Email a Report of a Saved Search's Data Details

Email stakeholders in your Saved Search's data details as a report.

Email a Report of a Saved Search's Data Details

Email a report of the currently displayed search results for a Saved Search to one or more email recipients. In doing so, those search results are emailed as a comma-separated values (.CSV) file that can be opened in a spreadsheet editor. Email recipients receive the Saved Search results as an attachment to the email. Separate multiple email recipients using commas.

Follow these steps to email a report of search results for a Saved Search:

  1. View the search results for a Saved Search in which to email its search results.

  2. Click the Send Report button. The Email Report screen displays.

  3. In the Send to setting, enter the email address(es) for the email recipients to receive the report. Separate multiple email recipients using commas.

  4. In the Email Subject setting, enter the email subject of your report to which the report will be attached.

  5. In the Email Body setting, enter the email body content for your report.

  6. From the File Format setting, select which file format to email the report:

    • CSV: Email the report as a comma-separated value (CSV) file.

    • XLSX: Email the report as a Microsoft Excel open XML format spreadsheet.

  7. Click Send. Email recipients receive the Saved Search results as an attachment to the email.