Export a PM Block

Export a PM Block.

Export a PM Block

Export a PM Block to your local computer. The exported PM Block may then be imported to the same or another ProcessMaker Platform instance of the same version.

The exported PM Block has the .json file extension.

Package Required

The PM Blocks package must be installed.

Permissions Required

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to export a PM Block unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • PM Blocks: Edit PM Blocks

  • PM Blocks: View PM Blocks

See the PM Blocks permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to export a PM Block:

  1. View your PM Blocks. The View PM Blocks page displays.

  2. Edit the existing configuration settings for the PM Block prior to exporting as necessary:

    • In the Author setting, edit the name of the user who created the PM Block.

    • In the Version setting, edit the version of the PM Block.

  3. Enable the Lock PM Block toggle key to prevent the PM Block from being edited after this PM Block is imported. Since PM Blocks are pre-built functional components that are ready to use in Processes, the Custom option is not available.

  4. Click Export. The following message displays when the PM Block exports successfully: The PM Block Photo Capture and Intelligent Document Processing was exported.

Manage PM Block CategoriesView PM BlocksCreate a New PM BlockImport a PM BlockSearch for a PM BlockEdit a PM BlockConfigure a PM BlockArchive a PM BlockRestore a PM Block

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