Create a New PM Block

Create a new PM Block, a reusable Process Modeler object that serves a specific purpose or function, which any Process Designer may place into a Process model with no prior technical skills.

Create a New PM Block

Package Required

The PM Blocks package must be installed.

Permissions Required

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to create a new PM Block unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • PM Blocks: Create PM Blocks

  • PM Blocks: View PM Blocks

See the PM Blocks permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to create a new PM Block:

  1. Create a new Process in any of the following ways:

    PM Blocks cannot be created from Process Templates.

  2. In Process Modeler, design and/or configure the Process model using BPMN elements and connectors to meet your PM Block's functionality.

  3. From the PM Block Name setting, enter a name for the PM Block. This name must be unique from other PM Blocks. This is a required setting.

  4. In the Description setting, enter a description of the PM Block. This description displays below the name of the PM Block from the PM Blocks page. This is a required setting.

  5. From the Icon setting, select a different icon from the default. By default, PM Blocks use the Cube icon. This is a required setting.

  6. From the Author setting, enter the name of the user who created the PM Block. This is a required setting.

  7. From the Version setting, enter the version of the PM Block.

  8. Click Publish. The following message displays: PM Block successfully created. The PM Block displays in the PM Blocks page.

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