Delete a Scheduled Interval to Email Reports

Delete a schedule, thereby stopping a regular interval to email reports of a Saved Search's results.

Delete a Scheduled Interval to Email Reports

Package Required

To delete a scheduled interval to email reports of a Saved Search's results, the Saved Searches package must be installed.

Deleting a schedule stops the regular interval to email reports of that Saved Search's results. Deleting a schedule cannot be undone.

Only the user that created the Saved Search may delete report email scheduling.

Follow these steps to delete a scheduled interval to email reports of a Saved Search's search results:

  1. View the schedules to email reports of a Saved Search's results. The Scheduled Reports page displays for that Saved Search.

  2. Click Confirm.

Saved Searches PackageWhat is a Package?What is a Saved Search?Use Saved SearchesOverview of Saved Search Report SchedulesView Schedules to Email Reports of a Saved Search's ResultsSchedule an Interval to Email ReportsPause Scheduled Reports of a Saved SearchEdit a Scheduled Interval to Email ReportsCreate Charts to Visualize Saved Search Results

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