Environment Variable and Magic Variable Syntax, Usage, SDK, and Script Examples

Reference Environment Variables and Magic Variables in your Scripts.

Environment Variable Syntax, Usage, SDK, and Examples

‌ProcessMaker Platform uses two global variables that Scripts can call. Variable usage depends on the programming language that the Script uses. Below is a description of these global variables:‌

  • Data: The data variable is a JSON object that contains all Request data to the moment a Script runs.

  • Config: The config variable is a JSON object that contains any special configuration to be passed to the Script prior to it running. In Script Task elements of a Process model, special configurations are entered into the Script Configuration setting. See Reference a Request Variable from a Script Configuration Setting as to the best practice when configuring Scripts from Script Task elements in a Process model.

Every Script Executor from which a Script runs has the following default Environment Variables from which a Script may get its value. Refer to the tabs below how to get these Environment Variable values for each supported programming language. Below is a description of these default Environment Variables.

Environment Variable



Domain for the ProcessMaker Platform instance.


ProcessMaker Platform instance API to which to make all RESTful API calls.


Token a Script uses to authenticate to our API host. Note that this API token is only valid for the lifetime of the Script: after the Script runs and the Script Executor's Docker container from which that Script ran, its API token is no longer valid.

‌Refer to the tabs below how to use variables in supported programming languages.

Below is a sample Script that uses PHP. Refer to the comments denoted with // that describe how the sample functions:

How to get an Environment Variable.

  • How to get a value from the configuration object.

  • How to get a value from a data object.

  • Call the Software Development Kit (SDK).

    $output = [];
    // Get a ProcessMaker Platform Environment Variable, in this case TEST_VAR.
    $output['envVar'] = getenv('TEST_VAR');
    // Get a value from the config object.
    // In this example, 'test' in the JSON config: {"test":"test config value"}
    $output['configTest'] = $config["test"];
    // Get a value from the data object.
    // In this example, the user_id for the _request.
    $output['requestUserId'] = $data['_request']['user_id'];
    // Get the email address for user id 1 using the API/SDK.
    // Use the global `$api_config` to set credentials automatically.
    $usersApi = new ProcessMaker\Client\Api\UsersApi(null, $api_config);
    $user = $usersApi->getUserById("1");
    $output['userEmail'] = $user->getEmail();
    return $output;

Below is a sample Script that uses Lua. Refer to the comments denoted with -- that describe how the sample functions:

  • How to get an Environment Variable.

  • How to get a value from the configuration object.

  • How to get a value from a data object.

  • Call the Software Development Kit (SDK).

    -- Get a ProcessMaker Platform Environment Variable, in this example TEST_VAR.
    local envVar = os.getenv("TEST_VAR")
    -- Get a value from the config object.
    -- In this example, 'test' in the JSON config: {"test":"test config value"}
    local configTest = config["test"]
    -- Get a value from the data object.
    -- In this example, the user_id for the _request.
    local requestUserId = data["_request"]["user_id"]
    -- Get the email address for user id 1 using the API/SDK.
    -- Use client.make to get a pre-configured api client.
    -- See https://github.com/ProcessMaker/sdk-lua/tree/master/pmsdk/api for available clients.
    local users_api = client.make('users_api')
    local user = users_api:get_user_by_id("1")
    local userEmail = user.email
    return {envVar=envVar, configTest=configTest, requestUserId=requestUserId, userEmail=userEmail}

Below is a sample Script that uses JavaScript. Refer to the comments denoted with // that describe how the sample functions:

  • How to get an Environment Variable.

  • How to get a value from the configuration object.

  • How to get a value from a data object.

  • Call the Software Development Kit (SDK).

// A Script written in JavaScript should return a Promise that
// resolves with the output data. You can also return a basic object.
// For example `return {"key":"value"}`
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

    // Get a ProcessMaker Platform Environment Variable, in this example TEST_VAR.
    const envVar = process.env['TEST_VAR'];
    // Get a value from the config object.
    // In this example, 'test' in the JSON config: {"test":"test config value"}
    const configTest = config['test'];
    // Get a value from the data object.
    // In this case the user_id for the _request.
    const requestUserId = data["_request"]["user_id"];
    // Get the email address for user id 1 using the API/SDK.
    // Use the global `api` object to get a pre-configured client.
    let usersApi = new api.UsersApi();
    usersApi.getUserById("1", (error, user) => {
        const userEmail = user.email;
            'envVar' : envVar,
            'configTest' : configTest,
            'requestUserId' : requestUserId,
            'userEmail' : userEmail

Below is a sample Script that uses C#. Refer to the comments denoted with // that describe how the sample functions:

  • How to get an Environment Variable.

  • How to get a value from the configuration object.

  • How to get a value from a data object.

  • Call the Software Development Kit (SDK).

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import ProcessMaker_Client.ApiClient;
import ProcessMaker_Client.ApiException;
import ProcessMaker_Model.Users;
import ProcessMaker_Api.UsersApi;

// A Script written in Java must have a 'Script' class that implements 'BaseScript'.
// It must include a method named 'execute'. Results must be pushed to the 'output' map.
public class Script implements BaseScript {
    public void execute(
        Map<String, Object> data,
        Map<String, Object> config,
        Map<String, Object> output,
        ApiClient api
    ) {

        // Get a ProcessMaker Platform Environment Variable, in this example TEST_VAR.
        Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();
        output.put("env-var", env.get("TEST_VAR"));
        // Get a value from the config object.
        // In this example, 'test' in the JSON config: {"test":"test config value"}
        output.put("config-test", config.get("test"));

        // Get a value from the data object.
        // In this example, the user_id for the _request.
        Map requestData = ((Map)data.get("_request")); 
        output.put("data-request-user-id", requestData.get("user_id"));
        // Get the email address for user id 1 using the API/SDK.
        try {
            UsersApi apiInstance = new UsersApi(api);
            Users user = apiInstance.getUserById("1");
            output.put("user-1-email", user.getEmail());
        } catch (ApiException e) {

Below is a sample Script that uses Java. Refer to the comments denoted with // that describe how the sample functions:

  • How to get an Environment Variable.

  • How to get a value from the configuration object.

  • How to get a value from a data object.

  • Call the Software Development Kit (SDK).

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import ProcessMaker_Client.ApiClient;
import ProcessMaker_Client.ApiException;
import ProcessMaker_Model.Users;
import ProcessMaker_Api.UsersApi;

// A Script written in Java must have a 'Script' class that implements 'BaseScript'.
// It must include a method named 'execute'. Results must be pushed to the 'output' map.
public class Script implements BaseScript {
    public void execute(
        Map<String, Object> data,
        Map<String, Object> config,
        Map<String, Object> output,
        ApiClient api
    ) {

        // Get a ProcessMaker Platform Environment Variable, in this example TEST_VAR.
        Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();
        output.put("env-var", env.get("TEST_VAR"));
        // Get a value from the config object.
        // In this example, 'test' in the JSON config: {"test":"test config value"}
        output.put("config-test", config.get("test"));

        // Get a value from the data object.
        // In this example, the user_id for the _request.
        Map requestData = ((Map)data.get("_request")); 
        output.put("data-request-user-id", requestData.get("user_id"));
        // Get the email address for user id 1 using the API/SDK.
        try {
            UsersApi apiInstance = new UsersApi(api);
            Users user = apiInstance.getUserById("1");
            output.put("user-1-email", user.getEmail());
        } catch (ApiException e) {

Below is a sample Script that uses Python. Refer to the comments denoted with # that describe how the sample functions:

  • How to get an Environment Variable.

  • How to get a value from the configuration object.

  • How to get a value from a data object.

  • Call the Software Development Kit (SDK).

    # A Script written in Python must set a dict
    # named `output` with the data to return.
    # Get a ProcessMaker Platform Environment Variable, in this case TEST_VAR
    envVar = os.getenv('TEST_VAR')
    # Get a value from the config object.
    # In this case, 'test' in the json config: {"test":"test config value"}
    configTest = config['test']
    # Get a value from the data object.
    # In this case the user_id for the _request
    requestUserId = data['_request']['user_id']
    # Get the email address for user id 1 using the API/SDK
    # Use the global `configuration` object to set auth tokens
    users_api_instance = pmsdk.UsersApi(pmsdk.ApiClient(configuration))
    user = users_api_instance.get_user_by_id(1)
    userEmail = user.email
    output = {
        "envVar": envVar, 
        "configTest": configTest, 
        "requestUserId": requestUserId, 
        "userEmail": userEmail

Below is a sample Script that uses R. Refer to the comments denoted with # that describe how the sample functions:

  • How to get an Environment Variable.

  • How to get a value from the configuration object.

  • How to get a value from a data object.

  • Call the Software Development Kit (SDK).

    # Get a ProcessMaker Platform Environment Variable, in this example TEST_VAR.
    envVar <- Sys.getenv("TEST_VAR")
    # Get a value from the config object.
    # In this example, 'test' in the JSON config: {"test":"test config value"}
    configVar <- config[["test"]]
    # Get a value from the data object.
    # In this example, the user_id for the _request.
    dataVar <- data[["_request"]][["user_id"]]
    <- list(envVar = envVar, configVar = configVar, dataVar = dataVar)

Retrieve All Tasks for a User

The following sample PHP script provides an example to get all Tasks currently assigned to a user. This example also demonstrates the use of optional arguments such as the Request ID or a Task filter.

// Sample PHP script to get all current Tasks for a user
$apiInstance = $api->tasks();
$tasks = [];

// Returns all Tasks that the user has access to
$result = $apiInstance->getTasks();
foreach ($result->getData() as $task) {
    $tasks[] = [
        'id' => $task->getId(),
        'name' => $task->getElementName(),
        'processRequestId' => $task->getProcessRequestId(),
        'status' => $task->getStatus(),
        'userId' => $task->getUserId(),

// Optional arguments
$process_request_id = 5; // int | Process request_id
$filter = 'Form Task'; // string | filter by Taskid, node name, or Request data
$order_by = 'id'; // string | Field to order results by
$order_direction = 'asc'; // string | 
$include = 'process,user'; // string | Include data from related models in payload. Comma separated list.

$result = $apiInstance->getTasks($process_request_id, $filter, $order_by, $order_direction, $include);
foreach ($result->getData() as $task) {
    $tasks[] = [
        'id' => $task->getId(),
        'name' => $task->getElementName(),
        'status' => $task->getStatus(),
        'userEmail' => $task->getUser()['email'],
        'processName' => $task->getProcess()['name']

return ['tasks' => $tasks];

Get a Task using the Task ID

The following sample PHP script provides an example to retrieve a single Task using its Task ID.

// Sample PHP script to get the Task for a certain TaskID
$apiInstance = $api->tasks();
$taskId = 15;
$task = $apiInstance->getTasksById($taskId);

return [
    'task' => [
        'name' => $task->getElementName(),
        'status' => $task->getStatus(),
        'userId' => $task->getUserId()

Complete a Task

The following sample PHP script provides an example of completing a Task when the Task ID is known.

// Sample PHP Script to complete a Task
$apiInstance = $api->tasks();
$taskId = 15;
$task = $apiInstance->getTasksById($taskId);

$process_request_token_editable = new \ProcessMaker\Client\Model\ProcessRequestTokenEditable();
$process_request_token_editable->setData(['addToRequestData' => 'a value']);

$result = $apiInstance->updateTask($taskId, $process_request_token_editable);

// If there are no error, then the Task was successfully completed
return ['success' => true];
return ['tasks' => $tasks];

Retrieve a Datetime Variable

If a script runs under a different user than the one who started the request and the task involves date variables, automatic detection and formatting of Datetime variables will not occur. Users must manually implement date formatting logic within their scripts.

Here is a sample to retrieve, format, and apply a date format to a Datetime variable using a sample PHP script:

// Retrieve the Datetime variable from the $data array, specifically the value associated with 'updated_at' in '_request'
$dateString = $data["_request"]['updated_at'];

// Create a DateTime object using the Datetime string obtained in the previous line
$date = new DateTime($dateString);

// Define the desired date and time format (Year-Month-Day Hour:Second)
$dateTimeFormat = 'Y-m-d H:s';

// Format the DateTime object according to the defined formatnand assign the result to the $newDate variable
$newDateWithDateFormat = $date->format($dateTimeFormat);