Import a Collection

Import a Collection that has previously been exported.


Import a Collection that has been exported from the same ProcessMaker Platform version. The imported Collection contains the records and the Screens from the exported Collection. Exported Collections have the .json file extension.

Import a Collection

Package Required

The Collections package must be installed.

Permissions Required

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to import a Collection unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Collections: Import Collections

  • Collections: View Collections

See the Collections permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to import a Collection:

  1. View your Collections. The Collections page displays.

  2. Click Browse to locate the Collection to import. Collections have the .json file extension.

What is a Collection?View CollectionsCreate a New CollectionConfigure a CollectionSearch for a CollectionSearch for a CollectionDelete a CollectionManage Records in a CollectionManage Collection RelationshipsEdit Screens for a CollectionCollection Best PracticesCollections Package

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