Run a Process Test Using a Scenario

Run a Process Test using a configured scenario that tests workflow using mock Request data without affecting production instances or logs of that Process.


Running a Process Test involves the following:

  1. Create a Scenario for the Process from which to run tests against it.

  2. Edit the Process in Process Modeler.

  3. Prepare the Process Test run:

    1. Select the Process modeling object from which to start the test.

    2. Select the Scenario from which to run the test.

    3. Optionally, enter any additional JSON data to supplement the mock Request data in the Scenario. This data can be in place of a selected Scenario.

Run a Process Test

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to run a process test unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Processes: Edit Processes

  • Processes: View Processes

See the Process permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these guidelines to run a Process Test:‌

  1. View your Processes. The Processes tab displays.

  2. Edit the Process in which to test. Process Modeler displays.

  3. In the Starting Step setting, select from which Process model object to start the test. Tests cannot start from a Gateway-type element, so are not available. This is a required setting.

  4. From the Manual Resume Point setting, select from which Task to resume the test manually. Task-type In doing so, resume the test by opening that Task to evaluate its data. From this point in the test, all subsequent Tasks must be manually complete to complete the test.

  5. Optionally, in the Scenario setting, select a created Scenario that contains the mock Request data from which to test. A test can be run without a Scenario.

  6. Optionally in the Additional Data setting, add a JSON data object that supplements or contains the entirety of the mock Request data for the test. Optionally use the JSON data object in place of a Scenario.

  7. Select the Check to bypass Script tasks and Data Connectors option to ignore these Process model objects during the test. If this option is not selected, the test runs these objects.

  8. Click the Run Test button. The Process runs the test Scenario until the selected breakpoint using the selected Scenario and/or JSON data object, thereby skipping Process model objects or Processes in the test workflow.

Review the Test Run

After running a Process Test, Process Modeler simulates workflow routing based on the provided Scenario and/or JSON data. A colored highlight appears on each Process model object triggered during the simulated workflow.

Mouse-hover over the Task with the yellow highlight. The following information displays regarding the status of that Task:

  • Node number in the Process model

  • Status of the Process model

  • Hyperlink to the sequentially numbered test

The following highlights represent event states during the simulation:

  • Green-colored highlight: The Process model object completed.

  • Yellow-colored highlight: This is the breakpoint in the automated simulation from which manual testing begins.

    Follow these steps to proceed with manual testing:

    1. Mouse-hover over the Task with the yellow highlight.

    2. Click on the hyperlink of the sequentially numbered test. The Task opens. Manually submit the Task.

  • Red-colored highlight: An error occurred on the Process model object, and simulation has stopped.

    Consider the following when troubleshooting why the error occurred:

    • Script Task or Data Connector connector error:

      1. Run the test again. When setting up the test, select the Check to bypass Script tasks and Data Connectors option.

    • Exclusive Gateway element error:

      1. Evaluate if the Scenario and/or the provided JSON data contains mock Request data from which to evaluate conditions.

      2. Review the conditions configured for the outgoing Sequence Flow element(s) from the Exclusive Gateway element, and then review the mock Request data.

Review a Test Run Again

Click the Play button (left) at the bottom of Process Modeler to replay the current Process Test.

Click the Reset button (center) to reset the test and remove the highlights that represent event states.

Click the Stop button (right) to stop Process Testing and return to editing the Process model.

Cancel a Test Run

Follow these steps to cancel a Test run:

  1. Mouse-hover over the Task with the yellow highlight.

  2. Click on the hyperlink of the sequentially numbered test. The Task opens.

  3. Click Confirm.

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