View a Collection Record

Access the contents of a view-only record in a Collection.

View a Collection Record


Your user account or group membership must have the "Collections: View Collections" permission to view the list of Collections unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected. See the Collections permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Furthermore, your user account or group membership must have the View record permission from a Collection's configuration to view that Collection's records. See Configure a Collection or ask the manager of that Collection for assistance.

Follow these steps to view a record in a Collection:

  1. View the records for the Collection in which you want to view a record.

  2. Click the View iconfor the record you want to view. The record displays in the View Record tab using the Screen configured to view a record in this Collection. Below is an example of a viewed record.  

  3. Optionally, do any of the following:

    • Click the Edit iconbeside the View Record tab to edit this record. The Edit icon does not display if your user account is not configured to edit records in this Collection.

    • Above the View Record tab, click the View iconbeside the child Collection name to view Collection records in the child Collection that have a relationship with this Collection record. A child Collection does not display above the View Record tab if this Collection is not configured to have a relationship with another Collection or if your user account is not configured to view records in the child Collection.

    • If this Collection is configured to have a relationship with another Collection, click the Relationships tab to view the child Collection Records related to the selected record.