View Cases

View My Cases

The My Cases page displays all Cases you started. Follow these steps to view all Cases that you started:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Click the Cases option from the top menu to view the My Cases page.

Following is an example of the My Cases page that displays Cases the logged on user has started.

My Cases List

The My Cases page displays the following information in tabular format:

  • Case #: The Case # column displays the Case number associated with the Process. This number represents the sequential occurrence of that Process. Click the Process name to view the case summary.

  • Case Title: The Case Title column displays the title of the Case. The Case title may vary for each Case based on case variable values for that Case. Process Managers specify which case variables to reference from that Process's configuration.

  • Process: The Process column displays the Process name associated with the case.

  • Task: The Task column displays the name of the in-progress and completed Tasks to date in that case. Tasks display in this column from top to bottom in chronological order of assignment. The Task assignee may click on that Task to view it. Other users not assigned that Task receive a message that they are not authorized to view that content.

  • Participants: The Participants column displays each case participant's avatar and full name. Avatars display in this column from top to bottom the chronological order in which those users participated in that case.

  • Status: The Status column displays the status of the case. It displays In Progress.

  • Started: The Started column displays the date and time you started the case. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

  • Completed: The Completed column displays the date and time the case was completed. If the case is not completed, this field displays no value for that case. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

View In-Progress Cases in Which You are Participating

The In Progress page displays in-progress cases in which you are participating. You are a case participant because you started that case or have been assigned a Task in that case. Case information displays in tabular format.

Follow these steps to view in-progress Cases in which you are participating:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Click the Cases option from the top menu if the Cases page is not currently displayed. The My Cases page displays.

  3. Click the In Progress tab or click the In Progress icon from the left sidebar. The In Progress page displays.

Below is an example of the In Progress page that displays in-progress Cases.

Cases that have not been viewed are highlighted in yellow.

Requests In Progress

The In Progress page displays the following information in tabular format about in-progress Cases:

  • Case #: The Case # column displays the Case number associated with the Process. This number represents the sequential occurrence of that Process. Click the Process name to view the Request summary.

  • Case Title: The Case Title column displays the title of the Case. The Case title may vary for each Request based on Request variable values for that Request. Process Managers specify which Request variables to reference from that Process's configuration.

  • Process: The Process column displays the Process name associated with the Request.

  • Task: The Task column displays the name of the in-progress and completed Tasks to date in that Request. Task names display in this column from top to bottom in chronological order of assignment. The Task assignee may click on that Task to view it. Other users not assigned that Task receive a message that they are not authorized to view that content.

  • Participants: The Participants column displays each Request participant's avatar and full name. Avatars display in this column from top to bottom the chronological order in which those users participated in that Request.

  • Status: The Status column displays the status of the Request. It displays In Progress.

  • Started: The Started column displays the date and time you made the Request. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

  • Completed: The Completed column displays the date and time the Request was completed. Since Requests in this tab are in-progress, this column is empty.

View Completed Cases in Which You Participated

The Completed Requests page displays completed cases in which you participated. You were a case participant because you started that case or were assigned a Task in that case. Case information displays in tabular format.

Follow these steps to view completed cases in which you participated:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Click the Cases option from the top menu if it is not currently displayed. The My Cases page displays.

  3. Click the Completed tab or click the Completed icon from the left sidebar. The Completed page displays.

Below is an example of the Completed Requests page that displays completed Cases.

Cases that have not been viewed are highlighted in yellow.

Completed Requests

"Completed Requests" page displays completed cases in which all participated

The Completed page displays the following information in tabular format about completed Requests:

  • Case #: The Case # column displays the Case number associated with the Process. This number represents the sequential occurrence of that Process. Click the Process name to view the Request summary.

  • Case Title: The Case Title column displays the title of the Case. The Case title may vary for each Request based on Request variable values for that Request. Process Managers specify which Request variables to reference from that Process's configuration.

  • Process: The Process column displays the Process name associated with the Request.

  • Task: The Task column displays the name of the in-progress and completed Tasks to date in that Request. Task names display in this column from top to bottom in chronological order of assignment. The Task assignee may click on that Task to view it. Other users not assigned that Task receive a message that they are not authorized to view that content.

  • Participants: The Participants column displays each Request participant's avatar and full name. Avatars display in this column from top to bottom the chronological order in which those users participated in that Request.

  • Status: The Status column displays the status of the Request. It displays Completed.

  • Started: The Started column displays the date and time you made the Request. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

  • Completed: The Completed column displays the date and time the Request was completed. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

View All Cases in Your Organization

The All Requests page displays all cases in your organization regardless of whether you participated in them. Case information displays in tabular format.


Your user account or group membership must have the "Requests: View All Requests" permission to view the list of all Requests unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected.

See the Request permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to view all cases in your organization:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Click the Cases option from the top menu if it is not currently displayed. The My Cases page displays.

  3. Click the All Cases tab or click the All icon from the left sidebar. The All Requests page displays.

Below is an example of the All Requests page that displays all in-progress cases by default.

Cases that have not been viewed are highlighted in yellow.

All Requests  The All Requests page displays the following information in tabular format about all Requests:

  • Case #: The Case # column displays the Case number associated with the Process. This number represents the sequential occurrence of that Process. Click the Process name to view the Request summary.

  • Case Title: The Case Title column displays the title of the Case. The Case title may vary for each Request based on Request variable values for that Request. Process Managers specify which Request variables to reference from that Process's configuration.

  • Process: The Process column displays the Process name associated with the Request.

  • Task: The Task column displays the name of the in-progress and completed Tasks to date in that Request. Task names display in this column from top to bottom in chronological order of assignment. The Task assignee may click on that Task to view it. Other users not assigned that Task receive a message that they are not authorized to view that content.

  • Participants: The Participants column displays each Request participant's avatar and full  name. Avatars display in this column from top to bottom the chronological order in which those users participated in that Request.

  • Status: The Status column displays the status of the Request. The following are possible statuses:

    • In Progress: The Request is in-progress.

    • Completed: The Request is completed.

    • Canceled: The Request has been canceled. See Cancel a Request.

    • Error: An error occurred with the Request. View the Request summary to see the error.

  • Started: The Started column displays the date and time you made the Request. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

  • Completed: The Completed column displays the date and time the Request was completed. If the Request is not completed, this field displays no value for that Request. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

Search for a Case

Use ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) to compose a search for cases.

Basic case searches also use PMQL, but basic searches provide a user interface. Configure a basic search, and then click the Advanced Search button to see the PMQL. This may help you learn how to use PMQL.

Follow these guidelines to do an advanced search for a case using PMQL:

  1. View one of the following cases pages:

  2. Go to the search bar on the Cases page you are viewing.  

  3. In the PMQL setting next to the magnifying glass icon, enter your PMQL parameters that compose your advanced search. See Request Data Type PMQL Properties.

  4. Press the Enter keyboard. If there is no search criteria in the PMQL setting when the Enter keyboard is clicked, all cases display.

  5. Optionally, save and share the case search by clicking the Save Search button. See Save and Share Case and Task-Related Searches.

Save the Settings of a Search

You may save search parameters and share them with other users and groups by clicking the Save Search button . See Create and Share a Saved Search.

No Requests?

If there are no Requests in this tab, the following message displays: No Results.

Display Information the Way You Want It

Control how tabular information displays, including how to sort columns or how many items display per page.

Go to Home

Click the Home breadcrumb icon to go to the Request Participant Home Screen.