Edit Launchpad Configuration

Configure how a process is displayed in the Launchpad.

Configure a Process Launchpad

Follow these steps to configure a process launchpad:

  1. From the Process Launchpad, select a process card to view details.

  2. Click the three dots next to the process name.

  3. Click the Edit in Launchpad option. The Publish New Version window displays.

  4. Configure the following:

    • In the Description of Process field, enter a process description.

    • From the Launchpad Icon dropdown, select an icon to display in the process card.

    • From the Chart dropdown, select a chart to display in the process launchpad.

    • In the Images for carousel field, upload images to display in the process launchpad carousel.

The images carousel supports PNG and JPG files of size 2MB or less.

  1. Optionally at the top-right, click Version Info to add a version name and description for that configuration.

  2. Click Save to save the process launchpad configuration.

Last updated


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