Share a File from File Manager

Share a file from File Manager with other users.

Share a File from File Manager with Other Users

The File Manager package is required to share a file from File Manager.

Follow these steps to share a file from File Manager with other users:

  1. View File Manager. File Manager displays.

  2. Do one of the following in File Manager:

  3. In the Share screen, enter with which user(s) to share this file.

  4. Click Save. The following message displays: Shared users successfully updated.. The user(s) with which the file is shared receives a notification of the shared file.

What is File Manager?Manage Files in the Public FolderView All Files Shared With YouView All Starred Files Important to YouPreview a File from File ManagerStar a File as Important to You from File ManagerDownload a File or Folder from File ManagerFile CommentsFile Manager PackageWhat is a Package?

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