Archive a PM Block

Archive a PM Block that is no longer needed in your organization.


An archived PM Block has the following attributes:

  • All archived PM Blocks in the organization are accessible from the Archived PM Blocks page. See View Archived PM Blocks.

  • Archived PM Blocks are not available from the PM Blocks panel in Process Modeler. Archived PM Blocks cannot be added to future Process models.

  • A PM Block currently used by Processes can be archived. Current and future Requests for Processes using PM Blocks are not affected if those PM Blocks are archived.

Do not confuse archived PM Blocks with inactive ones. The Inactive status for a PM Block also indicates that new Requests of the Process can not be started. However, Process Designers can edit the Process as needed. Archived PM Blocks cannot be edited until they are restored.

View Archived PM Blocks

Package Required

The PM Blocks package must be installed.

Permission Required

Your user account or group membership must have the "PM Blocks: View PM Blocks" permission to view archived PM Blocks unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected.

See the PM Blocks permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to view archived PM Blocks:

  1. View your PM Blocks. The PM Blocks page displays.

  2. Click the Archived PM Blocks tab. The Archived PM Blocks page displays all archived PM Blocks in your organization.

The Archived PM Blocks page displays the following information in tabular format about archived PM Blocks:

  • Name: The Name column displays the PM Block name.

  • Category: The Category column displays to which PM Block Category the PM Block is assigned.

  • Author: The Author column displays which user built the PM Block.

  • Version: The Version column displays the version of the PM Block as specified by the PM Block author.

  • Version Date: The Version Date column displays the date and time the PM Block was last modified. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

Archive a PM Block

Package Required

The PM Blocks package must be installed.

Permission Required

Your user account or group membership must have the "PM Blocks: View PM Blocks" permission to archive a PM Block unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected.

See the PM Blocks permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to archive a PM Block:

  1. View your PM Blocks. The PM Blocks page displays.

  2. Click Confirm to archive the PM Block. The following message displays: The pm block was archived. The PM Block moves from the PM Blocks page to the Archived PM Blocks page. See View Archived PM Blocks. Also see Restore a PM Block.

Manage PM Block CategoriesView PM BlocksCreate a New PM BlockImport a PM BlockSearch for a PM BlockEdit a PM BlockConfigure a PM BlockRestore a PM BlockExport a PM Block

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