Comments Package

Comment in Task summaries with other users.


The Comments package must be installed.

Use the Comments package to discuss Tasks with stakeholders in that Request. Add and reply to comments regarding Tasks for Form Task elements and Manual Task elements in a Process model.

Comments have the following attributes:

  • Comments are available in Form Task and Manual Task elements, and only if the Process containing that element is configured to use comments and the user or group member has the appropriate Commenting permission to do so. Enter comments into a Task's Screen prior to or while entering information into that Screen.

  • Comments may also be entered into Conversational-type Screens, though comments must be entered prior to entering information into that Task's Screen.

  • Comments display in these summaries:

    • Task summaries: Comments display below the Form tab of Task summaries. After an initial comment is created for a Task, replies to that comment display in chronological order from top to bottom in that comment thread.

    • Request summaries: Comments display in a Request's history in chronological order from top to bottom intermingled with events in that Request.

  • Tag users in comments to invite that user into the comment thread so that user can participate in the discussion. Tagged users receive a notification of the comment regardless of whether that user is currently a Request participant: that user automatically becomes a Request participant when tagged in a comment even if that user has not been assigned or participated a Task in that Request.

See the following topics regarding how to configure and use the Comments package:

What is a Package?What is a Task?What is a Request?Configure a ProcessRequest CommentsProcess Modeling Element DescriptionsWhat is a User?What is a Group?

Last updated


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