What is a Request Participant Home Screen?

Learn what Home Screens are for Request participants, and how they organize your Tasks, Requests, and Process Analytics Reports.


Your Home Screen organizes your Requests and Tasks as a "home location" from which to quickly access the following:

Optionally, Administrators can configure custom Home Screens for Request participants that display in dashboards. For example, members of different groups within your organization can have different Home Screens that best suits how each team works.

Quickly Access Your Assigned Tasks

From your Home Screen, quickly access your assigned Tasks from the My Tasks pane.

The My Tasks pane functions similarly to the To Do Tasks page from the Tasks menu, including the following:

  • Filter which Tasks to display by clicking the View All drop-down menu, and then select by which Task status to filter:

    • In Progress Tasks: Click the In Progress option to view Tasks that are in progress.

    • Overdue Tasks: Click the Overdue option to view overdue Tasks.

Quickly Access Your Requests

From your Home Screen, quickly access Requests that you started and/or are a participant from the My Requests pane.

The My Requests pane functions similarly to the My Requests page, including the following:

  • Filter which Requests to display by clicking the View All drop-down menu, and then select by which Request status to filter:

    • In Progress Requests: Click the In Progress option to view Requests that are in progress.

    • Completed Requests: Click the Completed option to view completed Requests.

Quickly Start Your Requests

From your Welcome Screen, quickly start your Requests from the Start new Request pane. The Start new Request pane functions similarly to the New Request screen.

What is a Request?What is a Task?

Last updated


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