Delete a Collection Record

Delete a record in a Collection.

Delete a Collection Record


Your user account or group membership must have the "Collections: View Collections" permission to view the list of Collections unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected. See the Collections permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Furthermore, your user account or group membership must have the following record permissions from a Collection's configuration that control how records in that Collection are accessed:

  • Collections: Edit Collections

  • Collections: View Collections

See Configure a Collection or ask the manager of that Collection for assistance.

When deleting a record from a Collection, the information in that record is a also permanently deleted.

Deleting a record from a Collection cannot be undone.

Follow these steps to delete a record in a Collection:

  1. View the records for the Collection in which you want to delete a record.

  2. Click the Delete iconfor the record you want to delete.