets section displaying linked assets and configurations.

  5. Review the status updates for each linked asset or configuration to ensure they are up to date.

  6. If the bundle was previously installed, the platform will provide an option to reinstall it.

  7. Click Reinstall to proceed.

  8. Additionally see the following options:

    1. Add a Copy – Creates a duplicate of the existing bundle.

    2. Update – Updates the bundle while preserving its existing configurations.