Request Data Type PMQL Properties

Use these ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) properties for Request PMQL search queries.


The following ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) properties apply to the Request data type to perform PMQL search queries from any of the pages accessible from the Requests top menu option. Selecting any PMQL search result displays the Request summary for that result.

completed: Request's Completion Datetime


completed property represents when the Request completes.

Datetime Format

Enter the datetime in the PMQL search query within quotation marks in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS using 24-hour time. Example: "2020-07-01 14:25:15".

NOW Keyword

Use the NOW keyword to dynamically compare the current datetime with a specified number of chronological units. Use the Less Than operator (<) followed by the number of chronological units to search for Requests of that age. Note that the interval unit of time is singular. PMQL supports the following units of time:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

See Example 2 how this property can apply to Service Level Agreement (SLA) contract compliance.

Example 1

Purpose of the search: Find completed Requests for the Purchase Request Process between February 3, 2020, and February 10, 2020.

(request = "Purchase Request Process") AND (completed > "2020-02-03 00:00:00") AND (completed < "2020-02-10 00:00:00")

Example 2

Purpose of the search: Find completed Requests for the "SLA for Purchase Request Process" that started on or after March 1, 2020, but did not complete on or prior to March 4, 2020, for purchase orders submitted through the New York or Chicago branches that are at least $10 million.

This example uses the data object that represents Request data. The following Request variables store Request data that this PMQL search query references:

  • Branch: The Branch Request variable stores to which company branch office a purchase request was submitted. Different branch offices might have different Service Level Agreement (SLA) contract requirements for which they must comply. For example, the New York and Chicago offices must complete a purchase request within three (3) days; the Charlotte office must complete requests within five (5) days.

  • TotalCost: The TotalCost Request variable stores the total amount for the purchase request.

This example uses the OR operator to search for any of multiple properties within an AND operator to find those Requests associated with either the New York or Chicago branches.

(request = "SLA for Purchase Request Process") AND (started >= "2020-03-01 00:00:00") AND (completed >= "2020-03-04 00:00:00") AND ((data.Branch = "New York") OR (data.Branch = "Chicago")) AND (data.TotalCost >= 10,000,000,000)

Service Level Agreement (SLA) Use Case

Use a PMQL search query similar to this example to monitor which Requests completed past the sanctioned time period a SLA contract allows. In this example, if a Request completes three (3) days or later from when it starts for high-profile purchase requests and/or for flagship offices, then a company executive can apologize to the client for the late service delivery.

created: Request's Creation Datetime


created property represents when the Request was created.

The created property is similar to the started property, in that when a Request starts, it is created. The created property applies to when our API creates a Request, while the started property pertains to when a user uses the user interface to start a Request.

Datetime Format

Enter the datetime in the PMQL search query within quotation marks in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS using 24-hour time. Example: "2020-07-01 14:25:15".

NOW Keyword

Use the NOW keyword to dynamically compare the current datetime with a specified number of chronological units. Use the Less Than operator (<) followed by the number of chronological units to search for Requests of that age. Note that the interval unit of time is singular. PMQL supports the following units of time:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

Example 1

Purpose of the search: Find Requests for the Employee Onboarding Process that were created on or after July 1, 2020.

Note the following:

(request = "Employee Onboarding Process") AND (created >= "2020-07-01 00:00:00")

Example 2

Purpose of the search: Find created Requests for the Student Enrollment Process that have been canceled or encountered an error.

Note the following:

  • This example uses multiple operators: AND and OR. The AND operator searches for multiple required properties while the OR operator within one of the AND operators searches for any of multiple property values.

  • This example uses the status property that uses the canceled and error values.

(request = "Student Enrollment Process") AND ((status = "canceled") OR (status = "error"))

data object: Search Request Data for Specific Request Information


Use the data JSON object to search for Request data associated with the sought Request(s). The data JSON object represents Request data: each Request's JSON data model contains the accumulation of all JSON objects and arrays for that Request. The data JSON object also contains the record data for a Collection. The key names for each JSON object or array derive from the Variable Name setting values in the Screens used for Tasks in each Request or any data injected into that Request's JSON data model by Scripts run via Script Task elements or calls to the RESTful Application Program Interface (API).

Using the data JSON object in PQML search queries helps answer the question "Which Request(s) have specific information in them that I seek?" Use operators to compare the value for a particular Screen control to find Requests that only contain the value(s) you seek. For example:

  • Search for Requests that apply to a specific customer in a Loan Request Process.

  • Search for Requests in a Purchase Request Process in which a purchase request amount is greater than $500 but less than $10,000.

  • Search for which registered conference attendees that were required to enter their job title are similar to "Product Manager," such as "Project Manager."

To determine what the Variable Name setting is for a control that stores Request information you seek, do one of the following:

  • View the Screen for the Task in which Request participants enter the information you seek, and then make note of the pertinent control's Variable Name setting. Note that your user account or group membership must have the Screens: View Screens permission.

  • View the Data tab in the summary for a completed Request to view the data from a completed Request, and then use the specific key name (represented in red-colored text) to search Request information from that control. Spaces are allowed between operators. Example: data.last_name = "Canera". Note that your user account or group membership must have the Requests: Edit Request Data permission. Ask your Administrator if you do not see the Data tab in completed Requests.

The data JSON object precedes the Variable Name setting value, as noted above. Use JSON dot notation to reference sub-properties in the referenced Screen control if necessary.

Example 1

Purpose of the search: Find Requests that the business customer named Acme Products submitted in a Loan Request Process.

When submitting a business loan request, the business must enter the business's name into a Line Input control of which its Variable Name setting is BusinessName.

Note the following:

  • The examples for the data object use the AND operator to require all properties in the PMQL search query to be required.

  • These examples also use the request property. The request property value (such as"Loan Request Process") is not case-sensitive.

  • Note when PMQL search queries are case sensitive.

(request = "Loan Request Process") AND (data.BusinessName = "Acme Products")

Example 2

Purpose of the search: Find Requests associated with the Purchase Request Process in which the total purchase request cost amount is greater than $500 but less than $10,000.

A Line Input control of which its Variable Name setting is TotalCost stores the total cost amount of the purchase request. This example uses two AND operators, one which determines the cost range.

(request = "Purchase Request Process") AND ((data.TotalCost > 500) AND (data.TotalCost < 10000))

id: Request ID Number


id property represents the Request ID number associated with the sought Request's Process as displayed in the # column of Request pages.

This id property only applies to Request-related PMQL search queries, and is distinct from the id property for the Task data type or for the id property for the Collection data type.

Example 1

Purpose of the search: Find Requests that are newer than Request ID 5.

id > 5

Example 2

Purpose of the search: Find Requests newer than Request ID 5 but older or the same as Request ID 10.

This example uses the AND operator to require multiple property values for the search.

(id > 5) AND (id <= 10)

modified: Datetime Request Was Last Modified


modified property represents when the Request was last modified. A Request modifies when its JSON object model is changed from a Script, a user action, an application program interface (API) call, or any other means.

Datetime Format

Enter the datetime in the PMQL search query within quotation marks in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS using 24-hour time. Example: "2020-07-01 14:25:15".

NOW Keyword

Use the NOW keyword to dynamically compare the current datetime with a specified number of chronological units. Use the Less Than operator (<) followed by the number of chronological units to search for Requests of that age. Note that the interval unit of time is singular. PMQL supports the following units of time:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

Example 1

Purpose of the search: Find Requests for the Student Enrollment Process that were modified on or after July 1, 2020 but before July 8, 2020.

Note the following:

(request = "Student Enrollment Process") AND (modified >= "2020-07-01 00:00:00") AND (modified < "2020-07-08 00:00:00")

Example 2

Purpose of the search: Find modified Requests for the Student Enrollment Process for Seniors in all Engineering-related majors except Mechanical Engineering in which their grade point average (GPA) is or less than 2.5.

Note that PMQL search queries are case sensitive. This example uses the data object that represents Request data. The following Request variables store Request data that this PMQL search query references:

  • Grade: The Grade Request variable stores which grade for each student is this year.

  • Major: The Major Request variable stores the major for each student.

  • GPA: The GPA Request variable stores the GPA for each student as a string. To do a numerical comparison, this example uses the CAST function to convert the text to a number.

(request = "Student Enrollment Process") AND (data.Grade = "seniors") AND ((data.Major = "%Engineering") AND (data.Major != "Mechanical Engineering")) AND (CAST(data.GPA as number) <= 2.5)

participant: Request Participant by User Name


participant property represents the user name(s) of the person(s) that have participated in the sought Request. Request participants display in the Participants column of Request pages.

Enter the participant property value in quotation marks. Example: "lcanera". The property value is not case-sensitive.

Example 1

Purpose of the search: Find Requests that started two days ago associated with the Account Opening Process in which lcanera and jlowell have participated.

Note the following:

  • This example uses the AND operator to search for multiple required property values.

  • This example uses the request property. The request property value ("Account Opening Process") is not case-sensitive.

  • This example uses the NOW keyword to dynamically compare the current datetime with a specified number of chronological units. Use the Less Than operator (<) followed by the number of chronological units to search for Requests of that age. Note that the chronological unit of measurement is singular (day).

  • Note when PMQL search queries are case sensitive.

(request = "Account Opening Process") AND (participant = "lcanera") AND (participant = "jlowell") AND (created < NOW -2 day)

Example 2

Purpose of the search: Find all Requests for Processes with IDs 10 and 12 except those in which bfrizzel has participated.

Note that this example uses the process_id property, which is the Process's ID number.

(participant != "bfrizzel") AND (process_id = 10) AND (process_id = 12)

process_id: Process ID Number Associated with the Request


process_ID property represents the Process ID number associated with the sought Request(s).

Process IDs do not display in the Processes page. However, if you have Process permissions to edit Process models, then determine the Process ID by doing the following:

  1. View your Processes. The Processes page displays.

  2. Click the Open Modeler iconto edit the Process model associated with the sought Requests. Process Modeler displays.

  3. From the Web browser address bar, note the number immediately after modeler/. This number is the Process ID to use with the process_id property.

Example 1

Purpose of the search: Find Requests associated with Process IDs are 3 and 7. This example uses the OR operator to search for any of multiple properties.

(process_id = 3 OR process_id = 7)

Example 2

Purpose of the search: Find Requests that exclude those for Process ID 5. This example uses the Not Equal To operator (!=) to exclude Process ID 5.

process_id != 5

request: Request Name


request property represents the name of the sought Request(s).

Request names display in the Name column of Request pages. The Name column displays the Process name associated with the Request.

Enter the request property value in quotation marks. Example: "ProcessName". The property value is not case-sensitive.

Example 1

Purpose of the search: Find all Requests associated with the Loan Approval Process.

request = "Loan Approval Process"

Example 2

Purpose of the search: Find in-progress Requests associated with the Loan Approval Process and are at least three days old.

Note the following:

  • This example uses the status property. The status property values (such as "in progress") are not case-sensitive.

  • This example uses the NOW keyword to represent the current datetime, and then uses the Less Than operator (<) to determine the datetime two days ago. Note that the unit of chronological measurement (day) is singular.

  • Note when PMQL search queries are case sensitive.

(request = "Loan Approval Process") AND (status = "in progress") AND (created < N

requester: Requester's User Name


requester property represents the user name of the person who started the sought Request (called the Request starter).

Enter the requester property value in quotation marks. Example: "lcanera". The property value is not case-sensitive.

Example 1

Purpose of the search: Find all Requests started by either jlowell or sparkles. This example uses the OR operator to search for any of multiple properties.

(requester = "jlowell") OR (requester = "sparkles")

Example 2

Purpose of the search: Find canceled Requests started by either jlowell or sparkles on or after July 1, 2020 associated with Processes that contain "Course" followed by any five characters in its name.

Note the following:

  • This example uses multiple operators: AND and OR. The AND operator searches for multiple required properties while the OR operator within one of the AND operators searches for any of multiple property values.

  • This example uses the started property to search for when Requests started by a particular date. Note that PMQL interprets strings in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS as dates and can be used in comparative queries if that string is in quotation marks ("2020-01-01 00:00:00").

  • This example uses the request property. The request property value ("Course_____") is not case-sensitive.

  • This example uses the LIKE operator: functioning as a wildcard, each underscore character (_) represents one wildcard character up to the number of underscores in the string that is in quotation marks.

  • Note when PMQL search queries are case sensitive.

((requester = "jlowell") OR (requester = "sparkles")) AND (status = "canceled") AND (started >= "2020-01-01 00:00:00") AND (request LIKE "Course_____")

started: Datetime Request Started


started property represents when the Request starts.

The started property is similar to the created property, in that when a Request starts, it is created. The created property applies to when our API creates a Request, while the started property pertains to when a user uses the user interface to start a Request.

Datetime Format

Enter the datetime in the PMQL search query within quotation marks in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS using 24-hour time. Example: "2020-07-01 14:25:15".

NOW Keyword

Use the NOW keyword to dynamically compare the current datetime with a specified number of chronological units. Use the Less Than operator (<) followed by the number of chronological units to search for Requests of that age. Note that the interval unit of time is singular. PMQL supports the following units of time:

  • second

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

Example 1

Purpose of the search: Find Requests for the Travel Request Process that started on or after January 1, 2020, but before March 1, 2020.

Note the following:

(request = "Travel Request Process") AND (started >= "2020-01-01 00:00:00") AND (started < "2020-03-01 00:00:00")

Example 2

Purpose of the search: Find Requests for the Travel Request Process that started after March 1, 2020, in which their expected travel cost is at least $1,500, the departure date is later than March 7, 2020, and the return date is later than March 14, 2020. This example uses the data object that represents Request data.

Note the following:

  • TotalCost: The TotalCost Request variable stores the calculated total cost of the travel request.

  • Departure: The Departure Request variable stores the requested departure date.

  • Return: The Return Request variable stores the requested return date from travel.

(request = "Travel Request Process") AND (started >= "2020-03-01 00:00:00") AND (data.TotalCost > 1500) AND (data.Departure > "2020-03-01 00:00:00") AND (data.Return > "2020-03-14 00:00:00")

status: Request Status


status property represents the status(es) for the sought Request(s).

Enter the status property value in quotation marks. Example: "in progress". Values for the status property are not case-sensitive.

Use the following values for the status property:

  • In Progress: The sought Request is in-progress.

  • Completed: The sought Request is completed. Using the "completed" value is identical to using the completed property.

  • Canceled: The sought Request has been canceled.

  • Error: The sought Request has an error.

Example 1

Purpose of the search: Find completed Requests associated with the Student Enrollment Process in which the either lcanera or bfrizzel are Request participants.

Note the following:

  • This example uses multiple operators: AND and OR. The AND operator searches for multiple required properties while the OR operator within one of the AND operators searches for any of multiple property values.

  • This example uses the request property. The request property value ("Student Enrollment Process") is not case-sensitive.

  • This example uses the participant property. The participant property value (such as "lcanera") is not case-sensitive.

  • Note when PMQL search queries are case sensitive.

(request = "Student Enrollment Process") AND (status = "completed") AND ((participant = "lcanera") OR (participant = "bfrizzel"))

Example 2

Purpose of the search: Find completed Requests associated with the University Admission Process that completed at or prior to June 15, 2020.

Note that PMQL interprets strings in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS as dates and can be used in comparative queries if that string is in quotation marks ("2020-06-15 00:00:00").

(request = "University Admission Process") AND (status = "completed") AND (completed <= "2020-06-15 00:00:00")